Chapter 151 - Fencing

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Alex and Lena walk into a room at L-Corp, which Lena has set up to be used for their fencing session together. The room itself is mostly empty, but there are some gym padded matts in the centre of the room, which is clearly where Lena intends for them to fence. There is then also a table on one side of the room which has the gear laid out for them to use.

"Hmmm.... I see you have everything prepared." Alex hums, as she looks around the room.

Lena chuckles.

"Of course I do." Lena replies, "Do you expect anything less from me?"

"I guess I shouldn't." Alex says, as she walks further into the room, continuing to look around.

"Getting a lay of the land?" Lena asks, with a smirk.

Alex chuckles.

"Just checking the lighting. Don't want to give you a massive advantage by you knowing where the lights shine in your eyes or anything." Alex replies.

Lena huffs at hearing that.

"Alex, do you think I need to resort to cheating like that to beat you at this?" Lena asks, with an eyebrow raised.

"Well... I don't know.... I've never seen you fencing before... I have no idea how good at it you are... or how good at it I may be." Alex replies.

Lena laughs, once more.

"Well..." Lena says, as she walks over to the gear laid out on the table, followed by Alex, "I have no idea how good you may be. I presume that some of your DEO combat training might help you be a bit better than an amateur at the sport, but I can't be entirely sure."

Alex hums upon hearing that.

"What about you?" Alex asks.

"What about me?" Lena replies, with a smirk.

"Lena...." Alex groans, "Come on. Tell me. How good are you at this?"

Lena chuckles again.

"Well..... while I was at the various boarding schools that Lillian sent me to.... part of the curriculum required me to actually partake in a sport... and apparently chess didn't count." Lena says.

Alex now laughs at hearing that.

"As you can imagine, I wasn't too pleased about any of that, as I'm not exactly a sporty person. So, I ended up trying a few different sports to see one that I liked. However, I couldn't exactly get my pick of any sports because of Lillian being in my ear the whole time, telling me that certain sports were not appropriate for a Luthor. This meant that I wasn't allowed to do gymnastics, which I choose at first because I thought it would be a nice non-contact sport, where I wouldn't get hurt. However, Lillian told me 'a Luthor shouldn't be flexing her body around like some common whore', whatever that means. So, after that, I tried out pollo, which I absolutely hated, then I tried golf, which was boring, and then I tried a few other sports before I finally landed on fencing." Lena explains.

"Lillian was okay with you doing fencing?" Alex asks, while also thinking even less of Lillian than she already does for not allowing Lena to do certain sports, including gymnastics.

"Yeah.... she was..." Lena replies, "I mean, don't get me wrong, there were other sports that she would have preferred for me to do, but she was just happy I choose one of the sports that is kind of considered 'elitist'."

Alex huffs after hearing that.

"Anyway, once I choose fencing, I really began to enjoy it and everything, and got rather good." Lena says, now growing a smirk on her face, "In fact, there was the distinct possibility that I could have gone on to become an Olympic fencer if I wanted, but as much as I love the sport, my love for science is much greater."

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