Chapter 87

44 2 17

DT's pov

When I walked in I winked at Jason while sitting down "ahhh so you're the one who is going to investigate poor defenseless teenagers and o'l innocent me" I said while grinning at Jason who is probably now annoyed with me already.

"DT cut the crap, we both know you're far from innocent hell if it was up to me I would've locked you up long ago but just because you did helped us with the last case"

"Aww no need to thank me darling, I just want to keep this place crime free and also because it nearly caused for the Theater College" He shakes his head slowly "you're hopeless, anyhow tell me everything that happened in this case"

I rolled my eyes "fine fine, but you know this is going to be a long story so better get us some coffee" he let out a groan "how about you tell me the whole story and maybe I'll reward you with coffee"

"well Jason, you see it all started when Catra starting to reconnect with her old friend Adora, you do know she is like blond version of she hulk when she fights? Anyhow trouble started with the little short girl that really reminds me of Typo's glitter bath bombs with her hair color, you know her right? Glimmer?"

Jason let out a sigh while nodding while taking down notes.

" So, they had a fall out and well she was jealous of Catra because she got the 'hottest' jock" I air qouted hottest "and made deal with Prime, of course I was also busy trying to find out some information on the side for Adora"

"wait wait.... You knew all this and gave them information that I don't that could lead them into danger?!"

I nodded with a smile "of course, I'm a saint remember"

"this is going to be a long fucking night"

"well actually darling it's now morning"

He let out a annoyed groan,I couldn't help but to chuckle.

Bow's pov

"ok Bow your turn! " Seahawk shouted, I looked at him for a second before shaking my head "nope, sorry but no we all know this game, you act like you suck at it and then beat us all" I crossed my arms "I shall not fall for this again"

"Come on don't be a spoil sport" he begged, I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"I'm with Seahawk here stop being a pussy Bow" Lonnie said while chuckling "that's not going to help Lonnie Bow always been a huge pussy" Mermista said with a smug look on her face. Everyone burst out in laughter, well everyone except for Swift Wind and Glimmer "Hey that's not fair guys, I mean you all know Seahawk does this all the time"

"So? At least try and stop wussing out" Netossa said with a pout, Seahawk already beaten her with battleships online. I let out a sigh "fine, but I swear if I lose my hundred bucks Netossa I swear I'm goinf to-"

"going to what?"

I grinned at her "Im going to make all of your soccer balls bright pink with spikes glued on them"

"you wouldn't" she said looking horrified on what I just said, I grinned wider "well we'll find out later won't we" we glared at each other for a minute before Netossa looks at Seahawk "let him winnnnn!"

I took out my phone "come on Seahawk lets do this"

Swift Wind's pov

I looked at the floor, I'm really annoyed at everyone. How can they pretend that everything is ok, my cousins and friend.... Their friends is now in tje hospital fighting for their lives and we are in the station just to be interrogated.

"Damn it.... Well Netossa looks like your balls gotta meat their fate"

"Don't. You. Dare."

I clenched my fists as they go on and on.

"Can you guys just shut up!?"

Everyone looked at me witb shock "please can you guys act so cheerful when people we care about might be taking their last breaths?!" I swear I could feel ny tears building up as I glared at everyone "how can't you guys grasp this situation we are in.... Just h-"

I felt a hand landed on my shoulder, I looked at Glimmer, she also had tears running down her her face "Swift Wind..... You might hate me but listen.... We all are worried and we do understand the situation it's just..... We all are trying to stay positive....I mean.... They might be be ok"

"And if they're not huh?! I mean you're one of the meany fucking reasons why we are here!" I screamed as I grabbed her by the collar from her shirt.

"Sir drop the lady" the guard commanded sternly, I put Glimmer down and sat back down and crossed my arms, I didn't like to see the fear in Glimmer's eyes but I just cant help but to be angry. Everything went quiet for a while until my phone started to ring. I picked it up as quickly as possible when I saw that It was Micha.

"Micha.... What's the situation?"

"well.... Adora is Stable but the doctors said that they still need to keep an eye in her, Catra is also Stable but she about the same condition as Adora.... Listen I'll explain everything after you're back from you interrogation"

"Micha wa-" before I could say anything else he hung up on me, I looked at everyone "guys.... They're stable.... But apparently the Doctors want to keep an eye on them"

"anything else?" Perfuma asked while looking worried just like everyone in the room. I shook my head "unfortunately no...... He said he'll tell me when we are done here". Again silence took over for a while "well.... At least we know she'll stay alive" said Entrapta with a smile.

"yes, thankfully".

After DT walked out the room With a grin on their face, they took a seat onto my lap, I can't help but to shake my head. One by one everyone was questioned, I was called in the last, when I was called in everyone already left.

After I was interrogated, I climbed into my truck, as I was about to Start it my phone started to Vibrate in my pocket, I took it out to read Bow's message on the group.

Bow:Guys, listen maybe we all should meet up at the club house after Swift wind gets more information on their conditions.

Netossa: great idea

Scorpia: I'm game

SwiftWind: ok, I'll everyone know but please get some sleep, its 5am

Mermista: Sleep is for the weak!

Lonnie: not everyone has the energy fuck right now Mermista!

Mermista: what are you on? Seahawk is at his house

I rolled my eyes and switched off my phone, I was really not in the mood to read their argument. As I finally started up the engine, out of no where one of Adora's favorite song came on the Radio. I couldn't help but to smile, for some reason this song makes me believe that Adora and the will be ok.

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