Chapter 45

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Adora's pov

Two weeks had passed since Catra woke up, everyday she is getting better with her physical Therapy, and everyday I made sure I was on time to be in that forsaken house. DT never even came back to me with so called plan to take down Shadow Weaver and it bothers me, why telling me they have a plan but doesn't even try to come and contact me about it.

I let out a sigh as everything rush through my mind while I'm trying to do my homework "Adora?" I looked at my door and smiled "Hi Scorpia come in" she nodded as she walked in "um listen, I have a question....You know about Catra's condition" I let out a chuckle "oh right I almost forgot, one more week, if everything goes well she will discharge but she still have to go for those exercises" I said, Scorpia nods, she then handed me a piece of paper "DT asked me to give this to you" she said before walking out of my room, I looked at her confused before shaking my head and open the note up.

"So, tonight try to meet me at the rose garden, trust me you won't regret it~"

I let out a groan before tearing up the paper and took a lighter to burn each piece, I mean after all can't be too careful with this crazy ass lady in the house.

All I have to do is wait until 7pm, maybe I can make an excuse why I'm going out maybe....

Catra's pov

"Come on Catra you know you can't go and kill her" I let out a scoff while I glared at the crop top boy "why the fuck not?!" he let out a sigh while he shook his head "like I said two weeks ago, yes she did us all wrong, yes she have a huge damn crush on Adora but she is still a human being! And I doubt Adora wants you to go to pridon!" I let out a growl while I crosses my arms "No offence Crop-Top, but last time I check your psycho short ass sparkly Barney had it for me, and oh let's nkt forget " I said before throwing my hands in the air "she is the reason why I'm in this fucking place!! Reason why My girlfriend is in death or life situation!!!" I shouted, he looked at me before tearing up "I know....And I'm sorry what she did, I honestly...."

"don't you even finish that, sorry but when I'm out of here I'm dragging her down" I said before closing my eyes, if it wasn't for the hospital rules and all the shit I would've already walked out of this place, hunt Sparkles down and rip het limps apart, piece by piece while I feed them to a zoo lion or something "to be fair I'm with Catra in this one" Swift Wind said while he took a bite from his fruit roll, everyone was shocked at his words, even me "wait....You are with me with this one?!" he nods slowly "yea I am" he said with almost no emotion.

"I think Swift Wind is finally broken guys" Netossa said while she and Spinnerella were playing cards with Frosta.Before anybody could say anything the door opened revealing Adora, she stopped and stared at everyone for a moment "oh um I'll be back lat-" "oh no, you're staying here" I said in a stern voice, she flinched slightly before turning around again "ok, fine" she said while she slowly walked in up to me.

She took in a deep breath "I'm Just here to tell you something" she leaned in and whispered in my heat, I nodded slowly before I pulled her in for a gentle kiss  "just be safe" I whispered she grinned at me before nodding, as she was leaving Swift Wind wanted to stop her, but Netossa held him back "I don't think that's a good idea" I nodded "yea don't worry, she is going to someone I know" I said "and who might that be?" Swift Wind asked, I then looked at everyone before grinning "well to my good old friend DT, but now I want to let you all on what we are planning"

Adora's pov

I rushed to the Rose Garden after I told Catra that I was meeting up with DT, as I walked into the Garden I saw DT standing there with, Mara? And three people I didn't even know,well one of them looks familiar but just can't put my finger on it "I'm here " I said as I stopped front of them  "took you long enough, now about that plan" they said with a grin, I was about to question them but then I the weird looks guy took out cuffs and cuffed my hands "DT! What's going on!" I said while I tried to fight off this man.

"Adora, calm down this is part of the plan" Mara said, I looked at her with fear and confusion "what do you mean this is part of the plan!" DT walked closer while they took out a lollipop and put it into their mouth "well, you see we made this plan with Kitten, the plan was to get Shadow Weaver at the hospital, for and ambush" they said, my eyes widen as they said that, I elbowed the guy, and before I could even Run one of women tackled me down "let me gooooooo"

"Can not do" she said with a grin "are you ok there Lucas?" the guy who I tackled nodded "Yes I am Raven, Mara you could've warned me that your baby sis have your fucking hulk strength" Mara shrugged at him "sorry?" "Mara! DT! Let me go please Shadow Weaver is going to kill her!!"

"have Faith in her Darling,trust me this was planned, it's not like we only made this up early in the morning" they said before taking a seat.

Catra's pov

Everyone finally left, and I hope this plan does work out, I do still have my doubts but this seemed like the only plan that could work, besides if I do manage to die today atleast I gave Adora one last kiss.

"still useless as ever I see" I couldn't help but to grin "Still giving out those pep talks uh Shadow Weaver" she slowly walked up to me and manage to land in a slap across my face  "didn't you learn by now to respect me?" I let out a chuckle ignoring the fact that my cheek is stinging from her slap "what can I say, I don't learn because I'm such a bad girl" I said the last part with the highest pich I can master, she then grabbed my throat and pulled me out of my bed "you're such a pathetic waste of oxygen and space!! I don't know why I had to kill your parents back then" as she brought up my parents, I slowly started to glared at her "you did what" I asked under my breath, she gave me a grin "oh, didn't I tell you? I killed your parents!"

In that moment I froze, forgetting about the plan, I used some of my strength and grabbed her throat tightly, she stared at me for a second before slamming my body as quick ad possible so I could let go, as I she was freed from my gribbed she then took out a knife "well I guess today is my lucky day to get rid of you once and for all!" she said as she aimed the knife at me before thrusting it towards me "CATRA!!!!!!!!"

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