Two weeks earlier....
It is late in the evening in National City and James is making his way to the same warehouse where he met Lillian Luthor for the first time a few weeks prior. James himself has demanded another meeting with the Luthor matriarch, seeing as her promises that she would take care of Lena, and make sure that she stays away from Kara and Alura, just haven't come true. James is aware of how Kara thinks Lena is good and everything, and now has chosen the Luthor over him, but he won't let that stop him. James believes with all his being that Lena Luthor cannot be trusted, no Luthor can be trusted. James does realise the irony of the fact that, as here he is dealing with Lillian Luthor. But, the only thing James is certain of, is while you can't trust a Luthor, you can trust a Luthor to want to secure their family name and legacy. In this instance James knows that Lillian Luthor wants to secure the L-Corp (formerly Luthor Corp) name by making sure that Lena runs the company successfully, and in Lillian's mind this means staying entirely focused on that company, not having relationships with anyone. While James does not trust Lillian Luthor, he does trust that her family interests align with his interests of not wanting Lena anywhere close to Kara or Alura. James just knows that Lena is trouble, and if he doesn't do anything about it, Kara will just continue to blindly trust the Luthor and it will not only blow up in her face, but Alura's too. Kara may be angry at him currently, but James just knows that one day she will see the truth, see Lena Luthor for who she truly is, and that is when she will thank him for everything he has done to protect her, and her daughter.
James walks inside the warehouse, which is their agreed upon meeting location. As he enters the building he notices a few black four by fours with a few men inside, just sitting there waiting, clearly signalling that Lillian Luthor is already here. James then walks further and further inside the warehouse building, until he once again enters the main big open area. As soon as James steps inside this area of the building he sees Lillian standing in front of a metal table, a smirk on her face. Two guards then approach James.
"Arms out, we need to search you." One of the guards says.
James nods, putting his arms out and allows the guards to carry out their search. After about a minute the guards turn and nod at Lillian.
"He's clean." The guard informs her.Lillian then nods her head, silently telling the guards to let James walk closer to her.
"Apologise for precautions Mr Olsen, but a woman like me can never be too careful." Lillian says, with a smirk.James has a slight scowl appear across his face.
"I'm sure that must be true." James basically sneers.
Lillian chuckles at James.
"Here you are, clearly thinking such unsavoury things about me, yet you still come to me for my help. Before judging me Mr Olsen, you may want to look in the mirror." Lillian says."I am not like you. I am doing this for the safety of my friend." James quickly replies.
"And everything I do, I do for the sake of my family's legacy. Our reasons are not so different after all." Lillian smirks again.James just shakes his head and scoffs.
"It doesn't matter. You know why I am here. You told me you would keep your daughter away from Kara, but the opposite has happened!" James says, annoyed.
"Indeed I did..... I must admit..... I never suspected that my dear daughter would take such an interest in a person like Miss Danvers, let alone a romantic one." Lillian replies, "But you need not worry Mr Olsen, as I have a plan. I know my daughter very well, I raised her after all. Through the years I have always tried to make her strong, from manipulation, from her self-doubts and such. But I have always found that she is incredibly weak, and my.... motherly prodding has always produced the opposite effect. So... that is why I know how to.... guide.... Lena in certain directions.... with some carefully crafted words here and there. In fact, I have already laid the foundation for my daughter's self-doubts."

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...