Kara, Lena and Alura spent the rest of Tuesday having a nice intimate moment amongst themselves in the treehouse, all cuddled up together, just chatting away. Eventually, Alura did drift off to sleep between her two moms, so after that, Kara and Lena took it as a sign to head back inside, with Kara flying Alura down, just so they didn't have to wake Alura. After that, Kara and Lena spent some more time inside with Eliza, chatting to the Danvers matriarch about various topics. One of the particular topics of interest that came up, was Eliza's bio-engineering work, which Lena was very interested in. Then at the same time, Eliza was equally interested in a bunch of things that Lena was telling her that she is working on at L-Corp. Kara for her part really wasn't too interested in the topics her adoptive mother and girlfriend were discussing, and she doesn't know much about them anyway, but she wasn't bored. Kara was just very happy to look on and witness her girlfriend and Eliza engage so effortlessly with each other. All this just confirmed to Kara that Lena truly does fit perfectly in her life, as all her friend and family love her, although not as much as she does. Eventually, after all the conversations, Eliza made another lovely dinner, and the four ladies ate it together, with Alura having woken up from her nap. Then once the group were finished, they all decided to watch another movie again, before they all then went to bed. That evening Alura peacefully slept in her own bed, with Kara and Lena hoping that was a result of them hopefully putting their daughter at ease with what they had discussed earlier.
It is now Wednesday, the following morning, and Kara stirs from her sleep, beginning to wake up to the world. Kara feels so at peace in Midvale, not only for all the happy memories it brings back, and getting to see Eliza, but also because as they are not in the city, her super hearing doesn't go crazy. Kara doesn't have to make much of an effort to block out all the loud noises, like she has to in National City. All that allows Kara to relax even more here in Midvale, which is something she has really needed after everything she has gone through over the last few months.
As Kara continues to wake up, still with her eyes closed, she moves her arm over to where Lena was laying the night before, but she finds nothing, much to her disappointment. Kara then quickly opens her eyes and looks in the direction where Lena was sleeping the night before, and then confirms her suspicion that Lena is no longer in the bed with her.Kara lets out a sad sigh upon realising this. Kara is aware that she really hasn't got a chance to wake up with Lena in the morning, and just lay there happily. Most of the time it has either been that she needs to get up for some reason, or Lena needs to get up to start her work day or something, or Alura wakes one of them up, or has slept in the bed with them the night before. Therefore, because of this, Kara makes a note in her mind to bring this topic up to Lena, and just let her know that she would like to wake up to Lena beside her, at least one time while they are here in Midvale.
Kara stretches her arms out across the bed, just releasing all the tension from her muscles brought on by her night's sleep. However, as Kara does this, her left arm ends up on top of the place on the bed where Lena was sleeping, and Kara notices that it is cold, meaning that Lena has been up for a while. Kara then grabs her phone off of her night stand and sees that it is only 7AM in the morning, and Kara knows that Lena doesn't have any work today that would require her to get up at this hour.
Kara gets up from the bed, now hoping to find Lena somewhere. Kara leaves the bedroom, before heading down the hallway. Kara's first thought is the perhaps Lena couldn't sleep for some reason, and woke up earlier and just couldn't fall back to sleep, so she has just got an earlier start, and she will find her downstairs. However, just as Kara is walking past her former bedroom, where Alura is sleeping, she hears two distinct heartbeats. This of course worries Kara, because she knows that two people should not be sleeping in that room right now. So, Kara quickly opens the door, and that is when her heart absolutely melts. Kara sees that Lena and Alura are sleeping peacefully in Alura's single bed, wrapped up in one another.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
عاطفيةKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...