Chapter 36

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Adora's pov

"so it all began when I was 5 and Mara was about 9, we were getting ready for Swift Wind's party, and well my dad came back home, fired from his job.....So after that our family fell apart" I said as I looked Catra "the same birthday party where you were late?" I nodded slowly "yea....Anyhow everytime our dad would come back home drunk, either screaming at me or Mara, mostly Mara because she would always jump in to make sure I was ok, our mother started to work in two job, working herself to death, and I mean that Literally"

I closed my eyes as I remember how my mother would come home and sleep on the couch and the one day she wouldn't get up "I think I was about 8 when she died, when the funeral came our dad's condition became worse, the house would always smell like alcohol and weed." "was that why you stopped having us at your place" I nodded as I took her hand into mine "yes that's why, that's why I always suggested coming to your place when we planned sleep overs and hang outs, it gotten so bad that he would lie to us on who his new friends were....We found out that they were his suppliers aswell loan sharks" I took in a deep breath as all these memories came back in a flash.

"after I've turned 14, well ww got news that him and Swift Wind's parents gotten into a car accident, so Mara and me moved here, in this house, it didn't took long until Mara followed the same patterns" I said as I held back my tears "there is so much I could tell you, but those were the main part, the rest you already know" she looked at me before she kissed my hand "It looks like we're bothed damaged" I let out a weak chuckle "it seems like it, now lets go and track her down"

I let go off her hand before walking up to my room, I took out some clothes and out on sneakers, I ran back down and looked at Cartra who is texting someone 'I'm happy that at least you're trying' I thought to myself, she was really on her way to be like Mara and my dad but now it looks like slowly she is trying to walk in the right path.

Catra's pov

I can't believe Adora had that kinda life, I really can't. I think when Swift Wind's is better to tell me everything else what Adora's dad did so, I have a feeling that things was way worse and I want to find out.

As I was texting DT, I'm waiting for Adore, I asked DT about that woman's where about, and rereading the chat is slowly killing me.

Catra: DT, that woman....Do you possibly know where we can find her? The one I've circled....

DT: no Kitten, I don't but I can track her down for a price however

Catra: I will pay anything, it's really important that we find het ASAP.

DT: alright, it'll be 300$ also a day where I can test out my new costume designs on you

Catra:....Will they be dressed?

DT: Ohhh definitely ~

Catra: I hate you

DT: no you don't, and we both know that

I can't help but to groan 'she better appreciate this' I thought to myself, as I was deep in thought, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I glared at Adora for a second "don't fucking scare me like that" I said as I put my phone away "sorry,sorry it was just tempting especially that you looked so focused on something " she laughed out, I rolled my eyes before giving a gentle peck on her lips "well I asked DT to track her and the way you are dressed, you're going somewhere"

"yea, I want to ask someone if they saw her" she said with a smile "oh? And who would that be?" I asked, she opened the front door slowly "Huntara, since they used to drink at the same Bar" I nodded slowly "alright, please be careful" I said, she nodded "I'm always carefully" she said before closing the door behind her, I shook my head as I looked down at my phone, I felt really uneasy about this especially after they said that Glimmer said that she is sorry"

Adora's pov

I Ran down the the streets as fast as I can, the Bar wasn't far hence why I didn't ask Catra to give me a ride or anything, as I kept on running I stopped as I saw a familiar face or thats when I thought, when I looked at the same spot there was nothing and no one "that was strange" I whispered to myself, as I slowly to start to walk this time,I felt like someone was staring at me.

I stopped front of the Bar, and let out a sigh, I then slowly walked towards the entrance and before I could  reach it, someone placed their hand on my mouth and tried to drag me away, but then I elbowed the guy and friend around to grab him and slammed my knee against his head. As soon I ket go I turned around and ran through the entrance, Iet out a breath as I ran in and hid behind someone, as the stranger ran in, he eventually walked out. I let out a breath of relief "um, not to be rude but for the 7th fucking time step back" I looked at the person who glared at me, I stepped back and rubbed the back of my head "sorry, I was um-" "save it, I don't care, just don't you dare step any closer to me freak" the person said before walking away, I was about to say something until I heard Huntara's voice.

"seems like you are a real dumb lesbian Jock" I turned around and stuck my tongue out at her "she is the one being rude, besides I only used her to hide from someone who was about to kidnap me coach" I said, her facial expression changed fast as she placed her hands on my shoulders "tell me everything what happened"

"well, I was about to walk in and this person placed their hand over my mouth, and all this because" I took out my phone to show Huntara the picture "to ask have you seen her!" she lookes at the picture "wait....Is that, ok Blondie come with me and we can talk" she said while she started to walk back into the back room, I nodded as I followed her.

Catra's pov

I looked the time as I was getting worried about Adora "8 pm, where is that girl?" I asked myself softly as I stand up from the couch and walked up to the window to see if there is any sign of her but nothing, but I could of sworn that I saw Sparkled however, and I wasn't mistaken it was her, she walked up to the door and gave it a knock.

I let out a small growl under my breath before walking up to the door and open it "Sparkles" I said, she looked at me with a stink eye before placing a fake ass smile on her face "Hi Catra, I just came here to apologize to you and Adora" I rolled my eyes "yea no,I don't believe you but sure I will accept your quote on quote apologie" I said before trying to close the door, but she then stopped me with her foot "say is Adora here? By any chance?" I shook my head "no why?"

She gave me a grin "I was just wondering, anyhow see you tomorrow Catra" the why she said it made my stomach drop, something is definitely wrong, I closed the door as fast as I could and took out my phone, as soon as I want to call Adora someone else called me, I answer the  call, but all I could hear was heavy breathing for a second before the person "good you picked up little sister, listen I have a job for you" I felt my whole body froze as I heard prime through the phone "w-wh-what do you want?" "nothing to importance to me, but it will be for you, please join me in an hour for dinner so we can discussed about something" I took in a deep breath "if I refuse?" "well if you refuse, let's just say, Adora won't see her next game" after he said that he hung up, I looked at my phone with fear as he sent me the location on where to go.

I closed my eyes before opening them 'forgive me Adora but I'm doing thks for you' I thought before I went up stairs to change, before I left, I've written a note and placed it on a table for Adora.

As I walked out, I climbed onto my bike and looked at the house feeling as if it'll be my last time, I closed my eyes to take in deep breathes before starting my bike 'Ok Prime, let's play' I thought before I drove off to meet up with him.

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