Chapter 35

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A/N:short chapter

Glimmer's pov

After I asked Prime when and where we should meet, he texted back and said today and sended me a location to a abandoned house. I took a deep breath as I knocked the door, it slowly opened revealing someone who looked like Hordak, only difference is that he is smiling and have green eyes "um hi?" I greeted with uncertainty "hi there, come in come in, they're waiting for you in the basement " he said, I slowly walked in and thanked him, I looked at him for the last time before going into the basement.

"ahhh, she is finally here, welcome Glimmer please make yourself comfortable" Prime said while Hordak, Shadow Weaver and someone else standing there under the dim light "before this begin Sir Prime  I just want to ask...Will you keep your promise?" I asked as I looked up to him, he let out a calming but yet a chilling chuckle "well of course, We just want our little sister back, you can keep Adora for yourself" he said, I nodded before I stood still "then lead the way" I said softly "good now let's all discuss how we'll have the two apart" Prime said with his usual calm toned voice, I feel bad that I'm doing this but I know this is the right way to go "So um Sir Prime, I want to ask you....You will keep your end of the deal right?" Shadow Weaver glared at me for second before Prime gave me his answer "of course I will, when we separate them get our little sister back, you may keep Adora" I nodded slowly "then ok, go ahead then"

Shadow Weaver's pov

After the so called meeting the little brat went home leaving only us, I looked at Prime for a second before asking him "due with respect but are we really going to let Adora go?" Prime shook his head as he tapped his finger against the table "oh no, I simply just said that so she can help, with our new little brother, he will keep her here" he said with a twisted smile, I nodded before looking at our latest member "well you heard him Kevin, don't fuck this up" I said before slowly walking out of the basement.

Adora pov

"Still nothing?" Bow shook his head as he try to call Glimmer again, after she ran out we all were angry with her yes but it's been three hours and no one knows where she is "I'm sure Sparkles is fine" Catra said while her arms were crossed, I glared at Catra and elbowed her gently, she let out a scoff as she looked at me while rubbing her rib softly "I hope you're right Catra, but then again rven her mother called and asked if she is here because she wouldn't pick het phone" Bow said. As we about to give up hope his phone rung, he picked it up quickly and put it on speaker.

"Glim where are you?"

"I'm just taking a walk to think things through and you guys were right, I just want to apologize tomorrow for now I still want space"

Bow ket out a relieve smile "alright Glim, see you tomorrow" he said before he hung up, we all let out a relieved sigh except for Catra "something doesn't feel right what she said" I looked at Catra with a raised eyebrow "how so?" she shakes her head slowly "because, last time we had a fight she didn't even apologized about the things she said to me and now she is sorry? I ain't buying it" now did she mentioned it, she has a point before anybody could say anything Frosta spoke up after she closed her book "ok, here is my two cents, Catra in a logical sense have a point aswell she could be right that something is worng but what if she is wrong leaving Glimmer in everyone's disappointed list so this is a 50/50 situation, so the best is to get Bow to find out in the most discreet manner as possible" we all looked at her in awe.

"Spinny what have you been giving her to read?" Netossa asked, Spinnerella shrugged at her question "honestly I have no idea where she got this and the books I give her are all fantasy darling" Swift Wind stand up and slowly walked to their stairs "I'm going to rest up guys" he said before going to his bedroom, Netossa lookes at me and Catra while tapping her foot "so what happened that made him look like that?"

"we went to a party and he was already drunk when we left, I have no clue what happened next, because me and Cartra were her and you know went to sleep" I said with a nervous chuckle, Netossa rolled her eyes "yea, yea we know you two had sex but even with drinks can't make someone look like that"I was about to answer until Catra did it for me "He smoked weed with Lonnie and them" she said "yea, that's what happened" Seahawk started to clap his hands "that's a true adventurer right here, but if course I'm still  unbeatable!" "uuuggghhhhh Netossa can I please have a ride with you?" Netossa looked at Mermista and nodded "I won't mind helping you, your boyfriend really needs to control himself."

Catra's pov

It took another hour before everyone left, when everyone was finally gone I saw Adora sat on the couch thinking about something, I wanted to ask her but stopped myself and took out my phone and went through instagram, and oh boy there were alot of pics DT took, but one picture caught my eye, I zoomed in to try and see who it was, my eyes widen when I saw who it was 'i-it can't be' I thought, now I have to bother Adora, I tapped on her shoulder, she looks at me with a curious look before I hand her my phone "look!"

"ok?" she looked down on the screen and finally she let out a gasp "but how?" "does it matter? I think we should track her down" I said as I put the phone into my pocket, before I stood up something was still bothered me so I kept seated "Adora....Will you always be honest with me?" Adora nodded "well yea? why wouldn't I be?" she asked, I took in a deep breath "tell me the truth, how was your life with your family?" I asked in that instant she froze before she answerd "it's complicated to be honest but....I guess it's time I tell you" she said as she wrapped het one arm around me "so it all began when......"

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