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Bow's Pov

It's now the 3rd lesson of the day and Adora is still not to be seen, I'm kinda worried to the point I nearly walked into the wall earlier thank goodness Glimmer held me back before I could. We are sitting now in Ms Weaver's class for chemistry, she was at first our English teacher so I have no clue why she is even teaching chemistry at all.

I wrote down notes as I listened to Weaver's instructions, I was about to write down the last piece of information until Entrapta poked my shoulder "ppssst Bow do you have an extra pencil I can barrow? It's for the next class" I looked at her with a smile "of course, you can also keep it" I said as I hand over her my extra pencil, she gave me a nod after whispering a thank you.

As she went back to do her own work or whatever she does, my mind went back over to Adora.

Adora's pov

I've woken up awhile ago, but for some reason I still feel ill and strange after the vision I had. after Scorpia knocked me by accident, I saw a bright light before seeing myself and Catra in danger after I've seen Mara.I can't explain how real it felt, too real that I woke up with cold sweat and that's when the nurse said she might have to call my parents to pick me up now I'm here stuck with boredom.

I let out as sigh, then soon felt another notification goes off from my phone, I opened it up and saw all the concernes I caused so I dropped a quick text

Adora: Guys I'm alright, the school is contacting my parents, see you guys around

Glim: Thank goodness you're alright, me and Bow will drop over at your place

Bow: with the gang!

Adora: awww how sweet

As I was about to put my phone away I received another text, what surprised me me that it was Catra, my eyes read the message over and over again.

Catra: Adora Imma stop over at your place, like in the old days and don't worry Princess I won't cause any trouble

PS. You're so much better out cold

I rolled my eyes as I then put my phone away and felt a great strike of fear as some of the vision came back to me. I closed my eyes as I try to stop myself from having a panic attack.

Catra's pov

I sold at least one of the goods to someone , which I'm thankful of I mean don't get me wrong drugs is amazing but being caught with it is another thing, I looked down at the  girl who I dragged into a bathroom stall earlier on, we had an extra deal she fills up my needs and she gets extra. I let out a grin as I lift her chin up "good girl now listen like always don't tell a soul about this? " she nods as she stands up and takes her small proportion of ecstasy for the week.

I waited a few minutes to leave after she left after all I didn't wanted to let  people know that I'm fucking around, as I walk down the empty hall way I felt someone pins me against the wall with their arm against my throat. I gasp out from the sudden empact "foolish child, getting caught skipping a class, I can't believe Hordak allows such worthless brat to do such important errands" I felt my skin went cold as I look straight into Weaver's eyes "I-I was about to go to class m-mam" I managed to let out as het arm pushed dangerously against my throat.

She let go of me, at that moment I breathed in and out as if I dived  deep into the darkside of the ocean and just came back out into the surface. Shadow weaver glared at me as she lift up my chin with her indext finger "go to class or I change my mind, but remember we will talk about this at home" I nodded as I turn around walking to my class.

Adora's pov

I jumped off the bed and walked towards the door, before I could open it The nurse cleared her throat "where do you think you're going?" I looked at her trying not to panic "well classes, I need to go to classes" before she could say anything I opened the door and started to run as fast as I can ignoring her calls for me to come back.

I kept on running until I pumped into someone "oh for hell sake wh-" I look at who I ran into and just my luck it was Catra, but for some reason she looks different,scared or just out of it. Catra looks at me as she stands up and dust herself off before I could say anything to her she started to run away from me "wait I- uh?" I look down after I heard a crunch under my foot, I picked it up and read the label and slowly I felt my chest tighten out of fear, fear for Catra's health "t-this must be a sick joke" I whispered to myself and pushed the little bag into my pocket as I quickly made my way to the nearest bathroom.

Catra's pov

After that incident with Adora I just have to run, after all we used to be best friends and she can read me like a book and I was not gonna tell her what's wrong, I let out a sigh as I stepped into the class and oh boy I'm going to get the most annoying lecture yet from mr whats his face, yea I never bothered to even know his last name he is that boring and annoying "aaahhh Catra so nice for you to join us, now take your seat and see me after class" I let out a groan as I sit next to Lonnie who was sleeping, which is nothing new to us after all besides doing gang stuff I work part time at Brightmoon Mechanics, while Lonnie does football she will sometimes stop over to help out but not much.

I wasn't in the mood to sleep however, I just took out my pencil and started to draw on a piece of paper just to block out this asshole, it went on for a while until the bell rang for lunch thank goodness but my parade ended "Catra, stay" I kept seated as everyone disappeared he looked at me sternly " Listen, today I'm not even going to lecture you, actually I'm going to send you to Madam Razz tomorrow because I'm giving up on you" I grinned as I stand up from my seat "awwwww knew you loved me mr quack" I chuckled as I left his class just to hear him freaking out.

I couldn't care less what he called out, I have way more important things to do and that's to sell the last bag of cocaine, I was about to go to meet up the customer but when I felt that my jackt's pocket was empty my eyes widen and started to run back to the spot me and Adora pumped into eachother praying for a miracle  but to my regert I didn't find anything such "looking for something Catra" I looked at Adora who held the small bag so only we can see it.

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