Looking After Alura

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It has now been around a week since Lena first went over to Kara's apartment to spend time with her and Alura exclusively. Since then Lena has seen the mother and daughter a couple more times. Once more like she said on the Thursday, and then in the afternoon on that following Sunday. Of course Lena wants to spend much more time with Kara and Alura than that, but she knows she has to stick to what she said to Kara. She has to allow Kara time to actually process her feelings, and make sure that what she feels for Lena is real, and isn't just feelings born of gratitude. To achieve this Lena knows she can't spend a significant amount of time around Kara, and by default, around Alura either. Lena knows that if she were to just start spending time almost every day with Kara and Alura they would move to the dangerous territory of being some sort of 'family', and that would defeat the purpose of allowing Kara to process her feelings. Not to mention it could hurt Alura if Lena spends all that time with her and Kara, only for Kara to realise she doesn't actually have genuine feelings for Lena, resulting in Lena having to see them both far less frequently, if at all.

Frankly the thought of being a family scares the life out of Lena, so she quickly shoves that brief thought to the back of her mind. She knows she isn't ready for that. For now she is just going to take it one step at a time and get to know Kara more, while also spending time with Alura. Then hopefully Kara will be able to eventually confirm that she does have true feelings for Lena, or at the very least wants to explore a romantic relationship with Lena, and not just because of a sense of gratitude. But if not Lena would settle for a friendship, if Kara wants that, as much as it might hurt Lena at first.

Presently it is Thursday afternoon and Lena is in her office at L-Corp. Lena's had a long week, it's been one struggle after the next. One battle with some sexist pig who clearly thinks she, a woman, shouldn't be running the company, or that she is running the company in a horrible direction, despite profits and share prices being up, from varies medical and technological breakthroughs. So it has ultimately put Lena in a pretty bad mood. Lena is 100% sure that that is the reason, not because she hasn't seen Kara and Alura in 4 days, that would be pathetic. Okay, maybe Lena is 70% sure, or more realistically it's 50-50. Lena will never admit that she is so entirely whipped and caught up in Kara and Alura that she basically now needs to see them regularly for her to be in a good mood and survive. No, Lena will never admit that to herself. Although deep down she is secretly well aware that that is the case.

Lena is currently reading over yet another document about some bullshit project which Luthor Corp was working on while Lex was in charge. She has recently just been sifting through it all, going over it slowly to make sure there isn't some secret doomsday device hidden in one of her company's vaults or something. Lena does realise that for most people that would be a joke, but for her and L-Corp in regards to Lex, Lena knows it's a very real possibility. Even though it's a real possibility it doesn't make looking through the thousands of pages of documents any less tedious. Most of the documents are just mind numbingly dull, and Lena is pretty sure Lex wrote them that way so if anyone were to read them they wouldn't read them all. Lena however knows her brother and is determined, obviously not being willing to pass this off to someone else. Lena doesn't trust anyone else to do this, maybe Jess, but Lena doesn't want to scar her assistant any further than she already has. Lena is well aware that Jess could read through the files and just so happen to find something that Lex worked on, or built, that either scares the life out of her, or permanently traumatises her. Thankfully after a long while, Lena is interrupted from reading over the piles of documents on her desk by her intercom.

"Sorry to interrupt Miss Luthor, but Miss Danvers is here, with her.... daughter?" Jess says, the last bit a question.

"Okay, thank you Jess." Lena says with a smile on her face, her mood immediately improving. She may be in the middle of a bunch of boring file reading, but the idea of Kara and Alura both coming to see her makes Lena not give a single shit about the files, at least for now.

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