Chapter 73

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Catra's pov

"fuck, fuuuck I wanna get out of here" I whispered to myself, it wasn't even a day and I felt the loneliness of the room, it was dark and Prime's annoying voice repeating over and over on how to behave as his low grade thug or so shit I really don't care, I fell asleep until I heard a familiar voice screaming out.

"Get me out of here!" I looked up to see a few highlights of Hordak's figure, I let out a  soft giggle, as he turns around I can't help but to grin at him "looks like poor Hordak isn't that special anymore now ~".

Hordak let out a scoff with uncertainty "shut up!! You don't know what you're talking about this is a mistake.... He... He" I burst out laughing at his stupidity while shaking my head "oh Hordak, Hordak use that fucking brain of yours for once, like all of us he just used you! Just like you used me! Just like the ones who died ran out of use or went out of line, now for you, his own brother to be in this room must mean you pissed him off".

He stayed quiet for a moment before answering me "listen here you know nothing, and even if you were right I wouldn't say anything to you!" he Crossed his arms as he looks down at the ground. I rolled my eyes "ok, it's really not like I cared after all.... You guys are the reason, so actually while I'm here I can finally say go choke on a fucking dick and die"

"Reason to what? To show the facts that all of you are scum? Then I don't regret nothing" he said smirking, before I could say anything a neon greek light switched on as Primes voice sound track gets louder and louder, I let out a growl as I tried to cover my ears but still kept on going.

Adora's pov

Swift Wind stopped on Entrapta's house, it is huge, for most of us this is the first time we actually see her house, she really didn't invite us. Usually she just hanged out at our place, we climbed out of Swift's truck and walked up to the door and knocked it, it took a while before it opened.

I held myself back as I saw Hordak look alike front of the door with a smile "oh, you must be the friends, come in come in" he said tiredly as he move to the side so we can come in.

We slowly walked in ina awkward silence, as the door closed behind us he slowly led us to the the living room where we saw Entrapra writing down notes while Mara talked  her, but what caught my eyes is how Alice look out of it. I walked up to Mara and stared down at her "what happened?" she turns around with a worried expression "Adora.... I think you should sit down for this" she said in the most serious tone I've ever heard from her, I shook my head "no..... Just tell me everything now" I said as I clenched my fists, she stood up slowly and looks into my eyes "alright.... But then just be prepared" I slowly nodded "ok".

Glimmer's pov

I looked outside of my window as my father's voice echoing as he say my name "Glimmer" the final time he called out my name I looked at him "yea?"

"are you ok?" I nodded slowly "you sure?" I looked down at my hands before looking back to him, in that moment I made up my mind "actually no..... I.... Dad I did so much horrible stuff and I think it's time for you to know exactly what's going on" he looked at me with concern "ok kiddo, what's going on?"

I took in a deep breath before slowly beginning to tell him everything.

Adora's pov

I slowly sat down on the couch as I covered my mouth to prevent myself to het sick of what I just heard while slowly processing everything. It didn't took too long as I felt tears building up "I-it's my fault" I whispered to no one in particular.

"Adora I-"

"Bow, not now" I said sternly as I stand up again "I..... I need fresh air" I said as I slowly walked off. When I reached the front door finally I slowly opened it and stepped outside, as I close the door behind me in this moment I remember the dream I had since the first day of school, I remember every single memory flooding back to me, at that moment I sunk down and sat down onto the floor as I let my tears out.

"I failed yet again, I failed Catra, I failed Glimmer, I just keep failing" I whispered to myself over and over.

"Adora?" I looked up just to find Perfuma, Scorpia, Rogelio, Lonnie and Kyle staring at me.


"are you ok?" Scorpia asked, I shook my head slowly, as I slowly stand up "what happened?" Perfuma asked, I took in a deep breath "I-Catra, she, she went back" I let out with my raspy voice.

They looked a little bit lost as I try to carry on "Adora, Adora stop.... Lets go inside get yourself some water and then maybe you can tell us everything ok?" I nodded slowly, before I could turn around and set my foot back into Entrapta's house I took in a deep breath "she.... Is back to the Horde" I whispered as we finally walked inside.

Catra's pov

I heard the door opened after Prime's voice stopped playing, I opened my eyes as I saw a figure walking up with a syringe, my eyes widen "w-what are you go- please stay away from me stay awaaaay!" I screamed out, the person grabbed my arm and inject some shit into me, they let out a chuckle "don't worry ms, everything will be fine, just relax" they said before walking up to unconscious Hordak, he pulled out another Syringe and inject him aswell.

"What are you going to do to us!? What we in t-t-those sy-"

"oh don't you worry about that, actually worry about where you're going in three, two, one"

I slowly felt my felt my eyes closing and before I knew it I slowly drift off to sleep with nothing running through mind.

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