Chapter 116 - Arriving at Disney

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"I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm SO EXCITED!!" Alura yells out, literally jumping up and down on the private jet, as they hit cruising altitude.

Kara and Lena both laugh at their daughter's excitement.

"Alura, you might want to calm down a little bit." Kara says, with a smile on her face, "We don't want you getting so excited that you end up making yourself sick."

"But I can't! We are finally going to Disney!" Alura says, bouncing up and down.

After the events of the last few days, Lena and Kara decided to not wait any longer, or push it back another day, and simply head out to Florida today. Admittedly, it did take a little while to make sure they had everything packed again, but thankfully, seeing as Lena has her own private jet, the couple didn't have to worry about booking a last-minute flight or anything.

Lena chuckles.

"Yes, we are darling." Lena smiles, happy to see that her daughter is so happy.

In actuality, Lena thinks that possibly spending the next week in Disney World might be exactly what she needs. Of course, Lena still doesn't like the idea of running around busy theme parks, filled with a bunch of people who might recognise her, but if Alura continues to be as happy and excited as she is now, Lena knows that will be worth it, and make her very happy because of that. Although, a part of Lena does really hope that most people don't recognise her, or if they do, they don't try and approach her, because before she and Kara left this morning, J'onn told them both that the DEO would be issuing a statement confirming Lex's death. Lena just knows that if she were actually at L-Corp, she would be bombarded with media requests, but thankfully Sam has said she will handle it, and put out a brief statement for Lena. Sam didn't even request for Lena to write a statement or anything, and Lena is confident that whatever Sam writes, will be good enough to sign as if she wrote it herself.

"Can we go to one of the parks today?" Alura asks, excitedly.

Kara and Lena look at each other with unsure looks on their face.

"Uhh.... I don't think so, Alura." Kara says.

"Awwwwww....." Alura pouts.

Lena chuckles again.

"Alura, by the time we get to Florida, it's already going to be later on in the afternoon. Then after that, we need to pick up the car I've hired for us, drive to our hotel, get checked in, and then see what time it is. By then, I think it'll be a bit pointless just going to one of the parks for a few hours, before it closes." Lena explains.

Alura still has a pout on her face, even after Lena has said that.

"But there are still a few other things we can do, which I think you'll enjoy, that don't include going to a park." Kara says.

"Like what?" Alura asks, now taking a seat on the plane opposite Kara and Lena.

"Well, there's a place called Disney Springs, which has a bunch of shops, for like Lego, Disney toys, and other stuff, and there are also some restaurants there." Kara says.

Alura's eyes go wide.

"Can we go there and buy a Mickie and Minnie Mouse toy for me?" Alura asks, bouncing on her seat.

Kara and Lena smile at Alura.

"Of course we can, darling." Lena smiles, lovingly.

"Then, maybe we can go to a place called the Rainforest Cafe for dinner?" Kara suggests.

Lena groans at that suggestion.

"What's the Rainforest Cafe?" Alura asks.

"It's a restaurant that basically is set in a rainforest. It doesn't rain or anything, but inside there are a bunch of robot rainforest animals, and it plays all sorts of sounds you'd hear in a rainforest. Then every so often, there is a thunder storm, where you hear all the animals go crazy." Kara says, excitedly.

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