Chapter 67

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Catra's pov

"I fucking hate you" I whispered to DT as we arrived at their old house, they let out a sadistic chuckle as they open the door "aw come on Kitten it'll only be a few minutes".

"Yea few minutes in a fucking pink poofy princess dress! You know I hate princesses and that bullshit". They shook their head slowly "it's either this or 900 dollers" I choked as they said 900 dollers, so I put on a fake grin as we walked  into the house "the dress it is! Where is the bathroom?"

"It's down the hallway over there, just hurry please" they said with that stupid grin on their face while they slicked their hair back. I nodded as I walked towards the hallway, funny enough there is no other doors except for that one door which is straight a head.

I let out a sigh asmy thoughts go to Adora, wondering what she is doing right now and if she is alright.

Adora's pov

"nooooo, not the blue ice white dragon!" I screamed out in horror as Netossa summoned her Blue Ice White Dragon "sorry Adora but you did asked for it, now it's game over!" she said loudly with a evil laugh.

I watched as my life points subtracts until it hits zero "since when did you become soo good at this game?" I askes as I cleaned up the table from my cards, Netossa smirks as as stares at her nails "Just hardwork and practice"

"Don't forget YouTube tutorials and that Bow taught you how to play the game!"

"Spinnyyyyyyt she didn't needed to know that!"

I let out a giggle as I put mycards back into it's flip file "so guys when high school end this year... Will you guys finally tie the knot?" Spinnerella looked at me from her book  "well that depends"

"depend on what?"

"well y-". "the truth is, she is scared I'll run away with my dream team and never look back" Netossa said witha chuckle, I shook my head knowing she was kidding around, Spinnerella rolled her eyes while smiling "stop being a goofball, you see Adora... It depends if we get accepted into college or not" I nodded as I look up at the ceiling.

"I see, so... What was that you want to go and study for?"

"for me personally, a therapist while Netossa over here wants to be a teacher" I looked at the two trying to keep in my laugh but failed miserably "sorry but Netossa as a teacher? I would feel so sorry for those kids"

"why is that? I'm a great person!"

"Oh trust me I don't doubt you're a great person but.... You would scar those poor kids, Remember the last time when Swifty didn't Listen to you? He got a whole huge red ball mark on his face" Netossa crossed her arms while rolling her eyes "he asked for it, I told him to think fast and catch the ball so that's his problem not mine" I let out a giggle, I stopped as I heard my phone' s notification sound, I took my phone out and opened the message

Catra<3: hey Adora~ Listen... I know you said we need a break. I understand why as well, I just want to check up on you and see if you were safe at Spin girl's house.... And... Well.... I want help so.... Maybe.... When the break is over maybe... I don't know talk about everything out?

Take care.

I let out a sigh, I'm still upset and angry with her, I really want to tell her to leave me alone but what stopped me was her concern if I was safe or not.

Adora: I'm safe and sound don't worry, and maybe..... And you should take care and behave thanks.

I put my phone back into my pocket, I stood up from my seat "guys, I'm going out for a walk..see you guys in a bit" I said and quickly walked out side.

"Adora, Adora.. Sweet Adora" I turned my headas I saw her, the girl who Catra cheated on me with, she walked slowly towards me with a camera "so, we finally meet captian of the football team"

Catra's pov

"come one princess Catarina, you gotta drink some tea" I let out a groan as I try not to kill DT's sister "It's Catra, and no thanks, I don't like tea".

"Catarina sounds way more princess like though" she said pouting, I rolled my eyes "fine, but no tea got it? How about coffee instead?" I asked, she shook her head slowly "no, Coffee is bad".

I swear this kid never gaveme a break except when she needed to go to the bathroom moments ago, which thankfully gave me enough time to text Adora.

"fine fine.... Then water"

"ok, water it is Princess Catarina" she said with so much enthusiasm, I took in a deep breath prying that DT is shows up already.

"Um Princess Catarina... Your phone is ringing" Flatterrina said as she held up my phone, I grabbed it quick and answered it "Hi?"


"Adora, hey.... Um ho-"

"Catra....Listen....I think we shouldn't see each other anymore"

My heary sunk as she said that, I slowly felt my anxiety building up.

"Adora.... Listen.... If it's about sending that text after you said we need a break I'm sorry"

"no.... I thought things through.... You're not........ I just don't think we'll work out, please....don't ever talk or contact me again". Before I could say any else she hung up,I looked at my phone and tried calling her but all I got was that she blocked my number.

I felt tears slowly running down my cheek "Flatterrina, sorry but.... Can we stop for now... I need to go, it's urgent"

She nodded slowly as I quickly rushed out of the house ignoring that I have this stupid dress on, I sunk down onto my knees as I let my tears out.

"Kitten! Kitten!  Whats wrong?" I look up af DT who was finally here "Adora....she..... She... She fuck left me.... Again.... And I think it's for good this time"

"shhhhhh, lets go back to my place and then I'll make some suger water while we talk ok?" all I could manage was to nod at them while they helped me up and lead me back to their car.

Adora's pov

"Happy?" asked Clairy, she nodded while grinning at me "very, now be a good jock and go run around a field or something" she said as she walked away, I  felt horrible for what I just did, but at the same time I felt relieved that more of Clairy's video's won't go out to the internet.

I sat down slowly as I hugged my knees and let out some silent tears before sending Swift Wind a message

Adora: Swifty, I just.... I just did a horrible thing, please let Catra know that it was Clairy, let her know that I'm sorry.

I looked at my screen and only see 'swifty typing', after while when he finally replied, my eyes widen "no..." I whispered to myself.

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