Chapter 41

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Adora's pov

"the fuck Adora!?" my widen as I heard her voice "C-Catra" I whispered softly before looking at Lonnie with a shocked expression, Lonnie looks back at me with confusion before I spoke again "Catra for how long have you been awake?" I askes as I felt myself tearing up "long enough to find out you joined the Horde!"

"Catra I know it looks bad bu-" "bad?! Bad?! No, what's bad is when you don't eat, what's bad is when you do something stupid but this is beyond that, this is idiotic Adora I'm fucking disappointed in you!" I let out a sigh knowing she is right but I can't stop now "Catra listen, I have a good reason to do all this, just please....Wait for me and I'll explain everything when we see eachother ok?" I said before I hung up on her, I could heat her screaming out wait but I just couldn't discuss it all through the phone "she is awake Lonnie!" Lonnie let out a relieved grin while she rolled her eyes "I could hear that, now lets go home doofus" I nodded as I followed her to her car.

Catra's pov

I can't believe she hung up on me, I let out a growl "she is fucking stupid I swear" I whispered loud enough for DT and Swift Wind to hear me, they both looked at me with different expressions, DT looks amused at all of this while Swift Wind looks like he id about to shit himself on the spot "so what did she say?" I shook my head in disbelieve "she said she have a good reason, what good reason?!" I groaned out as I hit my head into my pillow, I feel like I could scream to the world right now.

"I see..." I heard a chair moving a the door opening "see you tomorrow Catra, I'll bring the group over" I heard Swift Wind say before hearing the door close "I know it's a bad time to bring this up but I did two things, one, I saved that recording you've send me second I found that woman, I think it's the best time to bring her over tomorrow" I looked up DT "really!?" they nodded while they grinned at me "really, just give me my pay when you're out of here" I rolles my eyes as I glared at them "yea yea, You'll get $800 because I was out and I'll model for you, happy?" they nodded with the most devious grin they can master "I am, now I think I should leave as well, I bring her over tomorrow, tata Kitten" they said before exiting the room.

I looked at the door before looking at the ceiling, I let out a sigh "idiot" I whispered to myself as I thought of Adora, I closed my eyes to think on what to do in this situation.

Adora's pov

Me and Lonnie walked into the house, as we walked in we already Saw Kyle and Scorpia setting up the table "Hi guys" Lonnie greeted while I waved at them "good you guys are finally at home to help" kyle said with a smile "I got good news" everyone looked at me except for Lonnie and of course Regolio who is probably cooking up dinner "Catra is awake!" silence filled up the room before Scorpio let out a joyful sob "that's good news I'm happy to hear that" she said before walking up to me to pull me in a bear hug, I hugged her back.

"Imma go tell Regolio" kyle said as he rushed towards the kitchen "now I'm yet again the lonely Pringle" Lonnie said in a joking way, I rolled my eyes before playfully punched her shoulder  "awwww you could always date Swift Wind" her eyes widen before she shook her head "in the second thought I think I love being single" I let out a chuckle while Scorpia was laughing loudly.

"What's with all this noise for!?" we all turned our heads look at Shadow Weaver, we quickly stood up straight  "nothing mam, we just heard some good news mam" I said, she looks at me before lifting my chin up "is that so? What is this good news?" I held in my breath before answering her "that Catra has awoken mam and that she will soon join us mam" she didn't seemed too happy at the answer as she lets my chin go "I see, that's good we always do need a hand, thank you to infrom me Adora, now please calm down and don't cause another ruckus" she said before walking down the hallway to her office.

I let out the breath I was keeping in and looked at them with a serious look "guys, we can't allow Catra come back here ok?" they nodded slowly  "agree, she will only hurt her more" Scorpia said while looking away, I took a moment as I remember all the scars Catra had "yea" I whispered softly "uh guys, Dinner is ready" we looked up at Regolio while he put down the Dinner in the table with Kyle helping him "thanks" we all said to them in a union, we all sat down and started to dish up, as I was dishing up I couldn't help but to feel chills running down my spine and it seems I wasn't the only one feeling it, everyone looked uneasy.

I wad about to take a bite out of my food until I head Shadow Weaver's voice calling me "Adora! Come here!" I looked at them while they looked scared, I gave them a brave smile before standing up and walked toward Shadow Weaver's office.

DT's pov

I sat outside of my brother's yard watching the stars "well brother it's seems like you're enjoying yourself " I let out a grin before looking at him "well we are expecting a guest you know, I gotta look relaxed while looking good doing so" I said as I took a sip from my martini.

He let out a soft chuckle "well then, I'm going to bed, if you need anything let me or Sweet Bee know ok?" I nodded while letting out a dramatic sigh "of course brother it's not like I've been here for hundreds if times, stop worrying " he ket out a shrug before walking into the house, sometimes I swear that Mom picked up me instead of her actual child but sadly it's not the case.

I was about to contact the person until I heard the door bell rang, I stood up and speed walked towards the door, I opened it and let out a grin "so happy to see you, come in come in" I said as I stepped aside to let the person walk in, I closed the door behind her and then truned around "now let me introduce my self m-" "you don't need to, I know exactly who you are Double Trouble, now tell me what do you want?"

"touchy aren't we?" I said as I leaned against the wall "listen I'm didn't come here to amuse you or play games, now tell me what do you want?" I let out a chuckle "calm your tits darling, this is about you meeting someone tomorrow important and it's best that you do meet up this person after all you know them and didn't saw them for a long time" the woman stared at me with curiosity "oh? And who would that be?"

I licked my lips as my grin grew wider "Well Mara, it's Catra darling you know the girl who used to hang around with your sister Adora " I said, she looked at "alright you have my attention" I walked closer to her "well then let me give you the detials then of where and when"

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