Chapter 174 - Morgan's New Power

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It has now a week after Alura's 6th Birthday, and the news from Lillian that Leviathan will be on the move very soon. In response to the latter, Kara and Lena have informed all their superfriends about the information Lillian provided them with, and as a result of this, everyone has just been more careful than usual, while J'onn has made an effort to increase security both at the DEO, and at the new location that he has found for the superfriends to call their base, named The Tower. The Tower looks like a simple PI's office, but in reality uses Martian technology to hide the large base hidden within. Upon seeing it for the first time, Winn particularly freaked out, because he claimed that The Tower is just like a TARDIS from Doctor Who. Needless to say, since J'onn has established The Tower, all of the superfriends have been using it to do more work to prepare for Leviathan. This includes Alex very much insisting that she trains with Kara in a power dampening room, much to the blonde unhappiness.

Outside of doing some work in the tower, with Lena fitting it with a bunch of her own technology, Kara and Lena have also been focusing on their daughters. The couple's most recent focus has been that they have been working with both Alura and Morgan to control their powers, so that they don't have to wear their bracelets all the time. For this, Kara and Lena have decided that Lena would work with Morgan, and Kara with Alura, seeing as Kara has powers similar to Alura's, that only makes sense after all.

Even though Kara and Lena have been working with their daughters to help them control their powers better, not everything has been smooth sailing, for both of the kids. On Alura's side of things, while she isn't having a problem with her heat vision going out of control, like it originally did when her powers present, she has been having more issues with her strength. Alura has already broken many tables, and metal bars, trying to learn how to touch things carefully. This, in turn, has made Alura even more annoyed at herself, and worried that she will never be able to control her powers, which causes her to lose her focus, making the whole situation worse. A viscous cycle really.

As for the Morgan side of things, the issue has honestly been that Morgan seems to be completely unable to summon her powers on command. But Lena certainly doesn't want to scare her daughter, just to activate her powers. So, all that Lena really has been doing, is running a bunch of tests on Morgan, to try and figure everything out, while also trying to make things as fun and entertaining as possible for the 4-year-old, as the CEO knows that sitting down and having tests done on her isn't exactly exciting. However, Morgan seems to be a good sport about it, and hasn't complained at all.

Outside of Kara working with Alura to gain more control of her powers, Alura has received one last birthday present, about 4 days after her birthday, from Lillian Luthor. At first, when Lena received the package at L-Corp, as it was mostly unmarked, she was extremely cautious over opening it, even though it had already been thoroughly scanned by her security. However, once Lena opened the package, she saw a small wrapped up box, and a hand written note, from Lillain.

Dear Alura,

You probably don't know me, or, at least, much about me, and that is completely understandable. However, I know a lot about you. Your momma has told me so many things about you, and when she has spoken of you, her face has lit up with joy, in a way I've never seen it do before. You are clearly extremely special to her. And if you are special to my daughter, that makes you special to me too.

I don't know if we will ever be able to meet, and get to know one another, for many reasons, but I hope we do. If not, all you need to know, is I also care about you. You are part of the Luthor family now, which makes you part of my family too.

So, happy 6th birthday, Alura Luthor-Danvers. I hope you like the present I have had made for you. But if not, I'm sure your momma can exchange it for the cash value, and buy something very nice for you.

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