The whole situation is crazy and a mess. Everything goes so quickly for Kara, even to her enhanced senses, which allow her to react faster than almost anyone else on this planet. At first, Kara was just walking down the street with Alura, holding her daughter's hand. For the first time in a long while, Kara finally felt some peace within herself. Kara felt no rage, or anger for Lena. Kara just felt a feeling of relief, relief that the red Kryptonite powder substance is no longer in her system. It's strange, as while Kara never was able to notice that there was something affecting her, that she was digesting, she does easily notice when she isn't being affected by the substance. That said, even though Kara's rage and anger is gone, and all the red powder is out of her system, that doesn't mean that suddenly everything is better, and Kara is just back to her happy self. This isn't the case at all. Sure, Kara is happier than before, but it is easy to say she is happy compared to where she was. However, all that angry and rage has just been replaced with sadness, hurt and guilt. Kara just hates what she did to Lena while under the red powder's influence, and this is made worse by the fact that she knows that this was all triggered because she got angry in the first place. This has led to such inner turmoil insider Kara's chest. Since Kara has woken up this morning, a part of her has wanted to reach out to Lena, apologise and beg for forgiveness, but then another part of her still blames herself and thinks that she doesn't deserve Lena, and that Lena deserves someone far better than her. Someone that can't be suddenly infected by a substance that changes their moods and emotions.
As Kara was walking down the street with Alura all those thoughts and feelings about Lena came to the top of her mind. But Kara just tried to focus on the happiness inside her, as she didn't want to worry Alura more than she already was. Kara was just happy to relax, and enjoy the nice pleasant walk back home from Alura's school. So, when Kara suddenly heard a familiar voice call out her name, she didn't believe it at first. Kara heard the voice and just slightly looked around in front of her, and at her sides, wondering if she was just imagining Lena calling out to her. Then just as Kara was about to come to the conclusion that she was truly going insane, imagining Lena calling out to her, she heard the voice again, and this time was able to realise that it was coming from behind her. This is when Kara turned around and saw Lena for the first time in a few weeks. Upon seeing Lena Kara felt love and affection pump through her heart, along with a bunch of guilt and nervousness in her stomach. This thereby caused Kara to just slightly smile at Lena running towards her and Alura. Kara just thought that maybe Sam told Lena about what happened, and Lena put two and two together and realised that Kara was affected by the red Kryptonite, and now here she is, running after Kara and Alura, yelling out to her, giving her another chance. Kara thought that maybe it was going to be a moment like one of those romantic movies she has watched, where one lover chases after the other, yelling their name, for them to be reunited, both kissing each other, and then just saying they are both so sorry, tears running down both their cheeks as they hug and kiss, with promises of forever. But as events unfolded, Kara found out that that movie moment was not what was going to happen between her and Lena, not today.
Just as Lena was a few feet away, Kara got a confused look when she saw Lena begin diving in the direction of Alura. This is when it felt like time slowed down for Kara. At first Kara didn't understand why Lena would dive for Alura, in the way she was. Kara thought that maybe it was because Lena missed Alura terribly, and was just diving for her to take her in for a hug, but at the same time, the way Lena was diving for Alura was more like a tackle, than a big hug, and with whatever has happened with her and Lena, Kara knows that Lena would never do anything that could physically hurt her daughter, unless it was a last resort. So as Kara realised that, she looked down at Alura, and that is when Kara finally noticed the red laser dot on Alura's chest, someone was aiming a sniper at her daughter. As Kara noticed this, suddenly it felt like everything sped up once more, Lena tackled Alura to the ground, just as a shot rang out. Then after that Kara just stood in shock, surprised and confused by whatever was happening for what felt like 20 minutes, but was actually just like a second. Kara was shaken out of her moment by Lena looking at her, and telling her she needs Kara to get the sniper while she was going to take care of Alura. Of course, Kara was conflicted by doing this, as she did not want to leave her daughter after such an event, but at the same time, the sniper was still out there, putting her daughter and Lena, in even more danger. So, Kara just nodded at Lena and quickly ran round the corner, putting on her Supergirl suit and flying up into the air.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...