Chapter 147 - Lena's Decision

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It is now a few days later since everything happened, and since then things have slowly got back to normal, with all the friends and family healing, both physically and mentally. So far this has all meant that Lena and Sam have both gone back to work at L-Corp, Ruby and Alura have gone back to their schools, and Kara has begun to work from home for her job at L-Corp too.

Also, over the last few days, Lena and Kara have made sure to arrange further appointments with Alura's therapist, Dr Lawson, and the sessions have clearly already had a noticeably impact on their daughter, with Alura being less clingy. So far, Alura has still not yet slept in her bed on her own, but Dr Lawson has told them that she thinks Alura will get there soon, she just needs to, once more, feel more safe and assured in her own environment, and the fact she doesn't, is completely understandable after everything that happened. The big positive has been that Dr Lawson has told Kara and Lena that it is much easier for children to get over traumatic events than adults, because they are still growing and everything.

Lena too has been attending some therapy sessions, with her own therapist, making sure for them to sign multiple DNAs before she does of course. These therapy sessions have been helping Lena, with the most success coming from the therapist guiding her to give her tools to deal with certain situations. The big goal Lena wants to take out of her sessions is for the situation where she ended up laughing, and basically going insane, to never happen again. So, Lena now feels like she has some of the beginnings of the tools to deal with more difficult and challenging situations like that, if they unfortunately occur in the future. However, Lena doesn't think that there will ever be any challenging situations more extreme than she has already experienced.

As for Kara, to deal with everything that has been happening she hasn't gone to any therapy. This isn't because Kara doesn't believe in therapy, or like it or anything. Kara hasn't gone to any therapy because she has decided to work out her emotions in a different way, by punching things. Honestly, Kara's real problem is that she is very angry with everything that has happened over the last few weeks. Not only is Kara angry at Leviathan, but she is angry at herself too, and maybe also the world in general for just allowing everything to happen. Kara is obviously angry at Leviathan for them attacking her family members, but she is then also angry at herself for allowing Alex, Lena and Alura to be put in a situation where they were attacked with her being away, on an entire other universe. Kara knows that her family has told her it's not her fault, but she still has some angry feelings about it, directed towards herself. Then finally, Kara also just feels angry at the world in general, because she hates how things have played out and been allowed to happen. Kara hates how there has just been this constant battering of things, with the most recent stuff being the attack on Alex, then the attack on Lena and Alura, and finally the information that the woman that attacked them all is Elizabeth Walsh, Lena's mother, who they all thought has been dead for the last 20 years. Kara just thinks that it's all unfair, and is angry at the universe in general for all of it happening to her family.

Outside of the emotional situation of things, over the last few days things have been rather quiet. After Kara sent her message to Talia Al-Ghul, and Leviathan in general, a part of her did expect some sort of blowback, but it hasn't come. Then at the same time, there haven't been many other incidents that have required Supergirl's attention, meaning Kara punching things has mostly been confined to DEO training rooms. Although admittedly, while Kara has been working out her anger at the DEO, she has been walking past Elizabeth Walsh's cell often, just looking at her. Kara hasn't tried to speak to her again, because she wants to wait for Lena to be ready to do that, but she still has been very curious none the less.


It is now a few more days later, and currently Lena, Sam, Alex and Kara are all gathered in Lena's private lab in L-Corp, with both Alura and Ruby being at school right now. The reason the adults are all gathered is because Lena is about to remove Alex's cast, as her leg should be healed, only in a few weeks thanks to Lena's incredible technology.

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