Chapter 27 - Alex & Sam

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Monday morning arrives in Metropolis and Alex is left in a bit of an awkward state. Both Ruby and Sam head off to school and work, respectively, leaving Alex alone by herself, in the woman she wants to date's home. It's all very weird and uncomfortable, which is made worse by the fact that Alex can't just call her sister because she is fast asleep on the other side of the country, three time zones away. So, Alex does the only reasonable thing that she can think of, and decides to get out her phone and head into Metropolis to try and figure out where she wants to take Sam on a date, later in the evening. But Alex is met with yet another problem as, as soon as she leaves the house and closes the front door realisation sets in that she has no way to get back inside, meaning she will have to wait for either Ruby and/or Sam to get back home. But Alex decides that is a problem for later, and hopefully she can spend enough time in Metropolis to pass the hours by, so by the time she heads back one of the two Arias women will be home.

Alex gets an Uber to drive her into Metropolis. Once she arrives she notices it is a lot different to National City. Everything is a lot more cramped and busy, with people shoving passed one another constantly. Alex thinks that National City is much better in that regard, although she is sure there are many many other reasons that make National City superior too. Now that she is in the city, the first thing Alex decides is that she needs to buy herself some clothes to wear on her date. Of course, she had time to pack a few things in a bag before she left her apartment the day before, but she completely forgot to pack anything that she could wear on a date. Although Alex admits that stuffing a dress or a suit inside her small bag probably wouldn't have been ideal, as she would have creased the clothes to high heavens. So, Alex decides that she needs to spend the first bit of her time actually figuring out what she is going to wear.

A few hours later, a lot more time has passed by than Alex expected, and she still hasn't figured out what she wants to wear on her date. The problem Alex has been facing is that her first instinct was to wear a nice dress, to kind of 'dress up' for Sam, and attempt to be alluring and sexy. But then another part of Alex kind of liked the idea of wearing a suit, which can be just as sexy. However, Alex has never really worn a three-piece suit, ever, let alone for a date, she is well aware she isn't exactly Lena in that regard. But soon after this dilemma, another one occurs in Alex's brain. Alex realises that whatever outfit she wears won't matter if it's not appropriate for the date which she is planning to take Sam on. The only problem with that is Alex has no idea where she wants to take Sam on a date. Of course the most obvious choice would be to just find a nice fancy restaurant, dress up, and take Sam out and have a nice romantic dinner with her. But the issue with that is that it's not very Alex. Sure, Alex likes the idea of a romantic dinner with a partner, but not as a first date. Alex wants to do something fun on a first date, something memorable, not something so cliché as getting to know one another over a romantic dinner, not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just not what Alex wants. All in all, the whole situation has left Alex in a bit of a panic, still having no idea what she is going to wear or where she is even going to take Sam.

Eventually Alex looks down at her phone and sees that it is currently 10:30AM. Alex works out in her head that that means back in National City it'll be 7:30AM, which Alex decides is a reasonable enough time to call her sister in her panic.

Currently in National City Lena and Kara are both cuddled up under the covers in Kara's bed. Neither woman plans to rise until somewhere near 8 in the morning. Of course, usually Lena would be up a lot earlier than even now, but being with Kara has changed that for her. Usually Lena struggled to sleep, and when she did wake up in the morning she couldn't go back to sleep, so she would decide that the best use of her time would be to get a head start on her day, and head into L-Corp early. This usually resulted in Lena arriving at L-Corp closer to 7AM, than her companies actual start of the work day at 9AM. But Lena has found that laying next to Kara, cuddled up with her, has allowed her to fall asleep, and stay asleep, so much easily than before. Then even in the few times when Lena has woken and been unable to fall back asleep, she much rather enjoys the idea of staying snuggled with Kara than heading to work early. Lena thinks this change is just because she actually has something to wake up to. Before she would wake up to an empty apartment and her first interaction of the day would be with her driver to work, and that would only be limited to directions of where she wanted to go and a please and/or thank you. But now, Lena can wake up to both Kara and Alura surrounding her, and she loves all the morning moments she shares with them. It is so much better than her lonely morning routine before.

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