Chapter 85

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Adora's pov

When few smoke Grenades went off  I took my chance and ran up where Prime should be, when I finally made it on top all I saw was a some drops if blood leading on the opposite side of the stairs "fuck" I whispered under my breath.

As the sounds of Sirens grew in numbers around us I took a deep breath as I close my eyes, trying to think which action should I take. When I finally made up my decision I opened my eyes and started to follow the tiny blood drops.

"fucking barstard, when I get my hands on him it'll be over" whispered to myself, as I kept on following the trail I could my eyes getting heavier with my body, I fell down onto my knees not noticing someone was near me.

"awww, it looks like you've ran out of luck" I looked up to glare at Prime who was smirking evilly as possible before I could say a word he kicked and pinned his foot down onto my chest.

"such a defenceless creature you are" he said as he lift his foot up and kicked me.

"worthless just like you father" yet another kick came from him "just like your sister!" he kicked me yet again "and your fucking slut for a girlfriend, if it wasn't for her getting soft I would have you in my clutches!" he yelled as he kicked me again.

After each kick I couldn't help but coughing when he finally stopped and walking circles around me I kept my eyes up to stare at the sky. Feeling to weak to even push myself up, first the fight against Catra and Clairy and now  worn me out,I closed my eyes.

"w-why do you want me and my sister so bad" I whispered out softly, he stopped circling around me and put his cold hand on my cheek.

"well might as tell you seeing that you will die tonight, your father owed me a favor a long ago way before you were born, honestly when we track the fucking twit down you two were already born, so I've decided to give him a call before your dear mother died, now here comes the secrete I wanted you two as part of my little empire that I've build and maybe just maybe turn you into such cock suckers but oh lucky you he didn't took that deal instead you lived in abuse up until Mara joined me anyway" he chuckled out, I opened my eyes to glare at him.

"you make it sound like sucking someone' s dick is my dream job no thanks, my dad might not be the star dad, hell he wasn't even  someone I would respect but in the end I still had a better life with him than I would ever Have with you!" I shouted out and forced out the last strength I have and pulled out the gun from its hiding place and start shooting him, I couldn't count how many shots landed but I could tell that it was over when he fell over in a bloody mess, I was panting before dropping the gun next to and looked up the sky, slowly my eyes closed and all the sounds was gone.

Scorpia's pov

Everywhere was chaos, the whole place was filled with cops when the smoked cleared, some cops nearly arrested me, Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio and Catra, who looks really like she will be needing sleep for the rest of the year luckily some of the men knows who Bow and Glimmer were, I thanked them after they vouched for us.

As most people were lined up, a realization hitted me "guys where is Adora?" Glimmer and Bow's eyes widen and then they both looked at each other.

"you don't think sh-"

"oh she definitely did, we have to look for her now!" Glimmer yelled out, before she could go a short man with het black hair with a beard stopped her.

"Glimmer, why are you here? Actually no why are you all here!?"

"Dad I could explain this but we need to find Adora now, she might went after Prime"

He looked down are her with worry "ok, listen you stay right here me and few officers will find them" he said, I looked at Glimmer and Bow after he he ran off.

"um guys, I don't like the face your making"

"Scorpia, we have to help then after all Adora is our f-"

"I know that but remember your dad and everyone on the force were trained for this, not us we already did our part.... Guys just have faith that they'll find her"

Bow's pov

I didn't like what Scorpia was saying but what she was saying is logical aswell factual "you do have point" I whispered, Glimmer looked at ne before she could say anything, I shook my head as I place my hand on her shoulder.

"fine.... I'll let them handle everything" Iet out a half smile "good, all we can do is hope Glim" I said as I remove my hand.

We waited for a few minutes maybe more, but finally we saw the Micha showed up while carrying Adora on his back while the other two cops were carrying Primes body.

Glimmer covered her mouth as tears ran down her face, Micha walked up to us with a relieved look on his face "don't worry kiddo she is alive, but we have to get her to the hospital fast just like you other two friends"

"um sir.... What about Prime?" I asked, he let out a sigh "well he is dead, there was no pulse, then again he was shot ten times" he said while he puts Adora down on a ER bed.

He then looked at us "when we all return home sadly I have to question everyone, especially Adora, Mara supposed to be dead and finally Catra when they've recovered enough" he said in a stern voice.

Usually he is a chilled guy but I think after tonight we'll see a more stricter side of him.

"anyhow, we shall follow you kids back to the station, making sure you guys don't try anything funny"

"understandable sir" I said when we all walked off. Me, Entrapta and Glimmer went with Lonnie while Kyle and Rogelio went with Scorpia.

It was a quiet ride until I pushed myself to ask Glimmer "so um Glimmer, how did you even got here?"  she starts to scratch the back of her head "well you see I kinda ask DT to give me a lift" I shook my head "and you didn't gave it a second thought how dangerous this was?"

"oh please you can't say shit about that because neither did all of you, I mean we saw what Adora and Catra did to each other, it could've ended up way worse if I haven't told my father what was going on, if I didn't got DT to leak out the location to him and bring me here"

I wanted to argue back but decided to keep my mouth shut knowing she isn't lying about things would've gone really horrible for us. She shakes her head before letting outa chuckle "hey since we need to lighten up the mood and since Mermista isn't here, let me take her place for a second... If those two can do that while fighting imagine them having sex"

I choked as shake my head violently "Glimmer nooooo what's wrong with you, actually no I blame Mermista for this" she couldn't stop laughing at my reaction and to be honest, I couldn't help but smile, her laughing and knowing that everything is over brings joy to me at this moment.

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