Chapter 9

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Adora's pov

The week went fast, well for me it did and during the week Catra had been avoiding me while Ryan kept on giving me the look during football practices, thank goodness today is Saturday and I can finally go to a party.

I took out my good pair of jeans with my old graphic Tee what Catra gave me years ago, I let out a smile remembering the time she gave me the T-shirt it was really nice of her back then. I started to get dressed before I heard my phone going running I picked up "h-" "Adoraaaaa we're waiting for you!" Glimmer Shouted out with excitement, she didn't even gave me time to say hi to her, I rolled my eyes "I'm on my way, chill also you do realize it won't be a normal party right?" it was silent for a whole second before she answered "I know but hey we can atleast see what you were like before you started to hang with us" I felt my chest tightened as I closed my eyes "don't ever say that you want to see that part of me because it won't happen" before I could give her chance to say anything I hung up and fell down onto my knees as I keep back my tears.

"Ado- hey cousin what's wrong?" Swift wind ask as he puts his hand on my back, I looked up at him "Just... I just can't deal with this anymore, Glimmer keeps wanting to see the old me....The me when Mara was still alive and it hurts that's all" I said as I forced a smile, he wiped away some of my tears I've failed to hold back before giving me a tight hug "well all miss her, I mean I know glimmer didn't know her well but me, Netosa and Spinerella miss her as well" he whispered. I nodded at his words, I remember when we heard of her death we all were in shock especially Swift Wind like me he blames himself of her death.

We let eachother go after a few minutes, he smiled at me as he stands up "well I'm going to wait for you by the truck and remember tonight we will have fun not to be all sad" I smiled back at him while I was standing up "yea, it'll be good ol mosh bit party"

Catra's pov

I grinned ear to ear as I walk through the chaos, this mosh party is amazing thanks to DT organizing it. I went to grab a cup of Rum and drink it with Glee while Lonnie and Rogelio having their drinking contest, I really needed this after how this week went this is exactly what the Doctor ordered. I turned around after I felt a hand on my shoulder "Hey can I please have the good stuff!" I grinned as I take out some acid out of my pockets "here, now you know what the price is!" the girl grinned as she pays me before taking the packet of acid.

I've been selling for a while now which is good that means I won't be crippling by Weaver, I sat down next to the Girl Beth. Beth looks at me while she holds a folded paper "came to Join us hotstuff" I chuckled as I took the folded paper "no that why I came and sat down" I said before snorting some cocaine, it burned for bit but the rush will be worth it usually Scorpia would be scolding me but she didn't came with us, this kinda parties makes her feel uncomfortable. I grinned at Beth as leaned forward "so Beth wanna come with me for a second, there is some stuff we need to talk about" I whispered into her ear, she grinned at me while she stood up and took my hand dragging me to a dark corner where no one could  see us.

Adora's pov

We finally arrived at the party, and oh boy it is just as wild as I remember how mosh pits are, we all went to our separate ways after we all said we would meet up later when we leave. Glimmer and Bow are sticking together with the most amusing expressions on their face, I can't help but to laugh how freaked out they are. We walked up to the bar section, at first Glimmer were worried about the ID but what she didn't know is that this kind of party they don't care at all, I remember all this from when Mara used to sneak me and Catra into these parties those days were sure fun.

While I took my drink which was Tequila mixed with cola I was searching for Catra, knowing her she is a round here somewhere "Hey baby wanna hang" I looked at the person and I have to say he looks wasted, by the way he talked and smell he had waay too many drinks "sorry but no, I'm looking for a friend" he grabbed my hand as he moved closer "awww come on I bet he doesn't bring the pleasure you need" I twitched at his words as I pull hand back "its a girl and no we aren't dating we are just friends " I said as I walked away from the drunken weirdo.

I let out a sigh as I kept on taking sips from my cup while I'm still looking for Catra, before I could give up I spotted her I was happy but then stopped in my tracks when I saw her making out with someone, I felt a wave of jealousy but also hurt because this means that Ryan was right. I mean I knew he was telling the truth but I still wanted to deny it I still want to believe that Catra had honor, I was about to walk away but then someone pinned me against the wall "Well well looks like the captain is here in the fuck corner" I glared at Ryan "what want to rub it in my face? Do you want a cookie? Or wait do you still want me to get revenge?!" He grins as he stepped back "all the above, but really I just want to say we can have revenge we just have to get you to party" he said as he hands me a cup.

I stared at if before I garbbed it "actually for once I will just let loose for just this time" I said as I starting to downing  the drink.

Catra's pov

I was let Beth go and walked away from her, I mean we could go all the way but that's not how I roll I make them desperate first, I light up a cigarette while I learned against the wall, I was enjoying it until I saw a crowd looking at someone, to my curiosity I pushed through tge crowed to see what's going on. my eyes widen when I saw Adora, I thought she wouldn't be here but it looks like she really did came just like what's written in DT's list, but that didn't made my eyes widen, what brought the shock to me is to see Adora acting how she used to be.

I wanted to walked up to her but then I saw that asshole with her, holding her hips tightly while she was grinding against him, I growled under my breath. I then grinned as I walked away from the crowd "Lonnie, Regolio  get Kyle we gonna play a little bit earlier than usual," "Catra shouldn't we call Scorpia aswell?" I looked at Lonnie and shool my head "naw we can pull this without her" I said as I went behind the stage to get our instruments ready.

Glimmer's pov

I can't believe what I'm seeing, Adora is really not acting herself and to be honest I'm worried, she would never dance someone like Ryan actually now that I think of it she doesn't even like guys like that so dancing like that with Ryan just brought me to a new level of shock.

I really wanted to stop this but Swift wind stopped me as he shook his head "listen, it's best you don't...Not yet at least" I didn't  understand why, he then looks at me "I'll tell you everything after tonight ok?" I nodded as we kept on watching Adora.

Catra's pov

"ok Party people! Are you ready!" I shouted through my mic, the crowed all turned to us with a cheer, I looked at Adora with a grin even if her glares is cutting through my soul.

I took on a deep breath, knowing what I'm about to do will make her hate me but hey that's what she gets for hanging with Ryan, and she probably already saw everything so why not go all out with this, and now I can let out everything from alll those years of friendship and the last two years where she left me drowning.

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