Chapter 11

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Catra's pov

"fucking hell when will she get her ass in here" I muttered to no one in particular, I was at the cafe over 3 hour. I wanted to be early because 1. Shadow weaver was being a bitch again hell I still feel that bruise on my back and 2.hangover, I took a sip from my 6th coffee of the day waiting for the blonde Jock Barbie and I'm really running low on patience waiting for her to get here.

I was about to stand up and leave until I saw the dumbass, and oh boy she looks like she been through hell "Adora over here" I waved, she looked at me with a smile as she slowly walkes towards me "hi Catra" she whispered as she sits down front of me, I handed her some if my coffee "here you need this more than me princess."

She took the coffee and downed it, I stared at her trying not to laugh when she jumps up screaming that it was hot, but I failed I laughed at her for being a complete dumb ass.

After that display of that fiasco, she got her own coffee and we sat there in silence "so...." she started before taking a deep breath, I let out a annoyed sigh "listen Adora that kiss was just in a moment thing no need to apologize, it was because we were both drunk, pissed and just frustrated thats all" I said while closing my eyes and crossing my arms "Catra I wasn't that drunk....Ok maybe I was little hit drunk but I meant it all, I meant what I've said and I meant that kiss" she said while rushing her words like an idiot.

I opened my one eye to stare at her before taking her hand in mine "Adora, you were just drunk ok? If you really meant it then why trying to hook up with Fuck face?" I questioned her, the old me would've been happy in this moment but that me is long gone under thick dark mist. I used to have a huge crush on her back when we were friends and maybe I still have this stupid crush but I won't open up my heart for someone who can easily break it "Catra...I only did that....Because you kinda hurt me when I saw...No more like learned that you were sleeping with other people for pleasure or money I just hated that fact especially when I like you" she whispered the last part but it was still loud enough for me to hear it "for how long?" I asked "for a while I guess I- " "Adora, I liked you for as long as I can remember and now you tell me this after a drunk fight" I laughed a little out of bitterness "you didn't even gave me the chance to tell you because lets see, after Mara's death you went with the preppy ass kids, dated Glitter bomb for two months, and don't forget you didn't even tried to talk to me after I said I don't want to sit with them" I stand up from my seat "sorrt but I'm not gonna let you give me a false hope so you can leave again"

Adora's pov

I watched as Catra walked away, what she said stabbed me then again what I did last night no these last years I was the asshole I hurt her as well, I felt my body was frozen at that moment "Adora why are you just sitting there? Go after her" my eyes widen, I just swore I heard her voice but I can't see her "Adora go!" I didn't sit for long I did as the voice told me to I ran out of the Cafe and tackled down Catra before she got onto her motorcycle "Listen Catra I know, I get it now I did hurt you, and I'm sorry that I did that and I want to fix this, I want to fix us" I cried out, her body was stiff at that moment but it loosened up a little bit "Adora....You're such an idiot" I was about to replied but then I felt her lips against my forehead, it was gentle odd enough "fine, I'll give you a chance but you have to be patient with me" shs whispered, I looked up at her "I will try but please don't sleep with anybody from this point" she gave me her trade mark grin "I promise I won't" I smiled when she said that when I let go of her "but our relationship have to be a secret" she said as she puts her helmet on "and it's nothing to do with your preppy group its to do with something personal" I closed my mouth, its like she knew I was about to ask why.

"alright, alright we can keep this a secret" I said as I tug my hands into my pockets, she then nods as she climbs onto her bike "well then will you go to a party with me then, next weekend the people we know won't be there" I let out a smile remember we used to do this long ago "sure but I won't promise that it won't be like the old times." "oh we'll see about that  princess~" she said in a mischievous voice, I  looked away and pouted "so bold for you to even think I'll be like that" she started her bike "well it's bold for you to assume that I care" she said before she drove off, I watched her drove off and smiled a little,I don't know if I'm happy or just relieved.

I started to walked slowly on my way to Glimmer's house, I want to see if she is dealing with the hangover well, after all her alcohol tolerance is just as bad as mine. While I was walking I whistle a old song that Catra used to play and sing to me when we were  acting like the cool kid, I closed my eyes as my mind went back on that voice, no mistaken it was Mara's voice but she is gone so why did I hear her voice still puzzled me.

I  was so deep in thought that I nearly walked into a car, or more like walking front of the car but a hand grabbed me and pulled me back, I let out a breath of relieve "Thank you" the stranger gave me a grin "no thanks needed darling after all I don't want blood to splatter on my new boots" I was looked at the person, they had green eyes and blondish hair I can't tell the sun was too bright or I'm still sensitive to the light "still, to whom to I owe the thanks" "Double Trouble but people just call me DT or my leash or the new star of the world in the world of theatre" they introduced me in a most dramatic way as possible "well um....Mam....Si-" they put their indext finger onto my lips "I'm none-binary darling don't call me a mam or a sir" I nodded as I moved back "ok well thank um enjoy your day" I waved as I walked away from them.

Don't get me wrong but they were creepy with that smile and with all that dramatics, to be honest something about them seemed off and I can't put my finger on it, I carried on walking to Glimmer's house.

DT's pov

I couldn't help but to grin ear to ear, I mean who would've thought I would've walked into the girl who broke kitten's heart, I can't wait to give my critics to her.

I stopped front of the house and gave it two knocks, I waited for while and just decided I'll just walk in, I picked the lock and slowly walked in hoping I won't see their lovely care taker. When I saw that tge ghost was clear I walked in up to Catra's room, and surprise surprise she wasn't here so I just started to clean her room, I mean it really looked like a tornado came in and had a party with it's friends and left, and maybe I will sneak in one or two good looking clothes for her after all this girl needs some style.

"what the actual fuck DT?" I turned my head and grinned "I'm cleaned your room for you kitten actually you shouldn't use that language on me" I said as I sat down on her been bag, she groaned while kicking her boots off "you know as much as I love you I fucking hate you aswell," "same goes here kitten."

I took out a bag of weed out of my bag and throw it to her "I anyway came her to give this to you" she caught the bag with a grin on her face "thanks! You're the best DT" I stand up and walked towards the door "I'll leave you with that oh but before I call, your taste in women makes me wonder if you have any braincells,I mean that Adora chick you had a crush on is a bit to soft core for you" before she could throw something at me I walked out as fast as I could, the last thing I want today is for her to mess up my hair and suit.

Catra's pov

I wanted to kill them at that moment, but I let it slide for once, I took out my phone for a bit, it made me smile a little

Adora: Catra about that party next weekend, I tought about it and I would like to sing that song we used fo sing when we were partying with Mara

Catra: sure princess just dress for the occasion 😉

Adora: fiiineeeee, you're such a meanie

I chuckled as I put my phone down and turned on my radio, playing some good metal, while I was enjoying the relaxation, my door slammed open "turn that shit down!" I looked at weaver and quickly switched it off, but that didn't helped she pinned me down onto the bed "now child I did warn you that if you play your music loudly I would punish you, but thank goodness somone is already here to do that" I could hear that wicked tone in her voice before I could say anything Ryan and his boys came in "she is all yours gentlemen, just remember to pay after you're done enjoy"

After that door closed there was no words I could describe what happened to me, all I could remember that I couldn't scream for help, no one would come and save me as well if I did Shadow Weaver would've made this worse all I could do was scream in silence as I kept in my tears.

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