Chapter 70

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Bow's pov

" she coming?" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know, but Glimmer how are you feeling? Can you remember anything?" she shook her head "calm down please, I feel like shit and no.... I can't remember anything... It feels like a blurr to be honest" she said as she rubs her temples.

"I see..... So.... You said you had a weird dream,wanna talk about it?" she gave me a glare "no, not until Adora is here, she.... She was the main part of the dream".

I nodded at her words, unsure on what to say I stood up from the chair and gave her a smile "I will be right back, I have to go" I said before walking out of the room. As I closed the door behind me I dailed Adora's number again, after a few awkward rings she finally picked up.

"Adora? Are you coming or?"

"me and Swifty are on our way ok? How is she?"

"well... She did say she feels horrible"

"Who can blame her? Anyhow see you in a minute, I have things to discuss to you since you didn't show up"

"ok, see you soon then" I said before hanging up. I let out a sigh before walking back into the room.

Catra's pov

I felt numb as I find myself in a dark room, I kept on staring at the only source of lighf which was the Tv screen showing Mara, Lucas, Alice and finally Rave holding a knife.

"so you'll be the poor soul I'll be torturing, how sad~" I turned my head towards the direction where the voice came from. I let ouf a growl before looking away at my so called 'punisher'.

"All this time,I never thought I'll finally see that sweet expression to be in pain" I closed my eyes as I kept on listening to Clairy's bullshit "is that so? Here I thought you just want to fuck me because you're such a horny asshole" I said with venom after each word.

"That's only the bonus, it's a shame really, I really liked you. You were so good in bed, knew exactly how to turn a girl into a sex slave but" she said before grabbing my cheeks and forced me to look at her "I will never forgive you for what you had done to my sister! Killing her with no remorse! You Catra, are a monster".

It was a full minute of silence surrounding us, I couldn't help but to finally letting out a chuckle "oh yes~I'm a fucking monster that's true but you know what that means for rest of you? Demon!" as I shouted it out I felt something sharp touching my neck softy "Don't act like you're the shit here Catra~remember one wrong move can get you killed~ or better get them killed and maybe Adora as well~" my eyes widen slightly before I shut them again "fine...... I'll behave" I said  in a whisper but it was still loud enough for her to hear.

"Good~ now you know the rules, I can do anything to you... If you scream they get punished, if you try to stop me, same thing until the twenty four hours is up" she said as she slowly brought the knife slightly against my cheek.

Adora's pov

"Sooooo are you going to check up on her?" Swifty ask while everyone is staring at me in silence. I look down at tbe ground while fidgeting with my hands "I.... I don't know, on one hand..... She was my best friend then girlfriend and then back to best friend but, she did betray us.... And lost my trust in her" I said as I slowly close my eyes "it's really hard even while I know she risk her life to fix her mistakes but.... There is also Catra that we really need to find" before anbody else could even say anything, I let out a annoyed groan "I don't know what to doooooooo!".

"Adora chill, listen we can search for Catra ok? While you go check up on her even though she doesn't deserves it" Rogelio said as he crossed his arms.

"I second that my" Scorpia said, slowly everyone agrees with him. I let out a sigh as I nod slowly "then it's settled, I'll visit her but please.... Any sign of her let me know ok?"

"OK!" everyone said in a unison, I turned around and looked at Swift Wind "coming?" he nodded as we both walked outside towards his truck "Adora, are you ready to face her again?"

I shool my head "no.... Not ready but if I don't go I will never be ready" I said while forcing a smile. He noddes as he unlocks his truck "well said but... As soon as she shows any signs on being a dumb hoe we are leavin ok?" I nodded as ww both climbed into tbe truck "deal".

He started his truck aftet putting on his sun glasses "oh, I have something to tell you while we are in our way there" I raised a eyebrow as he started to pull out where he was parked. He took in a deep breath before he puts on some random.

"Adora.... IVEBEENSSEEINGWITHDT!" I tilt my head "..... Sorry didn't catch that please try to speak little slower?"

"I've been seeing with Catra's friend"

"which one? There is Rogelio, Kyle, Lonnie a-"


My eye grew wide as I kept my self to choke on thin air "wait what!?"

"long story short we just use eachother that's it, no romantic strings attached" I shook my head as I stare at him "firstly.... We so have alot of things to talk about,secondly....... Why DT of all people?!"

"I don't know, kinda happned. We talked and next thing I know is we hang and stu-"

"yea no, please just no." I said  quickly, he nodded while letting out a chuckle. I looked down at my hands before looking at him again "soooooo... Is thag how you know so much?" he nodded "yep, so you can't hide shit from me!!"

I let out a scoff as I rolled my eyes "I couldn't hide shit from the start" I stick my tongue out while crossing my arms.

After our little talk it's be a silent ride to the hospital, when we finally arrived we both quickly went to Glimmer's room. When we walked inside we saw Bow and Glimmer were talking and both wore a awkward smile.

"um hi?" both turned their heads to look at us, Bow still had his awkward smile while Glimmer's dropped before she shifted her gaze away from me "h-hi Adora" she said quietly. I slowly walked towards her, as I stopped I hesitate for a second before giving her a gentle hug "I'm happy you're ok and awake now" I said softly, at first she stiffened before relaxing and returning the hug. When ww ended the hugs she wiped away her tears before giving me a smile, I can't help but to return the smile "Adora..... I'm so sorry for everything..... But" her smile dropped again as she continued "before we go to that conversation I have something important to tell you".

I nodded as looked at her, she takes in a deep breath "I dreamed.... Or.... To rather I heard Catra said something... About looking after you".

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