Chapter 65 - Lena's Arrival

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Kara and Lena land outside Midvale about 10 minutes after leaving National City. Throughout their flight from Lena's penthouse to Midvale, Lena kept her head tucked between Kara's neck and shoulder, and maybe she placed some kisses there, as well as a few little love bites, that may have surprised Kara, and caused her to drop about 10 feet. Of course, as it only took 10 minutes to get to Midvale, compared to the 30 it took Kara to arrive in National City, Kara flew faster than she did on her way to National City. Kara mostly did this because she knew that Alura would be eagerly waiting for them to arrive, and they had already taken up some time in Lena's penthouse having sex. So, Kara decided to fly a little faster, knowing that Lena could take it, and wouldn't be damaged by it, or freeze.

"This is such a beautiful home Kara." Lena smiles, as Kara places her girlfriend on the ground outside her childhood home.

Kara chuckles, lightly.

"Thank you, Lee, but you have been here before." Kara smiles.

"I know, but that was only briefly, so I didn't really get a good look." Lena smiles back.

"Well, we are going to be here for a week now, so you can definitely get a good look while we are here." Kara smiles again.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Lena agrees.

"Now, shall we?" Kara asks, smiling at Lena as she holds out her hand for her girlfriend to take.

"Yeah." Lena replies, breathlessly, taking Kara's hand.

Kara and Lena then walk towards the house, hand in hand, with Kara deactivating her Supergirl suit as they do. Eventually, just as they are about 10 feet from the front door, the door opens and Eliza appears. However, Kara and Lena then both notices Eliza's legs being pushed out of the way, and Alura coming running out of the house towards them.

"MOMMA!!!" Alura yells, running towards Lena and Kara.

Kara and Lena let go of each other's hands, and as Alura reaches them both, Lena takes the five-year-old in for a tight hug.

"Hello, darling, I've missed you." Lena says, hugging her daughter tightly.

"I missed you soooooo much momma." Alura says, burying her head into Lena's stomach, as she continues to hug her.

Lena chuckles, while her heart also feels nice from how attached Alura is to her, and how much the five-year-old loves her.

"It's only been a day darling." Lena says, placing a kiss on the top of Alura's head.

"Still.... too long." Alura mumbles.

Lena smiles down at Alura, and decides to crouch down so the two of them are face to face. Once she does this, she places a big kiss on one of Alura's cheeks.

"I love you darling." Lena says.

"Love you too momma." Alura replies, leaning in and kissing Lena back on the cheek as well.

Kara for her part just watches on with a big smile on her face, she is so happy that Alura is happy now, and no longer in her mood of missing Lena, and being a bit miserable. Kara does understand that Alura will eventually have to learn to be okay with not seeing Lena every day, as even if they do live together at some point, there will be times, like before, when Lena has to go on business trips, and be gone for multiple days, if not weeks. But for now, Kara knows that Alura is still recovering from all the horrible things that have happened recently, so she isn't going to make too much of it.

"Hello, Alura, you know I am here too." Kara says to her daughter, sarcastically.

Alura looks at Kara and smiles.

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