Chapter 72

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Adora's pov

"So let me get this straight... Bow fucked another man, Catra cheated a minute after she and Adora started to date, Catra is now gone because she and Adora had a fight because this girl called Clairy decided to blackmail and finally everyone did some shady fucking shit?! " Glimmer half shouted, Bow placed his index finger front of his lips" yes but keep it down, this is a hospital" he whispered, I rolled my eyes "oh is that the only thing that's the problem? It's not like we try to keep this mmm I don't know, a secret?"

"Oh and that yes" he said while crossing his arm while nodding, I shook my head while letting out a small smile, at times like these I'm thankful of Bow being well Bow.

"Sorry, but all this is really surprising especially the part I don't know, that Bow cheated on me" Glimmer said while glaring at Bow, he looks at her with guilt for a while before speaking up "I feel guilty about that but remember you emotionally cheated on me and betrayed us with Prime, I only 'cheated' when we were throughish" he said, at that moment Glimmer looked away from us "guys.... I think you guys should go" she said in a shaky voice, I heard some sniffles after she said that.

Bow reached his hand out, I placed my hand on his shoulder, he looks up at me as I shook my head before he looked back at her "a-as you wish.... I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't had brought that up" he said before we both left her room.

We walked down the hall in silence, before I could break the silence my phone started to ring. I grabbed my phone and answered it "Entrapta?"

"oh good you picked up, I kinda have some good news for you guys, if you want to hear it"

"oh? And what's the good news?"

"well, Wrong Hordak as we know him showed up at my house and he has brought two acquaintances of yours with him"

My eyes widen for second "hold on I'm on my way" I said quickly as I put my phone into my pocket "Bow....we might have something!" I said as I start running, at first he looked confused before started to run with me "wait you mean you found Catra!?"

I shook my head "no, but Entrapta just called, well as you heard but what she said was WH went to her house with two people we know so maybe they can tell us something!"

"do you even know who they are? What if it's a trap?"

"no I don't know but hopefully it's people we do really know and if it's a trap its best to let the group know where to go just incase, in the end if we don't go there she will be in trouble"

"fair enough, ok I'll text them.... When we are not running"

We stopped for a second "ok... Text them now please"

He nodded while panting, he took his phone out. It took a minute or two until he showed thumbs up "alright I let them know, now we can rush towards to Entrapta's house" he said with a smile, I nodded as I returned the smile "ok, lets go" I said before we started to run again.

Swift Wind's pov

I stood front of the vending machine as I read a text from Bow the second time, I let out annoyed sigh as I shake my head "Did the hoes forget that I'm here.... And that I can drive" I mumbled under my breath as I turned around and started to run to the hospital's exit. When I finally made out of the Hospital to my truck I saw Adora standing there tapping her foot against the floor "took you long enough Swifty, now come we have to hurry" she said, I shook my head as I unlock my truck me and Adora climbed in whole Bow jumped in the back.

"can I please catch my breath first Adora? I'm not as fit as you"

"Swifty as much as I want to say yes but we don't have fhe time for this, so step the gas so we can go"

I let out a groan as I nodded while starting up the truck before starting to drive at the direction of Entrapta's place.

Hordak's pov

I looked at the two refined doors with concern, I closed my eyes as I took in a deep breath before opening the doors, I stepped in while closing the door behind me "you called for me lord Prime?" Prime looks up at me with his spine chilling smile "ah yes I did little brother, come take a seat"

I nodded as I slowly walk up to his desk, I sat down after pulling the seat a little bit backward. He kept on smiling while he tapped his finger on the desk "so, I have a tiny question for you, now please do try not to lie. Where is our little brother Hordak?"

"I-I don't know"

For a moment the room was silent, he let out a chuckle "oh Brother, don't lie to me, you always know where the runt is,now I won't ask again" I took in a deep breath before answering the same thing "I don't know" he stood up from his chair and snapped his fingers, two thugs walked in and grabbed me by my arms "take him away out of my sight"

My eyes widen slowly before I pulled my self out of their grasp "please don't, I'm sorry lord Prime, I.... He said said to me he'll be going out to meet up with someone that's all he told me I swear!" Prime looks at me with a glare before grinning again "very wel,I believe so as your reward" he looks up at the thugs "take him in the same room as our new subject" he said.

I tried to pull myself away from them as they drag me away "lord Prime, please!" I screamed out before the door closed front of me as I been dragged further and further away.

Mara's pov

I sat next to Alice while rubbing her back to comfort her "here some suger water for the shock" I looked up at the stranger girl, I nodded as I take the glass and held it front of Alice "drink up it'll make you feel better" I whispered, she nodded slowly with no emotion in her red buffy eyes. She took the glass and slowly started to drink it.

"Thank you"

"no problem, but can you two please tell me who are you to Adora?" the strange girl ask while sipping on her slushy "I-I'm her sister Mara and... She is her friend"

"oooh you're the sister she kept on talking about, tell me how did you fake your death?"

I looked at her "um sure.... What do you wanna know?" she gave me a huge smile as she takes out a note book and a pen "everything, this is for after all research on why people do the things they do"

I nodded still confused at this girl's deal "I see, well ok then, lets begin from the top you see-"

Hordak's pov

As they threw me in the dark room amd closed the door, I stood up and slammed my fist against the door "get me out of here!" I screamed, I looked down at the ground after few more slamming my fists against the door.

As I slide down onto my knees I heard a soft giggle behind me, I turned around in horror "looks like poor Hordak isn't that special anymore now ~"

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