Chapter 50 - Chapter 50 Spectacular!

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Kara and Lena are still sat on the couch, smiling at one another, both happy they have finally had their talk, and everything is going to be okay.

"I should probably have a shower, seeing as we are going to have guests coming in a bit." Lena smiles.

"Oh, yes." Kara says, a tad disappointed that she won't get to continue this nice moment with Lena.

"Could you help me? It might be a bit awkward with my wound." Lena says, with a knowing smirk.

Kara goes wide-eyed and a massive smile appears across her face. Kara rips her glasses off of her face, throwing them onto the coffee table, and a few moments later, Kara has carefully reached across the couch again and taken Lena in for a passionate kiss. In response, Lena lets out a yelp of surprise. Kara quickly backs away, scared she hurt Lena.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Kara asks, worried.

"No. You surprised me." Lena explains, smiling.

"Oh." Kara says, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Kiss me, Kara." Lena orders.

Kara once more, and slightly more carefully, connects her lips with Lena's, taking her in for yet another passionate kiss. Lena kisses Kara back with just as much passion. The two women just pour all their emotions and sexual desires into the kiss, which makes it simply magical. The two women have been separated for what seems like an eternity because of everything that happened, but now they are back together, and neither of them are going to waste even a moment of it. They both want to show each other just how much they love one another, and for now, that action is through kissing.

Kara continues to kiss Lena, for now being the one that has more of the control, dictating the pace. This is all okay with Lena seeing as she is injured, while she also just wants Kara to have her way with her. Lena knows that there will be more moments in the future when things will be reversed and she will be able to be the one that is in charge. Kara soon removes her lips from Lena's, causing Lena to let out a small moan of disappointment.

"Don't worry baby, I'll make it better." Kara says, then beginning to kiss down the side of Lena's neck, sucking on pulse points.

Lena lets out a loud sexual moan. The moan is both a result of Kara kissing her down her neck, but also from calling her 'baby', which Lena enjoyed more than she is willing to admit to anyone. Hearing the moan just puts a smile on Kara's face while she continues to kiss Lena, urging her on even more.

Over the next few minutes, Kara slowly continues to kiss down Lena's neck, while Lena wraps her arms around Kara, pulling her in closer, showing Kara her enjoyment of the action. But eventually Kara pulls back from Lena's neck and just looks at the brunette in the eyes, with on hand on Lena's pyjama shirt.

"Can I...?" Kara asks.

Lena nods, eagerly, far too turned on to respond verbally to the request at the moment.

In response Kara's smile widens and she slowly, and once more, seductively, begins to unbutton Lena's pyjama shirt that she has borrowed from Kara. Kara is tempted to just rip the shirt off in a forceful sexual manner, but Kara recognises that they are not having that type of moment right now. The two of them are in the middle of a passionate, loving, but gentle moment. Kara just really wants to make sure that Lena can relax, and she can do all the work, so that the Luthor doesn't burst open her stitches, or simply hurt herself.

"Kara, please." Lena begs, not being able to take Kara unbuttoning her shit so slowly.

Kara smiles up at Lena again and takes her in for another kiss, while continuing to unbutton the remainder of the shirt without looking. Lena kisses Kara back just as passionately, letting out another small moan as their lips connect once more. Kara can see just how much Lena is getting turned on right now, and it is all because of her, and that makes her so happy, while also filling her with a lot of confidence in herself. Kara for her part has never really been incredibly dominant, or confident, 'in the bedroom', but with Lena it's different. Kara can feel the way Lena responds to her touch in a way that none of her former male lovers have responded. Kara doesn't know if it's like this with all women, but Kara does not want to ever have to find out. Kara wants Lena to be the only person she has sex with for the rest of her life.

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