Chapter 40

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Adora's pov

It's been two months since I've left everyone, two months since I joined the Horde, each time I saw the group I avoided them as much as possible even build up the rank of a bad girl slash Jock. I still visited Catra everyday to make sure she is still ok and that they would keep their promises and so far they did.

I held Catra's hand into mine as I looked at her, hoping she'll just wake up but she didn't, I let out a sigh "well I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow" I said before placing a gentle kiss on her cheek as I was about to leave Swift Wind walked in, he gave me a stern look "Adora, outside now and no more running" I stared at him for a few seconds before nodding "fine make it quick" I said before stepping outside.

"Adora, listen we are concern about you and I know for a facf Catra wouldn't want you do this this shit" he said after closing the room's door, I rolled my eyes "didn't I made it clear to not try?" "you did b-" "no buts, I made this choice for a reason now please let me be, I can't handle this right now" I said while I turned around to walk away, I could hear him calling my name, but I have to ignore him.

I walked out of the hospital and met up with Lonnie, she waved at me "hurry up your ass we need to meet up with Shadow Weaver damn it!" I shook my head and run up to her "sorry, Swifty was just holding me up."  "Adora, as much I try not to lecture you but are you still sure that you don't want to change your mind? Before you go through they brand you?" I closed ny eyes as I was thinking about what she said and then I nodded "I'm sure" I said softly as I climbed in her car. Lonnie climbed in after a few a minutes "personally Adora I think you're a dumbass for choosing this life" she whispered before starting her car, I shrugged as I played one of Catra's favorite song which is called nemesis from archenemy, it wasn't my taste but it made me feel closer to her, softly I started to sing with the song.

"We walk this earth
With fire in our hands
Eye for an eye
We are nemeses
We are with you
On this vicious, oh
Fight, fighting for freedom
United, we stand, we stand
We are a legion
Voice of anarchy
This is revolution
Creating new disorder
We are enemy
Divided of the system
Crossing democracy
Trading it in this time, yeah
One for all
All for one
We are strong
We are one
One for all
All for one
We are one (nemeses)
A malicious fever burns
In our hearts, In our veins
Your blood, My blood
All blood runs the same, the same
One for all
All for one
We are strong
We are one
One for all
All for one
We are one (nemeses)
We are nemeses
One for all
All for one
We are strong
We are one
One for all
All for one
We are one (nemeses)"

As the song ended Lonnie whistled  "I am impressed, you can actually sing this song?" I nodded "yea, Catra listend to this so much that I learned to sing it" I said after that the whole car ride was in a awkward state of silence between us while music kept on playing.

Catra's pov

I took in a deep breath before my eyes snap open, everything was so fucking bright, so damn ass bright before my eyes could adjust all I heard was someone screaming my name and something about a nurse, I squinted my eyes a little to see Swifty Wind yelling, while a nurse and a doctor ran in, I looked at them before the nurse rushed Swift Wind out of the room, I then moved my gaze towrads the doctor "ms, can you please say something and try to sit up?" I nodded as I slowly pushed myself up "where am I though?" "in the hospital, now we will begin a simple examination " he said, I nodded  slowly Before we started.

Swift Wind's pov

I waited outside the room after they chased me out, I took out a coin and started to flip it out of boredom of waiting "oh, you're the pony boy everyone is talking about" I turned to look at the stranger with long ass blond hair with green eyes that just screams out trouble "uh what?" "I said you're the pony boy what Kitten talked about, as in Adora's cousin I believe" I slowly nodded "alright but who are you?" I asked as I put the coin away "Name is Double Trouble, and before you make a stupid mistake like your cousin did I'm a none binary " they said while they leaned against the wall.

"so how do you know Catra?" they looked at me with a grin "well darling, we met when I was still in highschool, she wanted information and found me, I can find any information that is out there" I nodded slowly as I take a mental note "alright so you're also part of the Horde, good to know" they shook their head "oh no no no, I'm hundred percent neutral."

"I see" I said before looking at the ceiling, and I just have a feeling this will take a while and this was si uncomfortable, I mean they're not bad looking and smooth with their words but oh damn they have a weird energy about them.

Catra's pov

After my examination both Swift wind and DT walked in, I looked at them for a good fucking five minutes "ok that's it, I can't take this silnce anymore what the fuck did I miss?!" both DT and Swift Wind looked at each other before DT answered "well kitten you were out two months of yout life and oh boy there was some juicy drama like how your poofy hair girlfriend joined the Horde" My eye widen before I felt my anger build up "she did what?! Tell me you're fucking with me?!" I looked at Swift Wind and his expression gave me the answer I needed "is she fucking insane?! She, she can't do that!" I said, everything went silent again.

"Catra, I have no words to say about my stupid cousin, she is really becoming like her sister, and what makes it worse she is avoiding everyone, only person she went out to see is you" Swift Wind said, I shook my head in disappointment "I should be happy about that? Because seriously I am not" I said as Glared down at my hands "I tried to not get her into this shitty fucking life style and she went and do this shit, she is so lucky I can't just get up and walk and slap some sense into that thick Jock skull of hers" DT let out a chuckle, I turned my head to glare at him "sorry Kitten is just the way you said it, it's just that funny" they said before taking out their phone "wanna call?"

Adora's pov

We were finally done with the ladt delivery of marijuana, we were about to return home but then my phone was ringing, I looked at the caller ID confused and 'why is DT calling me? Do they have more information about her?' I thought before answering my phone  "DT wh-" "the fuck Adora!?" my widen as I heard her voice "C-Catra" I whispered softly before looking at Lonnie with a shocked expression.

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