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A few hours after Lena changed to remove the sick from her clothes Eliza arrives. Lena has just been sitting in the medical room with Kara and Alura, going over more medical data in regards to Alura, while at the same time Lena has been keeping a watchful eye on both Kara and her daughter. Thankfully Alura hasn't been sick again, and has just been dozing in and out of sleep.

"How is she?" Eliza asks as she enters the room with Alex following closely behind her, surprising Lena.

"She was sick a while ago and hasn't got any better." Kara says.

Eliza then looks over at Lena, noticing her for the first time.

"Who are you? I don't believe we've been introduced?" Eliza asks.

Kara stands up and walks over to Lena, putting herself between her adoptive mother and Lena.

"Eliza, this is Lena Luthor a.... friend of mine..... I've asked her to help us to try and.... fix Alura..... she's been working tirelessly since you left to go get the research from your friend." Kara explains hoping Eliza doesn't have a reaction like Clark did, or Alex did at first.

As Kara explains who Lena is to Eliza, Lena is pretty nervous. She's well aware that it's likely that yet another member to Kara's family is about to yell at her or say they don't trust her or whatever, and Lena still very much understands that. But at this point Lena's just tired of it. She's much rather they just get passed this stupid bullshit so they can actually save this beautiful soul before them.

"It's nice to meet you Lena, it's a privilege to have you helping us." Eliza smiles as she holds out her hand for Lena to shake.

Lena is absolutely shocked, she was so sure that Eliza would be standoffish to her at the very least. But she's not. Eliza seems happy to welcome her into the fold.

"Thank you, Mrs Danvers. I look forward to working with you." Lena smiles as she shakes Eliza's hand.

"Please, call me Eliza." Eliza smiles.

"O...okay ... Eliza." Lena nods with a slight smile.

"Right." Alex interrupts. "So did you get the research mom?"

"Yes. It's very interesting, but some of it is honestly beyond me." Eliza explains.

"Okay, well why don't we have a look at the data in another room so we can give Alura some peace and quiet?" Alex suggests.

"Of course. Here." Eliza says as she hands the folders to Alex. "I'll meet you in the lab next door. I just want to say hello to Alura."

"Okay." Alex nods, "Come on Lena, lets go get started."

Lena nods at Alex and leaves the room with her. Once Lena and Alex have left the room Eliza turns to look at Kara.

"And how are you doing honey?" Eliza asks with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine." Kara replies.

"Kara, you don't have to lie to me." Eliza says sternly.

Kara sighs.

"Okay. I'm terrified, still." Kara admits.

"Oh honey, it'll all be okay." Eliza says as she takes Kara in for a hug.

Kara hugs Eliza back and after a few moments the two part.

"Lena has been giving me hope though. She has been working non stop since she got here. The only break she's taken is when I made her go to sleep last night just because I told her I didn't want her working on Alura while she's tired. Even then she stayed here in the DEO to sleep, just so she could be here in case anything happened. She's also already helped Alura by getting her some special tea from Ireland that has helped her throat immensely. Then a few hours ago, just before Alura threw up Lena actually was able to take Alura on a little walk to the kitchen and back." Kara explains.

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