Chapter 19

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Catra's pov

Two weeks went by fast, Adora is finally coming back to School with us,this makes me happy because that means I don't have to be stuck with a glaring glitter gremlin. The rest of the group is cool I guess, I walked down stairs only to find Adora doing push up and Swifty Wind making pancakes, thank goodnsss I got used to the madness of the house.

I took a seat at the table and took a glance at the dork "how the fuck do you even have the energy to do all this shit?" I ask as I lay my head onto my warms still looking at Adora, she let out a giggle "well that's a good question to be honest, I ask that myself everyday" I rolled my eyes as she finally stand up and sat down next to me "well please do find the answer and share the secret, I really want to know" she leaned in closer "I will share it any time." "um can you two love birds not" we both look at Swift wind as he puts down our breafast front of us, I let out a chuckle "you're just jealous because you're single as fuck" I said before  taking a brite from the pancake, Adore nodded "I have to Agree with Catra, you're just Jelly" he twitches as let out a fake tear "that's not fair Adora you should be on my side what happened to family before hoes?" "well what shoud I do if the family member is a hoe themselves" for a moment the room went silent before we all broke down into laughter, when the laughter finally died down we just finished our breakfast.

After break fast we took our stuff and went to Swift Wind's Truck, and Adora ran and jumped into the back, I shook my head "well I guess I'll be sitting next to you?" she grined and nodded "yep, and you my friend don't have a choice, come on in there is alot of space back here" I can't help but to hate the Idea already, I climbed in on the back and sat next to Adora, while we wait for Swift Wind we both just stared at the sky "so Catra, be honest with, two weeks back you knew I went and talk to that momster, who told you?" I look at her before answering "well firstly it's funny how you call her a momster when she is way worse and not my mom only my care taker and secondly I met a friend after you left, their Name is Double Trouble, I just call him DT"she looked at me like I was the most craziest person in the world  "wait, I've met that creept smile person, they seemed really odd and creepy and and and weird" I let out a laugh "oh my gosh, wow, don't worry they're nice to people when they like them but they're good on getting information for a price however but they let it slip about you when we were talking" she let out a sigh of relief "here I almost thought you were spying on me" I nearly chocked and held in back a nervous laugh "yea no I would never" I said 'well, I only spy when you're sleeping' I thought as I went back to sky staring.

Before we even said another word Swift Wind climbed into his truck and finally we were off to school, thank goodness I asked Swift Wind to play some Arch enemy's songs while we were on our why, I couldn't help but to sing along with the words while Adora struggled  with the words, which I found hilarious.

Adora's pov

I can't understand how Catra can even  sing along to this let alone understand what this woman is singing, I did try my best to sing along but I keep on failing miserably, thank goodness we finally at school, I jump off the truck after grabbing my things while Catra slowly climed out of the truck, we both walked up to the group, and oh boy it was chaotic, Sea Hawk let something on fire again, while Mermista is scholdind at him and Glimmer and Fosta is putting it out, Bow on the other hand is filming it, his face said it all, it really had the expression of 'how did even became friends with any of these people'.

While I was scanning our group I found something that surprised me, Scorpia was here too and she was talking to perfuma "um when did that happen?" I asked when I looked at the too "well two weeks ago, while you were having a vacation at home," " I wasn't on vacation, I was suspended " I pouted as we reached into the chaos, I was about to say hi but everyone tackled me into a hug, we all fell down onto the ground, it didn't take long to get off of me "I missed my baby!!!" Glimmer shouted while Bow nodded "she did and wouldn't stop being over dramatic"

"It's not over Dramatic when you're best friend is at home and not saying anything " she said as she crossed her arms, I couldn't help but to laugh at the scene but I stopped when Mermista whispered loud enough for everyone to hear though "so did you and Catra fucked?" I nearly tripped over the flat surface "NO WE DIDN'T!" I said loudly as I hide my blush by looking away, Catra grinned, and oh boy I didn't like that grin "Oh we did, we mind fuck eachother all the time, especially when math is involved" I shook my head,I can't believe she just said that "Gross! We didn't need to know what kinks you have!" Glimmer shouted out.

I elbowed Catra gently  "calm down, I'm just helping her with math, also we are not mind screwing eachother" I said, Catra couldn't help herself from laughing "I can't believe little glitter bomb took that seriously" Glimmer scoffed as she shook her head "to my offense when it comes to you it wouldn't be surprising" I sadly agree with Glimmer "now that you think of it, she has a point" I whispered to myself, no heard me since Catra and Glimmer having their argument.

Swift wind walked up to the couple of the year and those three left early for class as always, I took Catra's hand and started walking "well the bell is going to ring any moment so let's go to class" she let out a groan as I was practically dragging her "do we have to?" yes we do."

We reached our homeroom and walked in, and took our seats, I looked at the ceiling and then back at Catra "I'm kind of happy to see you fitting in with us" she nodded as she whispered "to be honest I always thought I would never but they make feel like I do fit in, but I'm still jumpy when I see her" I took her hand in mine "don't worry as long as there is people around she won't do anything" I hope I could believe what I just said but for a funny reason I had doubts in my own words.  As the room was still empty and silent we heard someone walked in and it was none other than Hordak himself, when he walked in he locked the door "aren't  you two early for class" he said as he walked closer to us, with each step he took my heart skipped a beat out of fear, he the smiled "and you ms greyskull do remind me of your sister"

My eyes widen a littel, it was getting difficult to hold in my composer "strong will and a hard worker it was just a shame I had to get rid of her when she refused to do her job selling the goods, she had forgotten that once you join you can't escape, but I'm sure I didn't need to tell you that right Catra"

Catra's pov

I held in my breath as he stared at us, I even ignored the pain I was feeling from Adora's grip "Sir, I wasn't escaping, I was merely tak-" "don't you dare lie to me, Shadow Weaver told me everything, now the Question is what should I do with you two, there is so many options, kill you two or give you guys a chance to really consider to stand with us" he said as he sat on the desk, he then lift Adora's chin up "or make you guys our personal sluts, its really up to you" he then let her chin go "I'll let you decide" he said before unlocking the door and walked out, I finally manage to let go of the breath I was holding and looked at Adora, I can't help but to hate myself that K brought her into this, the fear in her eyes already started to tear me apart slowly "Adora?" she looked at me with determination "Catra we can't tell anbody what happened here and we must bring them down as fast as possible" I nodded slowly  "I agree but we need a plan first." 

"I know we do" she said as she let go of my hand and rest her chin on her hands as she closed her eyes "this is war"

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