Chapter 23

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I opened my eyes, and let out a painful groan "how much did I drink last night" I rubbed my eyes before looking at Adora, she was still fast asleep, I let out a smile and leaned in closer but then my eyes caught on the time "oh fuck shit!! Adora wake up!"I shouted while shaking her awake, she let out a groan "5 more minutes." "We don't have time for it, we only have an hour before school starts!" she quickly sat up with her eye wide "Shit  lets hurry up!!!!" we both jumped out of bed and  dressed into fresh close, we skipped breakfast and straight up ran to my bike "so who will be driving?" "me since it's my bike" she was about to say something but stopped when I glared at her "not negotiable Adora" she nodded and climbed on the back after I've climbed onto my bike, when we both were ready we rushed to school, I think I'll be sitting with my 200th speed ticket at this point and to be honest I don't care.

When we reached the school we both ran to our homeroom with only a minute to spare, Ms Hope looks at us from her desk "Just in time you two, I was about to mark you absent since well Glimmer told me about what happened" when she said sparkle's name Adora flinched for some reason she looked really uncomfortable "you two may take your seat" we nodded as we both walked up to our seats, when we sat down I leaned in "Adora is everything alright?" I whispered, she looks at me before looking at Sparkles and them and then back at me "Catra, I don't know how to explain this, but they know someone sendes a video of you dealing drugs and something else" I looked at her and was about to ask something  but then she placed her phone into my hand "you can see for yourself I didn't sent it"

I looked at her before taking in a deep breath "Adora, I trust you, I just wanna look at the video" she nodded and looked away when I was about to watch the video, I felt like absolutely shit that video showed how I was major hoe back then, but what finally hit me was when there was a part where I had to beat that one kid up I switched off her phone and looked at her, she turned to look at me, she tried to look strong with her fake smile but to be honest it just shows that she is really close to breaking down. No one knew that I would go that far, to beat up some random person now that I think about it I really didn't deserved her and I really didn't wanted her to know that part of me sure she found out that I was a slut but now she saw how violent and uncontrolled I can be.

Adora's pov

After Homeroom was done me and Catra went to our classes, and went through the whole day without talking, I even went to football practice without really telling her, I just felt like she needed space after seeing that our friends finally knows what Catra had been up to, after practice we all met up at the only place we all could talk privately and that was at Netossa and Spinnerella's house since they lived alone. Spinnerella put some snacks down for use while everyone looked at me and Catra, the silence was growing more and mlre uncomfortable until finally Mermista spoke up "so you're like a actual gangster?" Catra nodded before she answered "yes, but it isn't something I'm proud of, nor did I wanted everyone to know about my life" Glimmer let out a scoff "sure, it's not like you or your friends made it clear that you're dangerous" I was about to step up for Catra but she puts her hand ontop of mine  "Because the gang that I'm involved in is dangerous, look if you want the truth I will gladly tell you the truth but then you must promise to act natural" everyone nodded and gave her their word that they would, she then took in a deep breath and closed her eyes "so, my care taker got me to join after I was a brat and not trying to well hang with you guys, so after I joined I had fun until when we had to deak with drugs and everything, so I got a job at the bright Mechanics, they don't expect me to be there alot because they know that I'm part of the Horde. My main part was to be a drug dealer, slut and finally someone who beats the crap out of people who owns us, now since the first day of schools Adora found out and Ryan wanted Adora to hate me because I fucked his girlfriend when he saw that didn't work he went to my care taker and she allowed him and his friends to......" she stopped as her breath to hitched a little with fear while I felt her shaking  "she allowed them to rape me, and then I went to Adora and well things took a turn they want Adora just because she was Related to Mara."

The whole room went silence after that, I held onto Catra when I felt her shaking was getting worse "do you expect us to believe that" everyone stared at Glimmer "you have no proof of what you're saying nor can you pro-" before she could finished Catra rolled up her Jacket to show her scars "see this sparkle, this is only the minimum what my care taker did to me and yea sure some of them is my own doing because it made me feel better after I got used to the abuse" she then rolled down her sleeve "I still don't believe you! I mean look at that video you were like a rappid animal!" I finally had enough and stood up and slapped Glimmer across the face, everyone was shocked even Glimmer didn't expect that "That's enough Glimmer, you're spoused to be a good person and friend? What happend? Is it because you just can't forgive Catra?!" she was about to answer me but then Mermista  spoke out "guys can you just not start a fight, remember last time we had a fight in here? Netossa nearly literally threw us out."

"and I will do it if you guys fight like barbarians" Netossa said whike crossing her arms, I let out a sigh and nodded "ok, I'll calm down" I said before sitting next to Catra again "Glim, I think Catra is telling the truth, I mean Adora did look so stressed out lately" Bow said while he chewed on some popcorn, Glimmer was still shocked at that slap but she then came over it and closed her eyes "ok assume this I true why didn't you guys said anything to my mom?" "well I can answer that, you see....We can't give you names out of your safety but....There is two people running this operation and what Catra told me that the two of the is working for someone way more dangerous" I said before closing my eyes "the thing is we don't know what they're capable of and if they know you know they'll be after you too"

Bow's pov

I nodded as I'm starting to understand the situation "I see, well I trust you guys to do the right thing but just know no matter how bad it gets we are with you guys no matter what" Adora let out a smile before giving me a tight hug,I hugged her back after I let go I took Glimmer's hand "Guys give us a minute I just want to have a chat with Glim"

I dragged Glimmer out side before looking at her "Glim listen I know you don't like Catra and I get that she is one of many reasons why you Adora didn't work out but....You're with me now and I think you're being well a bitch" Glimmer looks at me for a moment "I know, I know I'm being a bitch and I know I should be happy for them being together but deep down I'm still hurt Bow, don't get me wrong I love you but it still kinda hurts" I lift her chin up "just try Glim just try be supportive and be happy for Adora, and kets try our best to help they through this tough time" she nodded before giving me a gentle peck "I'll try."

Catra's pov

After everything that was said and done, and surprisingly Sparkles apologized to me after Bow and she walked back in, rest of the time we all just hang and gotten to know eachother for real this time, me and Adora went back home, she wanted to see Swift Wind but by the time we finished up explaining to everyone the truth about that video the visiting hourse ended. We both sat on the couch, I moved closer and kissed her cheek "hey, thank you again for standing up for me" she let out a smile and pulled me into a embrace "I would gladly do that again but I just want to know, why were you so violent to that kid" I looked away in shame "well I had a bad day and he owed the gang alot of cash, I can't remember what he said but then I lost it, what I find frightening that I actually enjoyed his pain"

Adora layed her head onto my lap and looked up at me "well I don't think you did, I think you're tricking yourself to believe that so it'll be easier to do all those stuff" I was about to argue with her but stopped when my phone started to ring, I let out a annoyed growl before  picking it up "hello?"

"Kitten, we have big trouble" I looked down at Adore before asking "What type of trouble" DT sounded a bit scared and it's rare for them to be scared "Just say Kitten, the trouble we're in huge, just turn on the TV"

I did as they as, me and Adora both felt out hearts dropped into our stomach what we saw was terrifying  what the news Reporter had to say

"Incident at Bright Moon High, three teens been killed, two been shot and one been stabbed multiple time" the pictures of the students were no other than Ryan, Chad and Zane. Me and Adora looked at eachother knowing exactly who could've done this "Hordak" we both said at the same time while staring at eachother with fear on what might come next.

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