Chapter 38

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Adora's pov

It's been two whole weeks since the accident, two whole weeks when the doctor told us that Catra is in a coma, I visited her everyday since then, I sat next to her and stroke her cheek "hey Catra, I just want to say the tracking down operation is doing good and well later on I'll be playing a game wish me luck on ghe field" I said softly, I rested my hand ontop of hers  "I don't know if it's true but they did say people in a coma can hear everything that's going around them, so if you can hear me just know that I miss you" I leaned in place a gentle kiss on her cheek, as I pulled away I saw DT standing there with flowers "well I see I came here in the wrong time" they said with a grin, I shook my head before standing up "no, not at all I was about to leave anyway I have a game today."

They gave me a nod "well then darling break a leg, also I do suggest you for you to not end up in the hospital" I looked at DT "I won't, see ya" I said before walking out, I walked towards Swift Wind who was waiting for me so he could drop me off at school so I can get ready for our game, he gave me this worried look as I walkes pass him towards the truck. He followed after "so um Adora any news about her?" I shook my slowly "oh......" he said softly but still loud enough for me to hear, I jumped in the back of the truck taking my phone out to go through all the messages I've missed "60 from Glimmer, 70 from Bow 7 from Huntara and finally....A unknown number" I whispered to myself, I opened that one first, for a second I felt annoyed until I saw a small attachment and a location. I stared at it for a while before Swift Wind interrupted me "we here Adora" I looked up and nodded I see thanks" I said before hopping off of the truck.

DT pov's

It's been really tedious sitting and doing nothing except staring at a lifeless person yet still alive, poked Catra before speaking up "Kitten, I don't want to rush you but you do really need to get your ass in gear and wake up, I did find that person you've been looking for, I didn't told your poof haired girlfriend because well as much as I love chaos but I know you sould freak out if you just knew that she is skipping meals, and well stopped living telling her that I found the girl would only drive her more insane"

I lookes at her face and shook my head "and just let you know I kept you audio saved so  you  do owe me big time Kitten" I said to her before taking my leave, I pulled out my phone and contacted to the girl they wanted me to track "yes it's me Darling, listen I really do think it's time to talk to her"

Glimmer's pov

Me and the group watched Adora played, and usually she would be dominate the game don't get me wrong she still does but it isn't as focused like her other games, I get it that she is worried about Catra but this is really getting out of hand, even Mermista is worried and she is literally a queen of 'I don't give a fuck'

"Glim, here you go" Bow said after handing me cotten candy, I took it and took a bite of  it "thank you" I said as I kept my eyes on the game "no problem" he said as he sat next to me "ok, end of the game who agrees that we should drag Adora out for a small party so she can just get out of this gloom" everyone raised their hands on my suggestion "I agree, this is kinda depressing" Frosta said "agree, agree maybe I could sing her a shanty for her so she could feel better!"

We all turned to Seahawk to stare at him amd his dumb shit ass idea to make someone better "uuuuugghhhhh can you just not for one day not sing!?" he looks at her and nods slowly "I'll talk to her after the game" I said before standing up and walking away from the group.

Adora's pov

The game was finally over and we won, that's good but I wish I could celebrate with Catra, after the showers I walked out of the lockers with little mood to even socialize with people at this stage "Adora" I stopped and turned my head to look at Glimmer "mmmm?" she took in a deep breath before speaking out her mind "Listen....We are concern about you and well I just wanna sa-" "save it" I said before forcing a smile "I just need some more time, I'm sorry" she looked at me for a second before nodding "well....If you change your mind we will be throwing a party for the night She-ra" she let out a awkward sounding chuckle, I stared at her before looking away and slowly walking away from her "I'll think about it"

When I walked out of the building, I went behind a wall and sniffled a little as I held my hand on my chest, I closed my eyes for second before I heard foot steps walking towards me "so, what is your answer?" I looked at the hooded figure and let out a sigh "I'll join, but then you need to promise me three things" the hooded figure nodded slowly "alright name those conditions."

"firstly you'll leave Catra alone, and not try to kill her ever again, secondly you'll leave my family and friend's out of because they have nothing to do with this shit and finally" I took out my phone and showed the picture to the figure "help me to track down this woman" the hooded figure chuckled "well those were easy request, we shall do as you wish, but remember you have to bring your part."

"yea yea I know, so it's a deal then" I said as I stretch out my hand, he took my hand and gave it a shook "deal, just show up in Hordak's office in the morning" I nodded "I will" I said. The hooded figure left me after then, I stared at the same spot regretting on my decisions but it's for the better for everyone, especially for Catra, after that accident I knew it was a warning only people knew about this choice is Scorpia, kyle, Lonnie and Regolio.I finally started to walk to Swift Wind who was waiting at his truck, I forced out a smile "Swifty, I change my mind, I'll party with you guys" I said. He let out a frown "are you sure? What dud Glimmer said to you?" I shook my head "she didn't said anything I was just thinking thats all, I know Catra wouldn't want me to keep on sulking like this" he nodded slowly "alright then let's go I guess" he said after climbing into his truck and starting it.

I climbed in the back, and looked at the stars while he was driving, tonight I want to treasure everything and everyone before moving in shadow weaver's house with the rest of the gang, I let our a single  tear "I'm sorry guys" I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes waiting until we arrived at the party.

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