Chapter 24

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Scorpia's pov

I looked at my hand in horror while waiting for Shadow Weaver's orders after all, I was the one who killed those three. While I was waiting Lonnie looked at me before letting out a sigh  "Scorpia, tell me again but slowly what happened" I looked up at her trying not to lose control of my breathing "after our practice today, I said goodbye to Adora then walked to my truck and saw Ryan, Zane and Chad talking and laughing about something. When I went to open up my truck Ryan walked over to me and said that he knows my secret." she gave me a nod before signalling for me to carry on, I catched some of my breath before explaining again "I asked him what does he knows then he went on talking about how he joined up the Horde and he is like us, I said he will never be like us, then he stared to bring up Catra and how he will do way better and also he described in details what he did to her, I don't know I just blacked out when I came too they were dead, there was blood....Alot or blood in my hands and I saw Hordak and he said he will take care of it but the way he said it was like.....He will have my head next" I said in a rush as I hugged myself  "I didn't mean to kill them, I didn't want to kill them but I did" Lonnie puts her hand on my back before rubbing it softly  "it's ok Scorpia, we know, you didn't mean too, you're too nice of a person" she whispered.

"Scorpia" we both look up at Shadow Weaver when she walked in "now child, listen don't tell anyone what happened not even to that traitor, just act like everything is normal Hordak spoke to his higher up and they will handle with everything" she said with a annoyed tone, I nodded slowly before I knew it I felt a slap across my face "but do anything like that again, we were ordered to kill you and trust me I won't hesitate to do so" she said and walked out of my room, I held onto my cheek and looked at Lonnie who was afraid and worried, I shook my head and forced a smile "I'll be alright Lonnie don't worry, I guess I won't have dinner tonight please let Rogelio know and Kyle" she looked down before nodding "Will do Scorpia" I kept on smiling while she left my room, when I saw it was safe I let out my tears, I held onto my chest as I tried to control my anxiety 'I really can't believe you did that' I thought to myself as the images floods back into my mind, me standing there and killing off Ryan and his friends.

Catra's pov

Adora had been pacing up and down after the news and honestly I can't blame her, to know that Hordak is really willing to kill teenagers just showed us how much in danger we are, I really want to calm her down but I just don't know how. I remember the exact same thing happened when Mara went missing and few days after she was found dead, I felt my own chest tightening up with fear so I did what came to mind "Adora can you please not fucking pace around like that!" she stopped and looked at me as if I crew a second head "Catra, didn't you just saw what happened, three teends died Catra through  murder and you expect me to calm down!?" "Yes I expect you to calm the fuck down, remember the last time you did this? You fucking left me!" her eyes widen a little after I said that, I looked away from her as I started to fiddle with my jacket's zipper "I mean that's what happened so who say you wouldn't leave me again because this is getting too much" she walked slowly up to me and lift my chin up "don't be silly Catra, I would never leave you....Well I won't leave you again" I looked at feeling a bit vulnerable "you promise?" she gave me a reassurance smile before giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead "I promise" I let out a smile as I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her down for kiss.

She returned the kiss, I pulled way and let gave her nose a poke "well I guess I'm going to catch some sleep, after last night and the rough morning I think I'm going to need it" she let out a chuckle "yea, I'm still sorry about Glimmer she can be a littlle of a-" "A bitch" she playfully hits my shoulder "Catra no, she is just protective" I chuckled as I stood up "like I said a bitch" before Adora could do anything I already started to run away from her.

Adora's pov

"Hey that's not fair!" I laughed out while I chased her, stopped when I heard my phone was ringing "Catra I'll be coming for you after I take this call." "alright but you will still be slow princess!" I shook my head at her nick name for me, I hated it but also in a way I like it. I picked up phone "Hi?"

"Adora?" my eyes widen I little, it couldn't be her could it "Adora?" I took in a deep breath before finally answering "Mara? How can you still be alive?" I asked, I got no reply before I could say anything else she began to speak again "Adora when you get this, this means I'm gone...I wanted to say sorry for all the things I've done, look I will give you clu-" It stopped right the "wait what!? Mara!?" "aaaah how sweet she was, trying to protect her little sister but failed because she couldn't escape me, listen very good Adora, I will give you some instructions and you have to follow them or else" as soon as he said that the phone hung up, I fell dowm onto my knees and started to let my tears out "hey Ador- Adora what happened?" I looked at Catra as she rushed towards me and wrapped her arm around me "I don't know who called, but he played Mara's recordings, a-a-and he said I have to do something for him or else" she wiped my tears away gently before whispering "Adora.....look if it's something that you don't have a choice to do then I will be with you, we can do this together" I looked at her and nodded "thank you" she let out a grin "hey, I will always be here, but please stop crying you're making me sound like that rainbow friend of yours"

"you mean Bow?" she nodded as she helped me up "yea that guy, now lets clean you up " I nodded slowly as I try to stop crying but I just couldn't not after that phone call, its something about that man's voice it sounded clam but yet threatening, worse than what the other guy sounded like, as we went up I pulled Catra closer to me "can...Can you please stay with me for the night?" Catra looked at me with a worried expression "sure Adora I will"
I let out a small smile "Thank you" I whispered before we went into my room.

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