Alex, J'onn and Kara arrive at the DEO about an hour and a half after leaving Gotham City. To get back to National City J'onn first flew Kara back on his own, before then returning to pick Alex up. As Kara doesn't have her powers right now, Alex and J'onn decided that that would be the best method of returning Kara back home to National City, instead of spending hours on a plane. Then even if Kara did have her powers, neither J'onn nor Alex thought it would be a good idea for Kara to fly, without knowing who she is, or the full extent of her powers.
Alex and J'onn walk into the med bay where J'onn placed Kara. Winn is standing in the room, wide-eyed, with a shocked look on his face.
"That's.... Kara...." Winn says, stunned.
"Yes." Alex nods, approaching her sister, "We need to get her under some yellow sun lamps. Move some in here for me Winn.""I..... right.... yes..." Winn says, shaking himself out of his shock, and then quickly leaving the room to go get what Alex asked for.
Alex stands over Kara, who is just looking around the room confused, while continuing to lay down.
"Where are we?" Kara asks.
"We are at the DEO, it's a government agency that deals with alien related matters. We work together with them." Alex explains, "J'onn here is the head of the DEO."Kara looks at J'onn for a second, before then looking back at Alex.
"O...kay." Kara says, nodding her head."Alright Kara.... I'm going to run a bunch of tests on you now, as I want to make sure you are okay... and nothing else is affecting you, other than your memory issues." Alex says.
"Okay..." Kara replies.
"Alex?" J'onn says.
"Yes?" Alex replies, turning around to look at J'onn."You need to inform Lena and Alura about Kara." J'onn states.
"No. Not until I have run all these tests." Alex replies.
"Alex, Lena and Alura are in a lot of pain, thinking Kara is still missing. Lena will be very angry, and maybe even hate you for prolonging her and Alura's grief. And I know you certainly don't want that." J'onn says.
"I... yes.... okay..." Alex nods, realising that J'onn is right. Alex has just gone into full big sister mode, wanting to make sure there is nothing else wrong with Kara, other than her memory issues. But doing those tests can wait. Lena and Alura do deserve to know that they have found Kara.
"Good." J'onn says, with a smile.
"Okay.... but..... I'm going to have to tell Lena in person. I don't want to do it over the phone. So, before I leave, I am going to at least draw some blood, and then leave some tests to run, so that Winn can put Kara under the red sun lamps while I'm gone." Alex explains.
"Okay.... but you should make it quick." J'onn says.
Alex nods her head, and then turns back to look at Kara.
"Okay, did you hear that, Kara?" Alex asks, with a caring look on her face.
"Yes." Kara replies, nodding her head. "Who are Lena and Alura?"
Alex's eyes go wide, now only realising that Kara doesn't know who her daughter and girlfriend are. Alex was planning to go over and tell Lena in person, about them having found Kara, because she knew that the CEO would be very emotional, and it deserved to be news that she is told in person. However, Alex now realises that she has to do the horrible thing of telling Lena that Kara is okay, but doesn't remember her at all. Alex knows that will certainly devastate Lena, even if she doesn't show it. Then thinking of Alura, Alex can't even begin to imagine what the response from the young girl will be.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...