Chapter 59

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Adora's pov

"you see..... Glimmer.... My daughter... She is in a comma... And well the doctors said that she might not make it" my eyes widen slowly as I saw his lips moving, in that moment I couldn't hear anything, all I could feel is a flood of guilt washing over me "excuse me Micha but.... Can you please repeat that" he took in a deep breath "Adora.... Glimmer was shot and she lost alot of blood, they said she is in a comma and that she.... Might not make it".

Everything went quite, I honestly don't know if I should cry, scream or just be neutral about it all, all I know was that guilt was the only thing I could feel. I took in a deep breath as I slowly stood up from my spot of the couch and started to walk away from them up into my room, no one went after me they just let me be which I'm thankful for.

It didn't took me long enough to fall down onto my knees after closing my door as I finally decided to let my tears out, I placed my hand ontop of my mouth while thinking of my attitude towards her, I was mean and don't given her a chance to even show that she was sorry for her actions.

"Adora?" I turned to look at Catra, she slowly walked up to me and wipe my tears away "hey.... I'm sure she'll make it through" she whispered, I shook my head "how did she even got shot.... She bearly had enemies and noone in our group would do that, I mean Nettossa would maybe beat her up while Lonnie would've helped her but no one would actually try to kill her" for that short moment there was an awkward silence before Catra spoke up "what the others explained to me was... They were all looking for us and she..... Well she probably went out and try it her way and someone found her bleeding and well called the emergency hotline".

"When I thought the guilt couldn't get any worse" I whispered out loud to myself "Adora.... Don't blame yourself" Catra said as she sits next to me as her one arm wraps around my waist "why? If I.... If I just had chosen to stay at home none of this wouldn't happen!"

"You don't know that!" I look at her whole she glared at me before continuing *you don't know that for sure, maybe way worse things could've happen... Like maybe he breaks on here kills everyone and take you forcefully! Yes.... Sparkles got shot, it maybe was him or someone from the Horde but....she might make it, just because a white coat brain fuck said she might not make it doesn't mean that she'll die, she might also live" she said in a gentle voice at the end before standing up.

"I'm going to give you some space....we will talk later" she said before walking out of my room and closing the door, in the end she was right, way worse situation could've happened and the fact that Glimmer can still make it and her death isn't set in stone yet but I still can't help but to give myself the blame. I closes my eyes as I curl myself into a ball not caring if I'm still on the ground, all that concerns me is the mess I am in right now.

Catra's pov

I let out as after I closed her door, I leaned against the walls as I placed my hand on top of my chest where I can feel my heart beating, and truth be told, it's hurting, it hurts to see her like this and what makes the pain grow bigger is the that I have to meet up with a old hook up.

"How is she doing?" I snapped out of my trance that I didn't even know I was on and looked at Crop top "as good as you can imagine" I said with my best sarcastic tone "I see..... Can't blame her" he said with a sad smile, he stands next to me and looks up at the ceiling "how do you feel about all this?" I closed my eyes before I answered him "I'm not even going to lie, I personally don't care about sparkles, not after all the bullshit she had pulled but.... I do hope she does survive in the end for her sake.

I opened my one eye to look at him, he slowly nodded before speaking his mind "I agree.... It's hard to forgive her after everything but I believe there is still good in her, and call me crazy but in the end I still kinda... Love her" I couldn't help but to chuckle as I placed my hand on his shoulder "I won't say you're crazy, I mean I feel the same away above the dumb ass in the other side of that door.... Two days ago her plan made me feel like I was about to lose her but in the end she showed me wrong and pulled through.... I hate to be this optimistic but just because I want to be nice, I'm sure Sparkles is going to prove you wrong and pull the for you".

I slowly started walking away from him "Catra.... Thanks" he said, I lookes at him and gave him a smile before walking down stairs, as I walked into to the living room looking for DT, I saw Micha was gone and well the rest were chatting among themselves "Catra?"


"Is our dear friend Adora alright?" Sea Hawk asked me, for once he isn't singing or being his annoying self, I slowly nodded my head "yea she will be alright she just needs some space" I said. Before anybody else could ask me anything I garbed DT's arm after spotting them "woah Kitten, where is the fire?" I rolled my eyes and closed my room door "listen I can't talk about this front of others, especially everything that's happen" they nodded their head "go on".

I took a seat next to them while rubbing my temples "so, remember that one girl I slept with last yea?"

"yes, the annoying girl with goddess complex, the same one who forgotten I'm the only mighty being here" I kept in a chuckle "as much I wanna boost your ego more DT this serious but yes her, she called me.... She wants to meet tonight" DT blinked before pinching the bridge of their nose "Kitten.... Darling, Honey.... I wouldn't go if I were you, and yes as much as I do love Drama but I think personally that it'll be a idea if you go especially when your girlfriend needs you the most".

"I know that, this is why I want to asl you.... If you can go to her to that motel and tell her that I don't want to meet up with her" DT gave me a grin while tapping their finger tips against each other "I would love to, it'll be a front seat to see a expression of despair as well anger but, is it before my play start of after?"

"I think before"

"I see well then, I shall see her at five, but just to be clear kitten you owe me one" I rolled my eyes "Gee DT didn't knew you were Lucifer, do people favors and collect it" they let out a dramatic gasp "how dare you! that man is magnificent thank you" I let out a soft chuckle before burst out laughing with them.

Swift Wind's pov

It's finally four pm, everyone left except for our new but not so new house mates, Rogelio and Scopria helped me clean up while Kyle and Lonnie were working on something as for Catra she went back to check on Adora, I can't help to feel sorry for her but things that concerns me really is why did Mara ran away and why did Adora did something so stupid.

While I was trapped in my thoughts I felt a paper ball hitted me in the back of my head, I turned my head to see Rogelio and Lonnie chuckling, I was about to pick up the paper ball so I could throw it back but then Kyle said something odd "you know..... It might not be true but what if prime planned this" we all looked at him, before hw could shy away I walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder "Kyle, you might be a genius!" I said as I quickly ran out of the house "I'll be back guys, Scorpia you're in charge!"

DT's pov

I tapped my foot as I was waiting for Catra's old hook up, annoyed as I am as well in a rush I let out a annoyed groan. "I swear if this hoe doesn't show up then my hoe ass is leaving" I whispered to myself, another minute went by.

I was just about to leave then I heard a voice behind me "noon DT, what do I owe such visit?" I can't help but to grin sarcastically at her after I turned my head to look at her "well darling, I'm really not here for a visit but to give you news from Kitten, she said no and you should go and play hopscotch with lego pieces".

She let out a frown before shaking her head "If she thought I called her to sleep around she surly mistaken, I saw her and Adora at school, no this is something I witnessed and I just wanted to confirmed it with her" I raised ny eyebrow at hear "ooh and what would that be?"

She opened up her back and took out an envelope "well, let me just that" she took out some photographs, I stared at them with confusion "what are those? Better yet..... Where did you find these?" before she could give me an answer my phone ringed, I picked it up "this is really a bad time now da- wait what.... I see interesting theory I will look into it after my play promise and as always you're welcome to join me~" after I hung up I looked at the girl "I really don't have time so you're coming with me to explain ok?" she nodded with a smile "ok..." she whispered, something about her seemed really off for some reason or maybe.. It's just me.

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