Chapter 145 - Museum

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Kara and Lena now both walk downstairs, ready for Lena to greet Sam, Alex and Ruby after everything that has happened.

"Momma!" Alura says, being the first to spot Kara and Lena, going running towards her two parents.

"Hello, darling." Lena smiles, lovingly, taking the little girl in for a hug, "See, we told you we wouldn't be too long."

"Yeah." Kara adds, with a smile, as she rubs Alura's back.

"I still missed you." Alura mumbles into Lena's chest.

"I know." Lena replies, "But things are going to be better now."

Lena and Alura part from their hug, and the little family then walk further into the living room, where Alex, Sam and Ruby are currently seated.

"Lena...." Sam says, getting up from the couch and taking the CEO in for a hug, "I was so worried about you."

Lena doesn't reply to same verbally, as she doesn't know what to say, so she just hugs her best friend back. The two friends continue to hug for about a minute, before they separate from one another as well.

"Hey.... Lena...." Alex says, still from sitting on the couch, "I would hug you too.... but well.... I can't really walk easily.... yet.... But if I could, I'd give you a big sister hug."

Lena simply shoots Alex a smile.

"That's okay." Lena says.

Sam then guides Lena into the living room, having her take a seat next to her on the couch, with Alura sitting next to Lena. Kara then sits on the other couch with Alex, letting the redhead rest her feet on her lap, just like she was doing before. Ruby, for her part, sits on the floor by Alex and Kara's feet.

"J'onn told us to tell you that he is glad you are doing better now, and he'll be back later to check on your mind, but he had to run off to sort some things at the DEO." Alex says.

"Okay." Lena replies, nodding her head.

"So..... how are you feeling now.... Lena?" Sam asks the brunette, hesitantly.

Lena sighs.

"I feel.... a lot better..... I just think.... with everything that has happened.... and all the information I was told at once.... and the emotions that went along with everything..... was just too much for me...... I couldn't deal with it.... or even begin to process it...... But..... I feel I have a bit more of a handle on it now....." Lena says, "Don't get me wrong..... I am still and utter mess.... and I can't even begin to work through what Kara told me..... It's just...... I don't know...... But I don't feel like I'm going to fall apart anymore. I'll probably cry some more..... but..... what happened last night..... I don't think is going to happen again."

"That's good to hear." Sam says, with a nod of her head.

"Yes. I'm glad you're better momma." Alura says, clinging to Lena's side, tightly.

"Thank you, darling." Lena says, looking down at her daughter with a loving smile.

"So.... uhmmm..... do..... you want to talk more about..... everything?" Alex asks hesitantly, knowing this is all a very sensitive subject right now.

"No." Lena says, "Honestly, I would just like some normalcy, even if it's faux normalcy."

"Yeah, okay." Alex nods, "I get that."

"We can certainly do that." Sam smiles.

"Thank you." Lena smiles back, and then turns to look at her fiancé, "What do you think, Kara?"

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