Chapter 175 - I Love You

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It is now a few days on from Morgan suddenly shapeshifting to look like a young version of Lena, and in that time the CEO has continued to try and figure out how it happened. The best guess that Lena can come up with right now, is that when she kissed Morgan, after drawing some of her blood, a bit of her own DNA must have mixed with some of Morgan's blood, and just caused the 4-year-old to shapeshift. Or at the very least, Lena believes that that is why Morgan specifically shapeshifted into her. Although Lena thinks that transmutation might be a better term to describe Morgan's power, as if she was shapeshifting, she would not change her DNA, which is what happened when Morgan looked like a 4-year-old version of herself. Either way, Lena is pretty confident that her DNA had something to do with Morgan's change, while she still thinks that Morgan's powers are triggered by the young girl's emotions.

Even though Lena and Kara saw a new development in Morgan's powers, they both decided that for now, while Lena does more research, they wouldn't run any more tests on Morgan. The two mothers just don't want Morgan to think that they see her as some sort of science experiment or anything. Plus, neither Kara or Lena wanted to worry Morgan by continuing to run tests on her. So, they have decided that until Lena actually has made progress on how Morgan's powers are triggered, they'll let things be for now.

One of the other events that has happened over the last few days, is that Lena did go and talk to her mom about moving her into The Tower, and out of the DEO. At first, Elizabeth was unsure, simply because she has begun to feel secure at the DEO, and believes she is putting Lena and her friends and family in less danger staying there. However, Lena was in no mood to take no as an answer from her mother, so after about an hour, she convinced Elizabeth to agree to move into The Tower soon. The only thing Lena and the rest of the superfriends have to do now, is prepare a suitable room for Elizabeth to live in, which thankfully will take a lot less work, simply because of the Martian nature of the building.


Presently, it is a Saturday afternoon, and today Kara and Lena have decided to take both of their daughters out to a nice park just outside of National City, with very few people around. The parents both thought this would give Alura and Morgan a chance to run around in nature, be happy, and get some energy out without being exposed to the general public who might take interest in them, simply because of who Lena and Kara are.

Once Kara, Lena, Alura and Morgan arrive at the park, the first thing the family do is to find a nice spot where they can lay down a nice picnic blanket, with them planning to have another nice lovely family picnic together. After some brief debate, mostly between Lena and Kara, the family choose a nice spot underneath a tree, which offers them a little shade from the sun, on the warm near-spring March day. Although, the shade is mostly for Lena's sake, because Kara, Alura and Morgan all lack Lena's fair skin, which easily burns in the sun if she sits out there too long.

After the family chose their picnic spot, Kara, Alura and Morgan all decide to go run around and play together, which includes jumping in a small little river nearby, and getting all wet. Lena, for her part, is just happy to sit under the tree, on the picnic blanket, and read a book that she has brought with her. Lena decided that reading a book would be a nice change to all the other stuff she usually does in her spare time. This is because recently most of Lena's spare time has been filled up with either, trying to figure out more about Morgan's powers, helping to create a suitable room in The Tower for her mom, or doing some L-Corp work which she is behind on. However, Lena is thankful that she doesn't have to fill her spare time with any more wedding planning though, because all of that is done. The only thing that she and Kara have to do now, is decide what they are wearing. Of course, seeing as it is only 3 months until the wedding, many people might freak out about not having a wedding dress, or outfit, so close to the wedding, but not Lena. Lena is a billionaire after all, so she knows that she can afford, literally, to get a wedding dress, or appropriate suit, within very short notice. Lena and Kara's time has just been so focused on Morgan recently, that they haven't even broached the subject of what they will wear for their wedding.

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