Chapter 79

45 3 21

Adora's pov

In the dissonance we could see the Horde gang members showing up one by one, slowly it became full of members, dangerous men, hookers, drug dealer and more, we arrived about hour or two ago.

"Nervous?" Marinda asked while playing with her handcuffs, I shook my head "no, I'm just thinking" I said trying to hide the fact that I'm scared "oh doll face, listen you can't fool me, so please tell me honestly how you feel?"

"I... I feel scared... I'm scared that we will fail, that maybe we were too late for Catra, I'm scared that I'll lose my my friends"

"I see.... Listen.... I know how you feel sweetie but unfortunately we can't allow fear to stop us, I mean if we keep on following our fears we would get nothing done" She said with a reassuring smile, I smiled back at her.

"Thanks" I whispered softly, I look up at the sky and hoping that tonight my lucky stars will help.

"just this once" I whispered  to myself quietly.

"It's time, get Ready" she said, I nodded as I allowed her to put those handcuffs on me "No Adora, Listen what ever happens don't lash out ok?" I nodded slowly "I'll try" I whispered.

Scorpia's pov

"you think it's safe for you to be here?" I whispered to Mara, she had her hood and mask so no one would recognize her, she nodded slowly before answering me softly "yes, for now anyways" I scratched the back of my head while looking away.

"Scorpia! Over here!" Lonnie calls out, I let out a smile and waved at them "hi guys, sorry I didn't came with, I just wanted to drop off Perfuma before coming here" Rogelio let out a chuckle "oh? Wasn't it because you wanted some extra alone time~?" I couldn't help myself from blushing while shaking my head "no, no".

Mara cleared a throat, we all looked at her, before she could say anything Kyle already spoke up "Scorpia who is your new friend over there? Not cheating on Perfuma are you?" Lonnie choked on her beer while I let out a cough "no, no, no not at all guys this is we-"

"It's me, Mara, listen carefully just call me, rogue ok?" They all nodded slowly ate her instruction "good now Scorpia already told me about your plans.... I'm going to try and stop it" she said while crossing her arms

"Why? It was a good damn plan?"

"A suicidal plan isn't a good fucking plan, I've seen what they can do at the main base, they won't spare anybody, if you guys get caught then you're all fucked?" Mara screamed while whispering, before she could carry on someone walked past us while staring at us dangerously, Mara stared back before picking up a beer bottle and broke the back end of it whole pointing it at Lonnie" LISTEN HERE BITCH ! I BET WE SHALL GET A WONDERFUL MATCH, HELL I HOPE IT'LL BE US! "

The man looked pleased before walking away, we all let down our gaurd just so we can get in a breath" that....that was terrifying" Kyle let out while struggling to get his composer "you think that's bad wait until the main fucking base" Mara said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope I have your attention" we heard Prime's voice through the mic, still as perfectly stiff as possible "I would like to congratulate you all for working your hardest but, unfortunately there is some out there that's been ruining our work" for a moment we heard alot of boo's in the crowed, and some just drink their drinks with no care "I know, I know but I do share some good news, tonight we shall punish those traitors"

Adora's pov

Right after we heard Prime said that, I could see how uncomfortable Marinda looked, not sooner or later I saw why, Three people were on the stage, one a young boy that looked around fourteen, and the other two were twin, they were really pretty but with that beautiful faces if them soon was covered in blood when one of the members shit them with a shot gun, my fists clenched as I saw how the crowed cheered.

"Adora, keep it in" Marinda whispered as we kept on walking.

When we finally reached there, Prime was about to announce something "Stop lord Prime, I brought someone you might like!" Marinda shout out loud ans clear, Prime looks at our direction with a grin "aaah so you have, bring her up here" he said slowly yet again with that unsettling calmness in his tone, what made it even more unsettling is when I saw Clairy stood up with her own twisted grin and walked off.

Everyone stared at me, even Lonnie and them, I could see fear in their eyes as we walked by them. When we finally reached onto the stage, Prime lift my chin up with his cold hands "well, at first I thought this plan wouldn't work but it did" he said, me and Marinda both looked at him, confused on what he just said "what do you mean by th-"

"He meant, I tipped him off" Rick said while walking out from where he was hiding, Marinda's eyes widen in shock "Rick... No you-you"

"Marinda just shut up, this was the only was" he sais before two men pulled Marinda away, I stood there shocked "Rick.... How could you? You're a cop you should be arresting him!" I screamed at him.

He stared at me before shaking his head "Im sorry Adora but my family*s safety is more important than my job" he said before walking away.

"Ah what pity, parents always teaches their young to trust men with a badge unfortunately their teaching is wrong" Prime said with a chuckle.

"Now then, I believe I owe you guys a fight? Well look no further!" he snapped his fingers, and there... There she was Catra, she looked so tired and in pain while Clairy and Raven draged her up here.

Catra looked up at me with fear "no, Adora run!" she screamed out, I shook my head "no, Catra we-" before I could say anything else, Prime grabbed her hair and pilled her head near him, he whispered something into her year and before I knew it she looked like as if her soul left her body while her cries turn into laugher and her  frightened expression turned into a wicked grin.

"Now I shall leave you two to it" Prime said while walking away, when he was off the stage, his men pointed armed guns at us, making sure no one leaves this fight.

I looked over at Catra "Catra listen I don't wan-" I felt her fist collided into my stomach before I could finish my sentience

"Enough talk Adora, this, this is where we end it all"

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