Chapter 70 - Forest Hike

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Lena has been in the bedroom she has been sharing with Kara for the last hour now, doing the work she mentioned to Kara and Eliza. Over the last hour, she hasn't had any interruptions, other than Eliza briefly poking her head into the room, and letting Lena know that she is leaving for the day. When Eliza did this, Lena was once more a bit overwhelmed by this caringly motherly feeling that she was getting directed at her. Lena is still not used to someone that she is not dating, or friends with, caring about her. After Eliza left, Lena then spent the remaining 15 minutes, wrapping up her work for the day, answering a few emails, and then having a call with one of her heads of departments, which thankfully only lasted 10 minutes. Lena was concerned about the call before taking it, because although she promised Kara and Alura that she would only be working for an hour, she knows that sometimes these work calls will go on for an hour at least. Lena herself much prefers for her employees to be direct, and to the point, so she wastes as little time as possible, without any useless faff in between. So, Lena was very glad that her head of department took this approach to the phone call.

Presently, Lena has just finished her work for the day, and she closes her laptop with a happy sigh. It feels so good to have just got her work out of the way already, with it only now being 11AM. Lena thinks that now she can just happily spend the day with Kara and Alura, without having to concern herself with any work that she would have to do later.

Lena makes a move to get off of the bed, but before she can, her phone vibrates. As soon as Lena hears her phone vibrating, she has a worried feeling in her stomach, because she thinks that it possibly could be some work thing that she is going to have to deal with, and spend more time on, rather than starting her days activities with Kara and Alura. However, thankfully, as soon as Lena picks up her phone, to check the message, she sees that she has got a text from Sam.

Sam (to Lena): How is everything going so far?

Lena (to Sam): Good. Kara has just been sharing some of her childhood memories and stuff with me. It has been.... Intimate.

Sam: Oh intimate you say? ;)

Sam: Did Lena Luthor get some?

Lena: Ugh. Why did you have to phrase it like that?

Sam: That's not a no....

Lena: I was referring to emotional intimacy.

Sam: Oh.

Lena: But yes, I've received plenty of other... intimacy... over the last few days too.

Sam: You go girl!!

Lena: In fact.... Kara woke me up in a VERY pleasant way this morning.

Lena: Her tongue is incredible!

Lena: Oh and how she uses her freeze breath on me. Oh, my, god!

Sam: Alright, that's too much!

Lena: You started it!

Sam: Well, now I'm ending it.

Lena: Fine.

Lena: So how has everything been at work?

Sam: Do you really want to talk about work? You are on vacation.

Lena: No, not really.

Sam: Everything has been fine. As I've been working a lot this week so far, and Ruby is off of school for spring break, Alex has actually been spending a lot of time with her.

Lena: Oh, that's good.

Sam: Yeah....

Lena: Is something the matter?

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