Chapter 57

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Glimmer's pov

I was waiting at the alley where I should meet up with the contact, I looked down at the ground questioning my sanity at this point, sure I should just leave I hate Catra after all then again Adora is my friend and I can't just leave her in this mess, as my mind spiral I heard foot steps approaching me. I look up at the figure, as the figure comes closer my eyes widen, not out of surprise but out of happiness "ah Glimmer, I see your stuck up ass wants to live a little".

I nodded slowly as I forced a smile "well yea, so do you have the stuff Kevin?" Kevin gave me a grin as he takes out five baggies "well of course I do, but the question is do you have the cash?"

I nodded as I take out my purse, he steps closer and closer,when he was close enough I pulled out my pepper spray and sprayed it into his eyes "fuuuck!" he screams as he rubes his eyes, I took this chance and tackled him to the ground, as I saw a knife fell out of his pocket and grabbed it and held ot against his throat "now listen her scum bag where did you take my friends!?" I let out a groan before letting out a chuckle "you really think I'm going to tell you after you just pepper sprayed my fucking eyes? In your dreams!"

I let out a growl as I slowly make small cut on his throat "I'm not playing around Kevin, where is Adora and Catra!?" he let out a sigh "you don't get it do you? I WON'T TELL YOU!" he screamed out before he grabbed my waist and pushed me off of him. He pulled out his gun and pointed at my direction, I let out a smirk as I realized he is still blind due the fact that his is still tear up and still probably burning.

" quite now are we?" he asked, I kept my mouth shut as I crawl slowly to the side, with a frustrated sigh he moved his arm at my direction to me, before I could do anything he shot me.  I let out a painful scream as I look down at the wound "aww did you really think I didn't do this before? Then let me just say you're really a dumb ass bitch" he laughed before kicking me in the guts "well I guess I have to go, sure I could just kill you now but you bleeding out and whimpering like a little bitch is way better".

He spits at my face before walking off laughing, I couldn't help but to stare at my own pool of blood 'so this is it, this is how I'm going to die' I thought, as I close my eyes slowly all I could see is flashes of my life, how I used to fight with my mom, how me and Adora met, how we dated and broke up, how I used to think Catra was attractive as fuck and finally my friend and Bow, how I miss his smile and the way he used to make me smile. Just with those thoughts I couldn't help but to smile "call the ambulance " I heard a faint voice calling my name before silence took it's place.

Adora's pov

It was an hour ago since Kevin left, I think. While me and Catra sat in silence I was plotting how we're getting out of here especially the wort scenarios that could happen before we escape and after. I hummed softly to myself out of frustration as the possibilities of failures grew, sure my little plan does seem like a brilliant idea but after thinking it through I'm starting to question if I shouldn't just stop it.

"Adora?" I moved my head a little to show Catra that I'm listening "listen.....I have no idea what you're thinking but if it's about your unknown plan I-" before she could finish her sentence the door slammed open revealing Kevin, my eyes widen as I saw how red his eyes were, at that moment it clicked to me that Someone peppered sprayed him" Kevin what happened? " I asked as I used my fake concerned voice, I looks down at me as he slowly crouch down and started to kiss my neck roughly before slowly whispering into my ear " nothing just your little friend Glimmer tried to pull a fast one on me but don't you worry I took care of her".

My eyes widen as he said that but I kept my cool "I see... Well we're not friends anymore so I don't know why you're telling me this" he let out a chuckle "I see, well then how about that deal?" I took in a deep breath regretting what I'm about to say "fine, you can have me but you have to promise me something" as I said that I heard shuffling from the back "Adora fuck no!!! Don't you think doing it!" Catra screamed out, Kevin moved back and stared at her "let me guess I should let her go?"

"yes" I answered, I grins slowly "alright the you got yourself a deal" he said as he slowly to start to untie the rope, before he could say anything I grabbed his head and slammed it into a mirror, he let out painful scream as he rolled down onto the floor "fuck you, you fucking bitch you're going to-" before he could finish that sentence I slammed my foot down onto his throat before picking up a piece of the mirror "sadly I don't think you'll do anything, say hi to my dad for my asshole!" I said before slitting his throat with the piece of mirror, as I watch him choking onto his own blood, I couldn't help but to feel happy seeing him dying.

When he finally stopped moving I walked up to catra and untied her, she stared at me shocked but there was some glint in her eyes, I shook my head "lets get out of here" I whispered as I helped her up, I went to Kevin's dead body to look for his gun, luckily I found it.

"Kevin mate are you alright? We heard shouting" someone said behind the door, I froze for a moment before aiming the gun at the door, before even a thought could cross my mind I pulled the trigger.

Bow's pov

"come on Glimmer pick up" I whispered to myself as I dailed het number for the tenth time "she still not answering?" I nodded slowly "yea, and this makes me worried" I said as I looked down at the floor, Spinnerella puts her hand on my shoulder "I'm sure she is alright, maybe she is also caught up looking for our friend like we are" I nodded slowly as I doubt about that.

"um guys, listen I don't want to burst your bubbles but I doubt that's the case Spinnerella , I really don't trust that she wants to us" Lonnie said while crossing her arms, Rogelio nodded in agreement. I looked at them before looking back at my phone "either way she is helping or not, it's not like her to ignore calls even if she dislikes someone" I said before putting my phone back into my pocket.

Mara's pov

"anything?" Alicw asked as I walked out from an abandoned building, I shook my head as I gesture that we should keep on searching, she nodded as we started walking to the next "so, um not if this is any of my business but when will you go and se-" "after we find my sister and her girlfriend", an awkward silence build now between us, I know she was suggesting LighgHope, yes I do love her and I feel horrible that she thinks I'm dead but for now I could care less, Adora is in danger and I have to save her. As we kepton walking we heard gunshots, our eyes widen as me ans Raven look at each before running off to where the gunshots were heard from.

We stopped in front of a building, before we could open the door, the dooe open to reveal Adora and Catra, my eyes widen as I saw blood on the both "A-Adora" I whispered her name, she looks up at me with no humanity in her eyes "M-Mara" shw whispered back before finally collapsing down into the ground, Catra looked at us scared "guys... We really need to go to the hospital ASAP!" she screamed, I nodded as I took my phone out and started to dail nine one one.

"what happened here?" Alice asked as she went to Catra to help Adora up "it's a long story, I will tell you when we  get Adora to the hospital" Alice noded slowly to show that's alrighf

"nine one one wha-" before the woman could finish her sentence I screamed out "listen we don't have time, we found the missing girl please come picm her up, I think..... I think she is in a life or death situation" I rushed my words, I also gave the adress after a minute or so, I hung up on my phone and looked at them "they're on they're way" I said, before any words could be said I turned around "please guys look after her, I have to go.... I can't be seen".

"Wait, you're just going to leave!?" I looked at Catra "trust me I don't want to but I really cant be seen" I said before starting to run off 'I'm sorry Adora, I'm really sorry that you have to resort to that.... To become like me and father' I thought as I look Back to see Catra glaring at me while trying to keep Adora up.

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