Chapter 81

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Adora's pov

Catra just stood there and staring at me like I've grown a second head before burst out laughing  "oh please we bouth know that you don't have th-" I slammed the Pole against her leg before she could finish, she looked up at me while letting out a growl, I ignored her as hit her with the pole again but only this time against her ribs.

While she fell down onto her knees, whimpering in pain, I glared at Clairy with so much anger and hate towards her "wow so maybe you didn't loved Catra as much as you think you do" she said with a grin while swinging her baseball bat.

"Shut it" I said as I ready my self to attack her, her grin widen as she does the same, before we knew it we both dashed towards each other and swing at the both time that out weapons collided, as she took a step back. I took my chance and swing the pipe at her, hitting her right in the ribs. She dropped her bat as she held onto her ribs where I've striked while screaming out in pain.

Her angered eyes shifted to look straight into mine "That's it bitch, now you've pissed me off!" she cried out. She forced herself to stand up "Clairy as much as I hate you, sit down before you will die" I said when I spotted blood running out of her mouth.

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!" She screamed while running towards while taking a knife out of her pocket, I made sure that I held onto the pipe frimly before slamming it against her chest with full force, she coughed out blood while still holding onto het knife, she fell down onto her knees.

"A-Adora..... You'll pay f-for this" she whispered while holding back a whimper, I shook my head before forcing her chin up to look at me "I will pay? Haven't I payed enough? My happiness, my safety and my fucking sanity!" I shout out while grabbing the knife out of her hand "I have nothing left to give" I whispered as I stabe the knife directly into her heart. I left it there for a few seconds before pulling it out, once she fell flat onto the floor, I threw tge in the knife next to her.

I turned my head to look at Catra, I could of sworn I saw fear in her eyes, she took a step back while staring into my eyes "you're not Adora! Adora wouldn't have done that!".

I shook my head as I slowly walk towards her, I could feel my body is aching and begging me to rest, but I know I cant, not now while we're still in this fight "maybe you didn't know me either Catra" I said coldly, she glared at me while slowly limping towards me.

For a moment we stared into each other's eyes begging for one of us to back down,but that moment last as Catra pounced at me and pinned me down onto the floor, she started to slam her fists against my head, after a couple of hits she got in I grabbed her waist and rolled us over before I slammed my fists against her head.

Mara's pov

I was in shock when I saw Adora actually taking a life, she was always against it, I was shaking with fear aswell as anger. I kept on watching when She and Catra started to fight again but only this time they're rolling around and give each other barrage of punches.

"They're both are worn out, and not to mention in pain... I don't think they can last any longer" I whispered to Scorpia, She nodded slowly "I know, I know but what can we do?" she asked in panicked, I took out a knife and I looked at Scorpia "you stay here, I'll see if I can kill him".

Scorpia worriedy nodded "o-ok but be careful, you know how he is like.... He always has  people guarding him".

"I know, don't worry I'll be ok" I said before walk off.

Bow's pov

After the call we got from Lonnie we kept on staying in the back of the trunk, deep down I was angry that Rick just sold us out like that, and to think I like his beautiful bow, I shook my head in disbelief 'no Bow don't think about that, for now focus on your friends lives' I thought to myself.

"um Bow can we please get out? It's kinda getting hot in here" I looked at Entrapta, she really did look uncomfortable. I let out a sigh and nodded "fine* I said before pushing the cover up, just enough for Entrapta and me to get out.  My eyes straight up looked at the satge where Adora and Catra is fighting" Entrapta.... Can you please video call the rest.... I think they have the right to know and see what's going on" Entrapta nodded "sure, since I have everything here even my camera that can zoom in to give a clearer picture" she said with a smile.

"Why do you- actually never mind just stream it to them in the call, for now I'll let them know to go to your house to watch it ok?" she nodded while showing thumbs up, already she was getting her equipment out.

Adora's pov

I'm not sure how long we've been fighting but I can feel that my body is going to give in soon. I looked up at Catra who is now ontop of me, also panting "for fuck sakes, why don't you just give up!"

I looked up at her  and grabbed her head "because I made a promise that I won't ever leave you dumb ass!" I cried out before slamming my forehead against hers, she fell off of me while holding onto her forehead, I pushed me self up and crouched ontop of her and grabbed her collar "for Someone who always calls me a dumbass, you've always been the bigger one" I said as I pulled back my fist and slam it between her jaw ans temple.

She looks at me for a second and whispered "please h-help me" before she looked grabbed my throat tightly to the point I can feel her nails slightly piercing my skin.

Catra the took this chance and kneed me against my crotch. At that moment she then escape under from me and grabbed Clairy's baseball bat and slammed it against my back, as I was about to stand up she hitted me aging, she then held me down with her foot. She held the bat high "Say goodbye Adora~"

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