Chapter 56

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Glimmer's pov

"so this is the place" I whispered to myself as I took in a deep breath as I reached for the door bell, my hands where shaking before I finally pressed in the button, it didn't took too long until Hordak's twin opened up, he looked down at me before he gave me smile "Glimmer, nice for you to drop by, but my brothers isn't here so-"

"listen, I'm not here to see them but I do have a request from you" He kept on smiling, unlike Prime and Hordak he is soft, last time I saw him he tried his best to please everyone and make them feel comfortable how he is related to them is something I would never know "listen, they aren't here but do have safe travels" he said as he shut the door before I could say anything else "fine, plan B then" I whispered to my as I turn around and walked away.

I took out my phone and dailed a number that was familiar to me, after a few rings I finally heard his voice "yes?"

"I-I usually don't do this but, can we meet up, I want to get some of the goods to try it" it took him a couple of seconds to finally answer "sure but I won't be coming and you know that very well little sister, I shall send one of my trust worthy men". "great, thank you Sir Prime" I said before I hung up on him, I know this will be a huge risk to take but I have to take it to find them.

Bow's  pov

After talking to the group I went straight to Seahawk, we all who agreed to help Swiftwind to help searching for our friends to meet at his place, I have to say for a guy who is is a complete arsonist his house looks amazingly normal and not fallen apart, I walked slowly up to the door and gave it a few knocks, it didn't took Mermista long to open up "finally the fem boy is here" I raised an eyebrow at her "hey, I'm a manly man thank you very much, I just have an amazing ass" I said as I walked in.

"naw bro you are a femboy" I heard Netossa say from the living room, I rolled my eyes, the door wasnt that far away from the living room so it's easy to hear what people say from point A to point B "yea yea whatever, at least I know how to do perfect manicure" everyone let out a chuckle or giggle but that little of enjoyment ended when I realized Glimmer wasn't even here "uh guys, where is Glimmer?"

"she hasn't showed up" Frosta said as she looks at me before looking down on the ground "maybe it's for the best because Netossa said if she does show up she will kick her ass straight" I blinked before shaking my head, for some reason after hearing that I have a bad feeling "then I guess we have to do this without her, did you brought the map and posters Mermista?"

"well duh, I wouldn't allow Seahawk even near the stuff" I nodded before taking out wooden pieces of everyone "good now, lets go through the plan one more"

Adora's pov

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard the door opening, I looked up at Kevin. He grins down at me as he lift my chin up "well, good afternoon cupcake, Listen I just want to tell you to behave" I took in a deep breath "why is that?" he let out a chuckle as he leaned closer as he whispered "well, I need to make a delivery and I don't want you to cause trouble for my boys" he moved away from me slowly before standing straight up again 'here goes nothing Adora' I took in a deep breath as I finally put my plan into a play "um Kevin I was thinking and maybe you were right so maybe just maybe we can talk about when you're back?" he stood still for a minute before looking at me with a lust full grin "sure we can, but only if you behave however" I nodded slowly as I force out a smile "then I will behave".

"good girl" he whispered before walking out of the room, as I heard his footsteps slowly becoming softer until I couldn't hear anything, I looked down onto the floor "Catra, you awake?" there was no sound, in a way it worried me, sure I can hear her soft snores but it worries me that she didn't say anything but in a way I'm also relieved because it also means she didn't had to see that look onto his face or have to listen to me saying the things I just said.

'Im sorry Catra' I thought to myself, I know I won't actually do it but saying those words made me feel like I was going behind her back and cheating on her and that made me want to throw up, I really didn't like the idea that I have to lead on a psycho just to break free.

I closed my eyes as I stopped myself from crying.

Catra's pov

"Catra you awake?"  I heard her ask me, but I kept on pretending to be asleep, I woke up while Adora agreed on behaving but I'm really not in a mood on talking to her, her so called plan is scaring me, and what made this situation worse I don't know what her plan even is.

'maybe she is growing tired of you?'

'how sure are you? Maybe you're reading into the words too much?'

'Am I? Then why didn't she tell you what her plan is?'

'I-I don't know'

'oh but you do know, she is going to let Kevin touch her just like how you touched her'

"Shut up!" I burts out loud by accident "Catra, are... Are you ok?" I shook my head as calm my self before I answered her "yea, don't worry just a nightmare" I lied. "Wanna talk about it?" I  let out a sighs as I closed my eyes again "no..... Not really" I whispered loud enough for her to hear me"

"ok, but I am here if you do alright?" I let out a small smile "princess I know you are here but even with your buff ass can't kick nightmare monsters" I joked before letting out a soft chuckle, what made me calm however is to hear her giggle "wow ok, gee and here I'm trying to be a good girlfriend" I rolled my eyes as I mimic her " 'I'm trying to be a good girlfriend' I swear that's a stereotypical Jock thing to say, watch out Adora your dumbass jock lesbian traits is showing"

Adora let out a fake hurt gasp "me a dumbass jock? Never but a lesbian that I can do agree but please don't let that scare you" we both let out a small luagh. As our laughter died down, I took in a deep breath as I stared at her "Adora, I.... I love you and when we do get out of here..... I-I just want one request".  "That Request would be?" I gulped down my nerves before I spoke up "well there is going to be a fancy ballroom dance that DT was planning for peekablue and Sweet Bee  so my request is that you're coming with me".

"well then, I shall do that when we get out and Catra, I love you too" she said, I can't help but to smile, but the I slowly to frown "I know this is a shitt fucking question but is that my fucking shirt you are wearing?"

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