Lex goes charging towards Kara in his Lex-o-suit, and then goes to land a punch of the blonde, but Kara easily dodges it. However, while Kara is dodging the first punch, she doesn't notice Lex swinging his other fist, to punch her in the gut. The punch lands, and surprisingly, it knocks the wind out of Kara, sending her flying across the room, making a dent in one of the walls with her impact.
"You're not so powerful now, are you?" Lex smirks, as he goes walking over towards Kara.
Kara quickly gets to her feet and then flies towards Lex, making contact with him, as if she were spearing him, and then sends him flying across the room, with the mad man making his own impact on the opposite wall.
"How.... how is this possible?!?" Lex shouts, annoyed, as he gets back onto his feet, "You should have no powers! I should have crushed you already!"
Kara smirks at Lex. Admittedly, with the kryptonite and red sun lights in the room, Kara has noticed that her suit isn't protecting her as much as it was previously, as she now has already experienced pain from when Lex punched her, and can feel that her powers are not as strong as they were before. However, Kara certainly isn't going to give Lex that information.
"Isn't the answers obviously, Lex?" Kara smirks, and then flies towards the bald man.
The two then battle it out, each attempting to land punches on one another. Kara, now that she is more focused, easily is able to dodge most of Lex's punches. Then at the same time, Kara lands a few of her own punches on the Lex-o-suit, but the suit seems to be made of a very strong metal, meaning her punches are not doing much damage. Eventually, after a couple of minutes of fighting, Lex changes up his tactics, and then instead of punching Supergirl, he grabs hold of her, with both of his arms, holding the hero close to his body, and then begins flying in the air, swing her around the room. A few seconds later, Lex lets go of Kara, sending her crashing into the ground. However, before Lex can reach Kara again, the blonde regains enough of her awareness to shoot Lex with her heat vision, which causes him to crash back into one of the walls.
"No! I don't understand how this is possible!" Lex shouts, still angrily.
Kara gets to her feet again, brushing some of the debris from her white suit, and then laughs, amused by how infuriated Lex is by her not being too affected by the kryptonite and red sun lights. Kara knows that she needs to take advantage of this, because she realises that one of Lex's biggest flaws, and vulnerabilities, is that he lets his anger and ego get in the way of him thinking clearly.
"As always, you forget that you are not the only Luthor with brains." Kara says, confidently, "As usual, you underestimate your sister. As she is the one that has made this suit for me, to protect me from kryptonite. Because at the end of the day, she is much smarter than you Lex. She has been outsmarting you at every turn, and you have just never been able to handle that. Your ego is far too inflated to ever be able to deal with that possibility. Lena knows it, and even Lillian knows it too."
Kara's words clearly do the trick, because Lex then goes flying towards Kara again, with a roar. Kara, for her part, stand still in place, waiting for Lex to try and hit her, and then at the last moment, she moves out of the way, before Lex even has a chance to react, causing the bald mad man to go crashing into one of the walls.
Kara chuckles as this happens, making sure Lex thinks that she is taunting him, knowing it will make him even more mad.
"Lillian was right about you. You are a failure to the Luthor name." Kara lies.
Lex now laughs himself, as he slowly gets to his feet again.
"Don't lie to me Supergirl. You and I both know those are words which my mother said about Lena, not me." Lex says.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...