Chapter 96 - Leviathan

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Kara slowly opens her eyes, and as she does, she immediately can tell that her body feels better than before. The last thing Kara remembers is crashing to the ground, and some of her bones breaking, when the shadow woman teleported them out of wherever Lex Luthor was holding her. As Kara opens her eyes, and her vision clears, she realises that a lot of the pain has subsided, as she now has the Earth's yellow sun shining down on her, recharging her cells. Even though the sun has been doing its job in healing Kara, she still is in some pain, and continues to not have her powers.

"I see you are awake." The shadow woman says, stepping into Kara's view, and handing her a bottle of water.

Kara takes the water and desperately drinks it, very thirsty and hungry right now.

"I got us some donuts for breakfast, as not much else is open right now." The shadow woman says, and then places a large box of a dozen donuts in front of the blonde.

As soon as Kara finishes drinking the entirety of the bottle of water, she quickly goes about eating the donuts. A few minutes later, Kara has eaten all twelve of them, and is honestly still hungry.

"How are you feeling?" The shadow woman asks, who has now taken a seat in a chair, having just watched Kara eat for the last few minutes.

"Better." Kara replies, and then turns to look at the woman.

Kara's eyes go wide, as she recognises the shadow woman's face, seeing it clearly for the first time.

"You!" Kara says, "I've seen you before! You.... you have been following me and my daughter!"

The shadow woman looks at Kara for a moment, remaining silent, before she nods her head.

"Yes, I have." The shadow woman replies.

"Why!?!" Kara asks, annoyed.

"I.... I cannot say..." The shadow woman says.

Kara now gets even more angry, and tries to get to her feet, but she realises she still doesn't have enough energy to do that just yet.

"You have been watching me, my daughter, working with Lex Luthor and Leviathan, stealing tech from the DEO and L-Corp. Do you expect me to be okay with that?" Kara asks, angrily.

"No. I do not." The shadow woman replies, "I have so many regrets.... But I have only done what I have had to."

"What does that mean?" Kara asks, "Is Leviathan threatening you, or your family or something? Are they making you do all this, and spy on us?"

The shadow woman sighs.

"I..... do not have a family.... not anymore...... I gave that up a long time ago...." The shadow woman replies, "But watching you and your family..... it has nothing to do with Leviathan, or Lex Luthor. I have just been..... keeping an eye on you all.... Making sure you are all safe."

"And why would you be doing that?! I am Supergirl!" Kara replies.

The shadow woman huffs.

"Yes, you are. But there are people out there that are more dangerous than you realise. And your current predicament proves that." The shadow woman says.

"Okay. But why watch us?" Kara asks, "Did you just take an interest in me being Supergirl or something?"

"No." The shadow woman replies, "My reasons are my own. I cannot say anymore. I wish I could. But I have already disclosed more than I should have."

Kara looks at the shadow woman, just studying her, trying to figure out what this person's angle is.

"Then if you were keeping an eye on my family and I, why did you provide Lex Luthor with the kryptonite he used to turn James into Metallo, and then use against me?" Kara asks.

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