Chapter 143 - Breakdown

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It is now been a good 2 minutes since Kara told Lena that the shadow woman is her mother, and the brunette has not said a single word, or even changed her facial expressions an inch. This, of course, has now got Kara very very worried.

"Lena?" Kara says, hesitantly.

Lena now looks at Kara in her eyes, moving for the first time since she heard the news.

"Are........... Well..... I was going to ask if you are okay...... But that's a stupid question." Kara says, really being a bit annoyed with herself right now, as she can't think of the perfect words to say to her girlfriend in response to all this.

"She's....... really my mother?" Lena finally says.

"Yes." Kara nods, hesitantly, "We ran a DNA test, comparing your DNA, from some of your blood left over at the DEO, with a blood sample I took from the shadow woman. She is, without question, your mother. I..... I'm sorry Lena...."

After Kara says that, Lena simply looks at Kara for a few moments, but gives her a look that makes Kara feel like she is staring miles off into the distance. Eventually, after about 30 seconds, Lena begins to laugh slightly.

"Lena?" Kara asks, now being worried.

Lena, however, continues to laugh, with her laughter getting louder and louder.

"Lena.... I..... please.... you're scaring me..." Kara says, feeling so helpless right now.

Lena continues to laugh, with a big smile on her face as she does. Kara, however, is not smiling at all, as she knows that this reaction from Lena is an extremely troubling one, as it suggests a form of insanity.

"Lena.... please.... you'll wake Alura...." Kara says, hoping that maybe hearing Alura's name will snap Lena out of this. But it doesn't work, Lena just continues to laugh.

As Lena continues to laugh, looking completely and utterly insane right now, Kara has no idea what to do, and she feels so scared. Kara feels utterly helpless, like she can't do anything, and it makes her feel completely awful.

"Mommy?! Momma!?!" Alura yells, suddenly.

Kara now realises that the situation has just got worse, as Alura has woken up and realised that she is alone in the bed. So, Kara knows that now she has to deal with Alura, not Lena, as that is what Lena would want her to do after all.

Kara quickly zooms into her bedroom, and she finds Alura on the bed, crying slightly, with a panicked look on her face.

"Mommy!" Alura sobs, as soon as she sees Kara.

Kara quickly takes Alura into her arms, and hugs her close to her.

"It's okay, Alura. We were just in the other room talking. We just didn't want to wake you." Kara explains, all while she continues to hug the 5-year-old.

Alura continues to cry into Kara's chest, hugging her mommy back tightly, all while Kara can still hear Lena continuing to laugh in the next room. Admittedly, a part of Kara does want to break right now, as she can feel a panic attack beginning to build within herself from everything that is happening. However, Kara uses all her might to push the panic attack down, because she knows if she allows the panic attack to take over, then Alura will be even more scared that she already is.

"Why is momma laughing?" Alura asks, a few minutes later, as she moves back from the hug slightly, and looks Kara in the eyes.

Kara looks back into Alura's eyes, and she does want to tell her daughter that Lena just saw something funny, and she can't stop laughing, but Kara has promised herself that she wouldn't lie to her daughter. Kara has learnt that lying to Alura usually doesn't lead to good things, so she knows she will have to tell her the truth, even if the truth is awful.

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