Chapter 94 - Lena Tells Alura

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It is now the end of the week, and so far, Lena, Alex, Winn, J'onn and the entirety of the DEO have been unable to find Lex Luthor, James Olsen or Kara. This, of course, has just led to Lena feeling worse and worse, but at the same time not being able to outwardly show how bad she is feeling, because her priority has remained on her taking care of Alura. Lena still has not told Alura the truth about Kara's whereabouts, just sticking to the lie that Kara is busy with Supergirl work. Lena just doesn't want to upset her daughter with the truth, and had hoped (even if she thought it was foolishly) that they would find Kara, and bring her back to them, before Alura is any of the wiser. Then that way Alura just wouldn't have to find out about what happened to Kara. Meanwhile, Alex honestly has not been doing much better, on the Wednesday evening Alex spent it crying in Sam's arms. Then things didn't get any better on the Thursday evening as she passed out only due to the drunken oblivion she got herself in.

"Please tell me we have something.... anything...." Alex says, as she walks to the DEO hub along with Lena that Friday afternoon.

Winn turns around in his chair and gives Alex and Lena a concerned and sad look. Meanwhile, J'onn also turns round a gives the two women a sympathetic look.

"I'm afraid we don't." J'onn says.

"Well, we have to have something!" Alex says, angrily, "Supergirl didn't just disappear into thin air, nor did Lex Luthor!"

"I'm sorry Alex." Winn says, regretfully, "We are continuing to try and do scans for any Kryptonite use, while agents are scouring those tunnels underneath the prison, but other than that, we don't have anything."

Alex turns to look at Lena.

"Lena, you must have something right?" Alex says, "You said you know your brother better than anyone!"

Lena looks at Alex, and just freezes. Lena feels her heart rate begin to pick up, and a knot begin to form in her stomach.

"I.... I...." Lena stammers.

"Come on Lena, what good are you if you won't help us!" Alex says, annoyed.

"Alex that's enough!" J'onn shouts, scolding Alex.

Lena turns and quickly walks away, heading for the nearest empty room, as she doesn't want to break down in front of anyone.

"Shit." Alex says, as she watches Lena walk away, realising she just snapped at Lena for no reason. "I should go talk to her."

"No." J'onn says, shaking his head, "I don't think you talking to Lena is a good idea right now."

"Okay." Alex nods, "I'll message Sam and ask her to come over."

"That sounds like a better idea." J'onn says, nodding his head.

Lena makes it into a sleeping quarters room, and then sits down on one of the beds and cries. Lena cries because she feels utterly useless, like she hasn't been able to help at all, even though she should, because she is Lex Luthor's sister. Alex just shouting at her, and saying she is useless, just caused all of Lena's own worst feelings and thoughts to bubble up to the surface.

Lena continues to cry for several more minutes, and eventually, once her tears die down, she looks around the room and her stomach does another flip, and then more tears burst forward. Lena just realised that she unconsciously has made her way into the same sleeping quarters that she and Kara shared all those months ago, when Alura was ill. In the very room Lena is now in, is the room where Kara and Lena first slept in the same bed together, even if it was only a mistake at the time. However, the room having a connection to Kara just brings even more emotions forward for Lena, causing her to cry even more.

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