Chapter 48 - Bed Conversations

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It is now close to 11AM and Kara has spent the last few hours just nervously working on her laptop, all while she has continued to keep one ear focused on Lena's heartbeat, planning to speed to her side, as soon as the brunette wakes back up. As Kara mentioned to Alex via text, work has not been going great for Kara, as CatCo is in absolute disarray. There really isn't any structure in place, to appoint a temporary CEO/Editor-in-chief before the board of CatCo can meet on Monday, so that has left a complete power vacuum in the company now that James is in prison. Throughout the last few hours, Kara has found out from various people at work, that Snapper has basically tried to take control of everything they put out, as he is the head journalist, and previously answered to no one else, other than James for final approval. But the problem with this is, the journalism part of CatCo, while being their biggest department, is not the only department, there is also HR, marketing and even the tech departments. These departments do not fall under Snapper's purview, and from what Kara has been told, the other department heads are unwilling to work with, or maybe a better description would be for, Snapper. As of course the other department heads are not going to suddenly bow down to Snapper Carl, and allow him to just effectively become their boss pro-tempo. While at the same time, Snapper, being his usual gruff and rude self, has allegedly been acting like a complete ass, and making demands of the other departments, by ordering them around, rather than attempting to work with them, with an open line of communication. All in all, this has just meant that nothing has really been getting done at CatCo. Everyone is still working, but without anyone to wrangle the departments together, none of their work is actually getting finalised. This even means that no articles that are currently being written are being published, due to a lack of coordination with the tech department, and HR claiming that they can't allow 'in good conscience', for articles to be published, without an editor-in-chief to be there looking on for final approval.

This has all just been very frustrating and worrying for Kara this morning, as she has heard all these rumours from her work colleagues, while also being ordered to do one thing by Snapper, while HR has been telling her Snapper can't order her to do that at the moment. In fact, some of the rumours that Kara has been hearing from a few of her colleagues who have been at CatCo a long time, and therefore know people, have suggested that the board is actually considering dissolving the entire company, as they see no way forward. Apparently with everything that has happened, James' arrest having tarnished the company's reputation, and Cat Grant's shares are still being held in a trust while she works for the president. Of course, for Kara, she knows that it isn't the end of the world if CatCo ceases to exist, as there will be other jobs, and in the bigger picture of everything that has happened recently, it is not important. However, Kara has worked at CatCo for the last several years, and it was her first real job, other than being a waitress in Midvale and while she was in college in National City, and she has absolutely adored her time at CatCo. Kara actually isn't sure that she would be the super hero she is today without CatCo, she knows for sure that she most likely would not have been named Supergirl, and her early hero struggles would have been a lot worse without Cat Grant's encouragement. Then at the same time, Kara thinks that without CatCo, she would have never met Winn, who was one of her quick best friends as soon as she arrived at the company, even though she was soon pregnant a few months after she joined. Winn didn't care that Kara was this new awkward single girl who was having a baby, he just connected with her, as a friend, and was always there to help her. Then equally, Kara does realise, as bad as it is to think about, that she doesn't think that any other work place would have been as accepting of one of their new hires getting pregnant and needing to go on maternity leave, less than a year after joining the company. Kara knows that most companies, even though it is illegal, would have found a way to fire her, for some reason or other, but Cat didn't. Cat was a big supporter of Kara, and allowed her to work through her pregnancy as much as possible, and after she gave birth, actually gave her paid maternity leave, whereas usually companies would not pay their female employees during that period. Cat was just fantastic about it. In fact, Kara remembers that the first time she brought Alura to work, to show her off to her colleagues, Cat for a very brief moment grew a big smile on her face and said 'Congratulations Kara, she is a beautiful girl. Remember, this will be your greatest accomplishment in life, no matter what your other achievements may be, cherish that'.

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