Chapter 84

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Adora's pov

My eyes couldn't leave at the sight, Prime grins down at me knowing I wouldn't do anything to put het in harms way.

All went quiet for a moment before Prime spoke up "now my dear choose, your sister and a friend who has betrayed you or your childhood friend who only wanted from you is your unconditional love" I gulped whike I was thinking about everything, my past with Mara, my past with Glimmer and finally my past with Catra. At this moment I could feel my world crashing down, I looked at Catra who didn't even showed one bit of care in this situation.

"What if I choose my own death?" I asked making sure I spokw loud enough for him to hear me, he let out a grin "well if you choose to take you own life, lets just say maybe I'll reconsider to let everyone go" I looked at Catra "even her?"

"I'll even let her go yes" he said, I looked up at him then nodded, I crouched down and took someone's bottle out if their hands, at first they were annoyed at my action but then forgets his annoyance when someone handed him a new one, probably his partner.

I hit the bottle hard onto the floor, making sure it broke in half. I looked up at Mara who's eyes widen in shock ans fear "Adora!!!!! Noooooo" she screamed out while tears were filling up her eyes, I gave her a forced smile before looking at Catra who's eyes also widen, then finally I looked at Glimmer "take care of everyone ok?" she shook her hear "Adora I know what you're thinking, please.... Don't do it" she pleaded.

"I have to" I looked down at the broken bottle.

Bow's pov

"Let go off me!" I listen to Swift Wind screaming on the video call.

"Swifty listen..... Even if you do go now, you won't make it on time!" Netossa yelled, I have no idea what going on as I stare with fear striking in me.

I stood up and try to walk closer but some Horde member stopped me by pushing me onto the ground "got cha" he said "guys found them!" some more members came over, the woman handcuffed Entrapta who was tinkering with her one laptop the whole time whole time while the other woman switched off the the laptop that we were using "good, now let's take them close, remember Prime said we wont let them go unless that blond girl kills Catra or herself" said the woman who switched off our laptop in a firm voice.

I tried to shake out of the guy's grip but he held onto me too tightly "ahh it's a shame, I swear Maybe Tray would have fun with this one, I mean he even is his type, a weak ass twink"

I glared at home when I turned my head "I'm not a twink!" he just ignored me while we walked closer and closer to the stage until we were standing next to Glimmer, the crowed stared up at us with either amused or disgusted expressions.

Adora's pov

'come on Adora, you can do this' I keep thinking to myself as I stared at the glass what seems like forever while in reality it was for a few minutes.


I turned to look at Bow ans Entrapta, my heart dropped, seeing them captured didn't make anything easier, actually it made me regret everything, maybe just maybe if I didn't ran away trying to find Catra on my own, maybe if I listened and formed a plan first none of this would've happened.

I looked away from them and took in a deep breath wnd forced a smiled while I started to tear up "guys, I.... I was wrong... I'm so sorry" I said while I closed my eyes before finally lifting the bottle piece and swing it towards me, I opened my eyes when I didn't felt the stab to only see Catra's hand stopping the sharp shards of glass from the bottle, I could see one piece was sticking out of her hand.

I looked up at her to see her face, she bit down onto her lips to probably keep in her pain.

"Fuck,are you fucking stupid?" she asked me, I ignored the blood that was dripping on me.

"Catra...." I whispered, she shook her as she lift her hand up to pull the bottle out of her hand, she let out a whimper before thrown the bottle into the crowd.

"Adora, you fucking twit, have you learned nothing in movie?! You can't trust a fucking gang leader to keep his fucking word" she yelled before taking something out of her ears and threw it down before stomping on it "I mean for fuck sakes, don't you even care how this would've effect me!? Your cousin?! Or I don't know your friends!?"

I looked down at my hands for a second, I'm happy that she is no longer in a trance like state but I still don't know how to solve this mess we are in.

"Enough!" we all shifted out gaze to look at Prime, he looked angry, this was the first time he didn't looked his usual calm self "Prime Sees everything Prime k-" before he could finish Mara grabbed the gun out of his hand after kicking his arm.

"Prime go fuck your god complex!" Mara yeld as she shot him. As he let her go, she looked at us for a second with a smile before she hitted the ground.

"Mara!!" I yelled out and run towards her, the crowd and the gaurds were too shock to stop which in a way I was thankful they were.

I crouched next to and pulled her upper body up so she can rest against my knee, she looked up at me with a weak smile "Adora, Listen take everyone here and go, I'm not sure that I've killed him yet" I shook my head "sorry Mara but I can't do that"

"you can and you should, listen stop trying to be the hero especially towards me.... It's my job to protect you not the other way around" she coughed out, I could see some blood started to run out of her.

"Mara, you've always protected.... Thats why I can't just leave you like this, let me protect you too" I said, not giving her space to argue I took off my jacket and wrapped it around where she was bleeding before I took the gun out of her hand.

"Adora is she?" I looked up at Scorpia "she will be fine.... If we can get her to the ambulance in time" I said knowing it's nearly to impossible "Scorpia... Take care of her" she nodded and picked her up from me, I stood up and turned around to look at the crowd.

"I've almost forgot that they were here, they're not gonna allow me to walk up their"

Catra's pov

I have no idea how I broke out of the hypnotism, all I know is however that I can't watch Adora die, I stared down at the crowd and Adora before clearing my throat.

"Everyone Listen up, I know some of us haven't get along with each, some if us actually hates each other's guts so how about this, you let my friend kill Prime and never see each other orr you kill all of us and keep on seeing the same fugly faces every single time" this idea looked better in my head, but clearly it was a stupid idea when the crowed broke down in laugher.

"sorry but who would listen to a beaten up girl like yourself, I mean look at you, you're bleeding to death and can't even stand up straight" I looked down knowing that what all he said was the truth, hell I'm wondering how the fuck I'm still standing still at this point.

I looked back up about to snap at the guy, but the something landed on yhe floor and before I know it some smoke came out of the object.

"Smoke grenades!!" I heard few people shouting out as more and more been thrown near us. Everywhere was chaos, I sunk down onto my know knees with no idea where I should run off to, all of the sudden all I could hear was gun shots and sirens around me.

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