The group all arrive at the mini-golf course and soon begin to play. Seeing as Lena knew beforehand that there would be a lot of people in their group, she made sure to have the mini-golf course privately booked for them, for the next 3 hours. Of course, Lena doesn't actually expect them to be at the mini-golf course for 3 hours, but she wanted to give some leeway so they didn't have to rush either getting there, or leaving. But at least this way they will all get some privacy, without any people who may recognise Lena, or even Kara (for her CatCo fame), coming up to them, or taking pictures of them. After all, Lena is very protective of her children being exposed to paparazzi who might try and take photos of them, it's just lucky that none of them have tried to take a photo of her with Morgan so far. But Lena does know that that day will come soon, followed by all the news articles pondering who this new child is with Lena.
Another benefit of the mini-golf course being privately rented out for them, is that they can take everything at a more leisurely pace, all while drinking some nice alcoholic beverages that the mini-golf course serves. Lena knew that if they played when the mini-golf course was open to the public, their group being so large would annoy a lot of people who wanted to play who would be waiting behind them. This way they don't have to deal with all that.
"Okay." Lena says, with a big smile, once everyone in their group has got their putter and golf ball, "As there are 12 of us, I say we split up into 4 groups of three. There are 18 holes on this course, so one group should start at hole one, another at hole 5, the next at hole 10, and the final group at hole 15. That way we are spaced out pretty well."
The group all nod, and verbally say their agreements to Lena's suggestion.
"That just leaves us with who is going to be in each group?" Sam asks.
"Right." Lena nods, "Well.... seeing as it's Alura's birthday, I guess she should decide the group that she wants to be in, then we can all sort out the rest of the groups.""Uhmmm..... I want to play with...... Morgan and mommy!" Alura decides.
"Alright." Lena smiles, not taking it to heart at all that Alura choose to play mini-golf with Kara instead of her, "So, Kara, Morgan and Alura will be together."
Ruby grows a disappointed look on her face upon hearing this, clearly wanting to have been included in the group with Alura.
"Ruby, how about you go in a group with Sam and I?" Alex suggests, having now picked up on Ruby's disappointment.
"Yeah, okay." Ruby nods, with a forced smile.
"Great. Then, I guess I'll go with Eliza and Elizabeth, leaving J'onn, Winn and Jess as the final group." Lena says.
"Perfect." Kara smiles, "Let's all start playing. Also, don't get too competitive.... I'm looking at you, Alex."Alex huffs at Kara saying that.
"I think you should more so look to your future wife." Alex scoffs.
"Oh, believe me, I'm very aware of how competitive she can be, but she's too pretty for me to scold her about her being overly competitive." Kara says, with a smirk.
"Thank you, darling." Lena purrs, placing a kiss on one of Kara's cheeks.
Meanwhile, Alex pouts.
"Don't worry baby, I think you're very pretty." Sam says, placing a kiss on one of Alex's cheeks, which causes the redhead to break out into a smile.
"Alright, let's play!" J'onn announces.
The group all then begin to play mini-golf, with all of them having a very good time. Of course, both Alex and Lena end up being very competitive with each other, even though they were not in the same groups. The two just kept yelling their scores back and forth every now and again, along with a bit of trash talk, which increased when one of them got a hole in one. As for Kara, Alura and Morgan, their group had a good time too, with Alura making sure to give Morgan tips, and help her a little bit, with everything she has to do. Kara, for her part, just watched on, and was again, so very proud of how much of an incredible big sister Alura is to Morgan.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...