Chapter 66 - Morning Nightmare

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"Momma NO!!!" Alura yelps out, startling Lena and Kara awake.

Kara and Lena both open their eyes and quickly look over to their daughter, who has her head buried in Lena's chest, crying. However, the five-year-old girl is fast asleep. Kara and Lena look at their daughter, incredibly worried, before then shooting each other concerned gazes. Obviously neither Kara or Lena want Alura to have bad dreams like this, as she doesn't deserve them, she deserves the world. The two mothers just feel so awful for their daughter, and the fact that things that have happened to them, the dangers that they have been put in, have triggered these dreams.

"What... should.... we... do?" Lena asks, looking at Kara with so much disappear and worry, as if she has no idea what to do herself.

"We, need to gently wake her up." Kara says, still looking at Alura.

Lena nods her head, before gulping due to her nervousness. Kara then slides over in the bed, moving closer to Lena, and gently moving Alura's entire body so that it is resting on both of them now. Alura has her head, and half her body on Lena, and the other half of her body on Kara.

"Alura.... sweetie.... wake up." Kara says, caringly, and very worried for her daughter. Kara obviously knows that you are not supposed to wake people up when they are having a nightmare, but what else is she supposed to do? Kara and Lena certainly aren't just going to lay there and listen to Alura continue to cry, experiencing her nightmare, they have to do something.

Alura however doesn't wake up, she just continues to cry and whimper, scrunching up Lena's pyjama shirt with one of her hands as she does. Kara now looks at Lena really worried.

"Alura, baby, momma is here." Lena says, soothingly, stroking the five-year-old's hair. "Everything is okay. I'm okay."

Alura continues to cry for a bit, while Lena continues to stroke the young girl's hair, and Kara now begins to stroke Alura's body. Thankfully, after a few more moments, Alura's sobs ease, and get quieter and quieter, as the five-year-old falls out of her nightmare. A few minutes after that, Alura is sleeping peacefully again, her nightmares having passed. Kara and Lena continue to stroke Alura and soothe her, wanting to make sure that their daughter doesn't slip back into another nightmare. The two girlfriends then glance at each other again, still worried.

"Tomorrow.... we should all have a talk with Alura.... about everything.... and your safety..." Kara says, gently.

"Yeah." Lena agrees, nodding her head. "I don't want Alura to have to continue experiencing this, she doesn't deserve it."

"No, she doesn't." Kara replies, glancing back to look at her daughter.

Kara and Lena stay awake, still worried about their daughter, continuing to stroke her, even though it is about 3AM in the morning. The two mothers are just far too concerned, and worried, to fall back asleep right now. However, eventually, after another 30 minutes, Kara and Lena soon give into their exhaustion and tiredness, and fall asleep once more, all cuddled up with their daughter.


Lena wakes up at around 8:30AM in the morning, feeling someone moving about on her chest. Lena opens her eyes and realises that Alura is awake, and is moving her head about a bit, as if she can't find a spot to get comfortable or something. Lena glances down at Alura, and sees that the five-year-old is moving her head from side to side, trying to find a position where she is the most comfortable. Lena however doesn't blame her daughter for not being able to get comfortable resting her head on her chest, as her body is rather bony, without much fat which can offer Alura a pillow. The only real pillow like area on Lena's body are her breasts, which Alura is staying away from.

"Alura?" Lena asks, in a quiet tone, not wanting to wake Kara. "What are you doing, darling?"

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