Chapter 134 - Ruby's Mood

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"Lena, are you sure you want to do this?" Kara asks her fiancé, as they walk together, shoulder to shoulder.

"Yeah. I am." Lena nods, "I know that you aren't exactly a big fan of Lillian, neither am I. But I feel she is trying to change, or at least making an attempt. I want to tell her about this."

"Okay." Kara nods, as the two continue to walk through the prison.

Lena then stops in place and gestures for Kara to look at her, a thought coming to the brunette's mind.

"But if you don't want to do this, we won't." Lena says, "I don't want to make you do anything that you would rather not do. I know this must be very difficult for you, seeing as Lillian essentially tried to kill you."

Kara looks at Lena, and then sighs.

"You are right." Kara replies, "I am not Lillian's biggest fan or anything. And while I certainly do not want Alura going anywhere near her, even while she is in prison, I know that she's still your mom, and if you want to tell her about our engagement, then I'll happily support you in doing that."

After hearing that, Lena grows a small smile on her face, and then takes Kara in for a brief kiss.

"Thank you, darling." Lena purrs, "I love you."

"I love you too." Kara replies.

Kara and Lena then grab each other's hands, and proceed to walk through the prison again, heading for the visitation room where the guards have told them Lillian will be waiting for them.

The prison itself, which Lillian is now housed in, is about 2 hours' drive north of National City, and it is one of the most advanced prisons that Kara and Lena have ever seen, especially as it is just a prison for women, as most of the high secure prisons are designed only for men.

Eventually Kara and Lena arrive outside Lillian's visitation room, pausing at the door.

"You ready?" Kara asks Lena, noticing her girlfriend taking a deep breath.

"Yeah." Lena nods, and then opens the door, walking inside, with Kara following her.

"Lena!" Lillian smiles, but doesn't stand up, mostly from the shackles which have secured her to the table.

"Mother." Lena nods back, and then proceeds to take a seat facing Lillian.

"Miss Danvers, it's..... surprising to see you here too." Lillian says, as she looks at Kara.

"I'm just here to support Lena." Kara replies, as she takes a seat next to her fiancé.

"Of course." Lillian nods.

Lena remains silent for a few moments, noticing the chains which limit Lillian's hand movement.

"Can we get her hand restraints removed?" Lena asks the guard who is still in the room with them.

"Uhhh.... are you sure.... I...." The guard begins, in an unsure voice.

"It's fine." Kara says, "I can assure you that she won't be able to cause any harm to us."

The guard looks at Kara, and then back at Lillian, before sighing.

"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." The guard eventually says.

The guard proceeds to remove Lillian's hand restraints, and then leaves the room.

"Thank you." Lillian says to Lena, "Those restraints.... are heavy."

Lena gives Lillian a little nod.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today then?" Lillian asks, after a few moments silence, "I know the last time you were here you asked me about Leviathan, and what I might know. Are you here to ask more about them? As I can assure you, I don't know anything else."

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