Chapter 137 - Alex's Recovery

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Lena's mom, the shadow woman, is currently sitting in a dark room, in an undisclosed location in National City, her head in her hands. Ever since the previous night, when she caused the car accident which ultimately led to the hospitalisation of Lena Luthor's future sister-in-law, Alex Danvers, the shadow woman, Elizabeth Walsh, has had certain images flooding through her brain, like loud noises. The images feel somewhat familiar, but Elizabeth has no memory of them whatsoever. Elizabeth sees images of a young girl, about 4-years-old, playing with her at the shore of a lake, the two of them both smiling, seeming to be very happy. Elizabeth also has other images of her working in the shadows, killing people for Leviathan, on missions she doesn't recall. Then finally, Elizabeth has images of her helping Supergirl, by saving her from being captured by a man in a suit with a bald head.

"I'm going crazy." Elizabeth says to herself.

Eventually, after a few more minutes, Elizabeth takes a deep breath to compose herself, and then exhales. Right now Elizabeth knows that she failed Leviathan in her very first task at taking out a member of Lena Luthor's family. When Elizabeth originally planned her attack on Alex Danvers, by getting access to the tracking system of the DEO agent's car, she thought that a car crash would do the dirty work for her, and kill the redhead. However, once Elizabeth saw that the agent was still alive in the car, she walked up to it, but then she just stood there. Elizabeth knew that she should simply kill Alex Danvers right there and then, and let the car fire cover up her tracks, but something was stopping her, a nagging feeling in the back of her mind. So, instead, all Elizabeth did was stand there, hoping that the flames and fumes would do the job for her. Although, a part of her did want to reach into the car to save the agent as she called out for help, but Elizabeth used all her will power to ignore those voices in her mind.

Despite the images in her brain, which are confusing, Elizabeth is still loyal to Leviathan, and Talia, their leader. Elizabeth knows that Leviathan will be displeased with her for failing, but she hopes if she just corrects her mistakes, they will punish her less harshly. However, Elizabeth also knows that she needs to be more careful moving forward, because she was spotted by the alien who saved Alex Danvers from the burning car, so all Lena Luthor's family and friends will be on high alert. Elizabeth knows that if she fails again Leviathan will probably just kill her, so she can't allow that to happen. Elizabeth knows that now she simply has to wait in the shadows, gathering as much information about Lena Luthor and her friends and family as possible, before striking at the ideal time.

"I won't fail Leviathan again." Elizabeth says out loud, before then disappearing into a shadow.


"Momma?" Alura says, poking Lena's face.

"Hhmhmhmm...." Lena mumbles, having been asleep until her daughter just poked her.

"Momma?" Alura says again.

Lena grumbles again, and then a few moments later, opens her eyes, seeing her beautiful little girl lying next to her.

"Hello, darling." Lena says, with a loving smile.

"Momma, someone is talking in our house." Alura says, with a worried look on her face.

As soon as Alura says that, the events from last night come flooding back through Lena's mind, with the CEO remembering everything that happened at the hospital, and with Alex's accident. Then Lena also remembers how Alura was basically asleep during all of it, and likely doesn't remember any of it.

"That's probably Sam and Ruby." Lena explains.

"Sam and Ruby?" Alura asks, confused.

"Yes." Lena nods, feeling a horrible feeling in her stomach, as she knows she now has to tell her awake daughter about Alex being in the hospital, "What do you remember of last night?"

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