Chapter 6

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Catra's pov

As I kept staring at the bag, Adora's foot taps against the ground as if was a count down. I couldn't tell her, no it's more like if I do tell her right here and now Hordak will kill me "that's not mine" I grinned at her trying to hide the fact that it was definitely something I was looking for "don't you dare lie to me Catra" she said in a icy cold town.

I wad about to say something when Angelica's voice could be heard from the loud speakerd "Adora, come to the office right now Your parents is waiting for you" I let out a sigh of relief, but that peace was destroyed when she planted the baggie into my hands "you better explain this when you come over and for your part I hope what you say is a good enough reason to not call the law enforcements on you" she whimpered as she walks away from me.

I blinked as I felt fear hitting my chest, I've pissed her off countless of times but this was a different level, the why her voice was so cold that I could feel the chilling realization that she knows the truth and that might complicated some things that I've been working on. I snapped out of it as I felt hand onto my shoulder "you're ok there Catra" I look up at Lonnie with annoyance "don't act like you care" I said as I start to walk away from her.

Adora's pov

I don't know how I feel about all this, Catra having cocaine with her, her lying to me, then again I don't know why I am so surprised she always lie so that she can have things going her way, I opened Angelica's office's door and walked slowly in, as stopped front of her desk  she looks up at me "it took you long enough, listen I know you don't want people to know about your situation I will also let Swift Wind take you home lunch time ok" I nodded slowly.

She smiles at me, it wasn't a smile of happiness, it's more of a smile that someone gives when they feel sorry for you she puts her hand onto mine gently "Adora, I know losing the people you love is hard, and I can't say it'll be easier but just know me and Glimmer will always welcome you and your cousin" I smiled at her words knowing that was the truth before I snorted "even if he eats all the fruit loops again" we both laughed remembering when we were kids Swift Wind always finished up 3 boxed of fruit loops when we used to visit.

It didn't take too long when the pleasant atmosphere ended when Shadow Weaver burst into to the office with Castaspella "all I'm saying you're being too harsh with some of yout students especially when it comes to Lonnie,Kyle, Rogelio and Catra" as soon she bought up Catra's name I look at them silently "I'm not harsh towards them I'm just teaching them how the real world"

Angelica stands up as she glares at the two "you two again, what happened this time" "well dear sister in law she yet again gave Kyle and Lonnie detention for just messing up a sentence" Castaspella explained as she glares at ms Weaver, now secretly I understand why Mermista ships them. Angelica let out a sigh and taps on my shoulder "wait outside while I deal with this two again" I nodded as I quietly walk out of the office hoping I don't get questioned by ms weaver.

Swift Wind's pov

I wad enjoying my first day of school, after all I have the two sweethearts aleays keeping me company until I saw a text from Angelica, I let out a sigh knowing what's this about  "sorry netty and spinny but I have to go, let ms Huntara know I'll be at the Nurse's office" "we will swifty, take care of Adora for us" spinnerela saids as she waved at me.

While I was walking down to Angelica's office knowing that's where Adora is after all she did call my dumbass cousin. As I was about to reach there I saw Catra leaning against a wall acting all edgy again, some times I wonder what even happened to her she was sweet and Adora's best friend. I wanted to walk up to her and ask her something but then a hand pulled my arm

"swifty what took you so long, I had to have an awkward witness to ms Weaver and Castaspella's argument" I turned my head to my dear cousin and let out a smile "sorry I was busy talking to spinnerella and Netossa" she let out a childish pout as she punched my arm gently "you're such a ass" she joked

I laughed softly as we walk outside to my truck, before we climbed in she stopped me and looked straight into my eyes "swifty, it's happening again, the dreams, me, Mara and Catra as well our parents and thi-" I stopped her as I pulled her into a hug "everything will be fine cousin, everything will be fine those are just dreams ok, just dreams" I whispered as I leave her to cry it out before we go home.

Catra's pov

I saw Adora and her annoying cousin walking away, I couldn't help but to feel guilt as well scared I closed my eyes to calm my nerves before someone stands next to me "so you're the famous Catra, listen babe I would like for you to-" "listen here buddy if it's about fucking you like I do with your girlfriend the answer is now, I'm fucking gay ok?" I said as I was starting to walk away but the guy grabbed my arm "I wasn't asking, I was commanding after all you did Fuck my girlfriend and that means you owe me, and if you try to resist I will happily ask my buddies to help me with you" he said with a sinister tone.

I let out a chuckling as I grabbed his arm with my free hand and twist it "listen empty threats works on people who have something to lose but me I've already lost it all so your threat doesn't scare me" I grin as I take out my swith blade as I pin him against the wall moving it near his throat "and try to get your buddies involved doesn't scare me because I can take you all out or I could always do the same" I whispered into his ear before I let him go, leaving him with his whines on how I will pay for what I've just done.

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